I think they should go back and read the original Bill Everett and Wally Wood issues. Then, I think they should take a good, hard look at what Mark Waid is doing today. Not to knock Frank Miller's work, but I always thought his DD was darker than it really needed to be; not enough swashbuckler in it.
Im just worried how he will fit with the current marvel universe on the big screen. Can they get the tone right enough that it suits the both Daredevil and all the other heroes? I don't want to see a watered down version, but at the same time can Hell's Kitchen be portrayed as it should be in parallel to The Avengers movie?
I doubt they will go this way, but I would love them to keep him as separate from the other Marvel Studio properties as possible, and just show us how the people that know Daredevil would make a Daredevil movie.
I personally have enjoyed Daredevil best when he is allowed to do his own thing and have stories that have their own street level, noir-and-martial-arts tone. I don't need a Daredevil movie with Nick Fury in it. But, we'll see.
There's always been those issues of continuity in the comics. During the big battle in the Avengers would Daredevil show up to lend a hand or he could have just stayed in Hell's Kitchen and protect people ther? He's a street level hero and since SHIELD lost credibility with the Avengers I don't think he would have to do their bidding.
I don't think they will handle him at the moment. A few months ago Kevin Feige was saying how Marvel was currently content with Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, X-Men, Fantastic Four and Daredevil being at Sony and Fox. He said even if they were to reclaim those properties, they wouldn't be able to utilize them for a numbers of years due to the long list of projects they currently have lined up.
As of now, Marvel Studios has Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man. That's 6 franchises, with Doctor Strange, Black Panther and and any number of other characters serving as potential franchises.
Out of all the properties Marvel Studios could've reclaimed, I honestly don't think Daredevil was the top priority. He's a great character, but I don't think he fits what they're currently building.
If anything, this may get him back in animation. For some reason, the character hasn't been on an animated series since an episode of Spider-Man in 1996. Maybe he'll show up in Avengers Assemble or season 2 of Ultimate Spider-Man.
I could see Marvel start to build a street level movie universe with Daredevil at it's center. Black Widow would be a great addition to the movies. Does Marvel have the rights to Iron Fist and Punisher?
I know Spidey is not in the running right now but to have Hornhead, Castle and Spidey in the same movie would be a geekgasm. And I absolutely agree with @rebis that Power-man and Iron Fist need some Heroes for Hire cinematic love.
@random73 it's funny that you would mention Heroes for Hire. Last night I was thinking about the Abnett & Lanning book and how cool it would be translated to the silver screen.
@random73 it's funny that you would mention Heroes for Hire. Last night I was thinking about the Abnett & Lanning book and how cool it would be translated to the silver screen.
I think it would translate wonderfully to a TV format. you wouldn't need a crazy FX budget and could enteract with all kinds of other marvel characters. they have been talking lