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Grant Morrison & Rob Liefeld leaving DC.

Batman inc. run wraps up at issue 12 & Action Comics wrapping up at #16. There are other side projects like "Multivisity" that is apparently eight issues coming out whenever at some point in the future.


Rob Liefeld follows suit to work on creator owned comics in the near future.

So what are your thoughts.



  • DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    random73 said:

    I'll start out by playing my dick card and say, "Hurray for superhero comics!'

  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    Well a Morrison free Batman universe is a much better universe in my opinion so bring out the party dip. Seriously though, his Superman work is pretty good. I wonder who will replace him on Action #17.

  • davefaustdavefaust Posts: 24
    There's a whole lot to disagree with in this thread.
  • DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    davefaust said:

    There's a whole lot to disagree with in this thread.

    Don't leave us hanging, man! Spill!

  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    Any chance he can undo everything he add to Batman since 2006?!!

  • rebisrebis Posts: 1,820
    Wow! With Marvel's "squishy" boot and Morrison's exit from Superhero comics, my pull list will go from short to non-existant.

    Morrison's Batman is the best handling of the character since O'Neil & Adams.
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited July 2012
    I've loved most of Morrison on Batman; I loved his Animal Man and Doom Patrol; I loved his New X-Men; I loved all of 52; I loved All Star Superman; loved a lot of his Justice League; liked his Action but not enough to stick with it; both enjoyed and was frustrated by Final Crisis; and as much as I have dug having Batman Inc. back, it's fun, it seems like his strongest Batman stories have already been told.

    So, all in all, if this frees him up to do more of his own thing, then I am all for that. So I see this as good news. May it result in another thing as strong and distinctive as The Invisibles.
  • VashVash Posts: 12
    I did not realize there was so much dislike for Morrison on Batman titles.
  • SolitaireRoseSolitaireRose Posts: 1,445
    Vash, it's weird how there are people who hate it on the internet, but it sells like crazy. Me, I've loved his Batman run, and ranks up with the classics to me. The fused the best of the 50's, 60's and 70's Batman into something new, and opened up the character.

    I am not surprised he's leaving super-hero comics, since he's been writing them since 1987. 25 years, and he has a handful of creator owned works? As we've talked about on the forums here, a LOT of creators are looking at the Kirby lawsuit, Before Watchmen and saying, "I need to own my work"...and just leaving. I'm excited to see what Grant will do without having to worry about editorial making him interrupt his stories or tying into big crossovers.
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    Glad to see he is leaving on good terms. It leaves the door open for a big return down the road.
  • Eric_CEric_C Posts: 263
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    To bad rubbish.
  • NickNick Posts: 284
    I am not the biggest fan of his work, but I think the name calling is a little childish isn't it? Just because YOU don't like his work doesn't mean we all have to steep to "I Hate him!! He sucks!"

    Anyways....glad he can move onto other projects. It seems like more and more creator owned is the path many people are taking. It's good for everyone, the creators, and in a way new creators that may get an opportunity at the Big 2.
  • LibraryBoyLibraryBoy Posts: 1,803
    Whether I like a given Morrison book or not, at least he's always interesting. I've been excited by some and confused or even annoyed by others, but I've never been bored. Everyone should have a track record like that.
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    Nick said:

    I am not the biggest fan of his work, but I think the name calling is a little childish isn't it? Just because YOU don't like his work doesn't mean we all have to steep to "I Hate him!! He sucks!"

    Anyways....glad he can move onto other projects. It seems like more and more creator owned is the path many people are taking. It's good for everyone, the creators, and in a way new creators that may get an opportunity at the Big 2.

    This made me laugh, sincerely. We're grown men who collect comic books and play with toys...of course were childish! Just kidding. I know a lot of folks like ole Grant. And frequently in geek circles admitting you're not a fan of Morrison is greeted in the same way a standing up in church and sayingJesus does... Unpleasant things to goats.... Just absolute blasphemy. So I admit. I happily took the cheap shot. It really is a conversation I typically avoid because everyone thinks I just havn't read the right thing yet...and my response, I suppose, is how much crap do I have to wade through before my opinion is considered legitimate. I do not like Grant Morrison. I like him co-writing with Mark Waid because I think Waid grounds him a little bit. I liked 52 but I had 3 or 4 other guys working on that too. Batman an Robin? Nope didn't like it, gave it 12 issues, didn't like it. JLA? Understand the joy of seeing the big 7 didn't like the writing. I could go on but there's no need.
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited July 2012
    @random73 I can only judge by my experience on this forum over the years, but I have found that bashing Morrison is actually far more typical and less 'a brave and solo stand against the crowd' as you are suggesting. The cheap shots have outweighed the reverence (to use your terms), at least as far as I have seen.

    To use your metaphor, especially during things like Final Crisis, the the "blasphemer" was actually the person that didn't hate it. Now, of course, there are those who love and will defend everything Morrison does. And, sure, you may never convince that person just as they will never convince you.

    But they are not the crowd. I think, at least in the Internet fan circles I have seen, the crowd is actually largely on your side. (Even if the sales charts often tell a different story)

    Which is not to say you can't hate what you hate. Of course you can. But I think it is a little too late to call cheap shots against Morrison some sort of lonely or blasphemous stand against the prevailing opinion. At least not around here. Especially about his DC superhero work. That time has long passed. Those of us who have liked Morrison's superhero work, especially things like Final Crisis, may be long-winded in our opinions. But, trust me, we didn't have the numbers on our side. At least, not around here.

  • spidspid Posts: 203
    I never liked his concept of Batman so I skipped it. I read the first issue of Action and did not like that at all. So I wish him luck in his future endeavors.
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    @ David_D I'm still relatively new to the forums but in my LCS and general human type folks Morrison definately has his fans, thats why i feel like the minority.

    "brave and solo stand against the crowd" that sounds a little more heavy handed than i was shooting for.

    "Hate what you Hate". I don't like the guys storytelling. I don't want him to get hit by a truck or anything.

  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited July 2012
    random73 said:

    @ David_D I'm still relatively new to the forums but in my LCS and general human type folks Morrison definately has his fans, thats why i feel like the minority.

    "brave and solo stand against the crowd" that sounds a little more heavy handed than i was shooting for.

    "Hate what you Hate". I don't like the guys storytelling. I don't want him to get hit by a truck or anything.

    And of course I know you don't wish the man dead. But I think dismissing him as so much bad rubbish might qualify as hating his work. At least in the Internet sense of the word. Perhaps we'll change it to 'call rubbish what you think is rubbish'.

    As for whether I am being heavy handed, I mean, let's be fair- youre choosing to call disliking Morrisons work blaspheming in a church. We were already into an exaggerated place of Morrison fans are cast as worshipers in that metaphor.

    And I agree he has his fans, he certainly sells books. I am just saying that you dont have to worry-, especially remembering back to the way Final Crisis was received on the forums, or even how this thread is going so far, you will find plenty of support for your opinion.
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    *shrugs* Okay. I'me not a Morrison fan but I am a big supporter of @David_D and i have absolutely no desire to argue or fight with you. i apologize.
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    @random73 Sorry, I am coming on stronger about this than is necessary. I think it is an old pet peeve of mine back from the Final Crisis days that is before your time and not worth going into. My apologies. My main point is that should you never worry about whether or not your opinion goes against the tide. But also that when it comes to Morrison, you may find that the tide goes differently here than in your LCS.
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    No Worries! :D
  • KrescanKrescan Posts: 623
    From what I've read of Morison (The last Batman INC and recently All-Star Superman) He has really good stories but leaves out about 5-10 pages from each one.

    At least that's what it seems like to me, and I also have a theory that it's because his stories are pretty good if you can piece together what's not there that it makes you feel like you accomplished something while everyone else is screaming "emperor morrison isn't wearing clothes"

    Maybe they can get Perez back on superman now.
  • dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    Morrison is hit and miss with me. I love his runs on Animal Man,Doom Patrol and his creator owned stuff. But hated his work on Superman and Batman.
  • KyleMoyerKyleMoyer Posts: 727
    There have only been a few Grant Morrison super hero runs where I've read his entire run and they seem to follow a pattern. They start off strong, but as they go on, they get harder to follow and the last arc usually seems to me to be too much crammed into what ends up being a non-cohesive story. My personal theory on that is that Grant Morrison has too many ideas and he tries to cram them all into his stories a mile a minute rather than picking a few ideas and nurturing them. Someone else said that they like him with a co-writer because it grounds him and I think I can see that going along with what I've said here in a sense.

    His original stuff isn't always the same, but I'm referring to his super hero stuff.
  • elkinscselkinscs Posts: 40
    I never really got him. Other than All-Star Superman, I always feel like he is being convoluted for the point of being convoluted. Not to mention there are things going on off-panel that he never lets you in on. People say he's one of the greats and I take them at their word, but it's not my cup of tea. May jump back on Action after he leaves.
  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    edited July 2012

    Rob Liefeld follows suit to work on creator owned comics in the near future.

    So what are your thoughts.


    Thread is retitled David D.
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    Re: the thread title

    I doubt Liefeld is also leaving superheroes. He is just leaving DC, probably to do more properties he owns, which I would guess will be mostly superheroes.
  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    edited July 2012
    Ok and that is two down & out. It isn't two Christmases in the same week but damn close. One more news event like this & I can call it the best comic year ever since Mark Waid's run on Daredevil started last year.


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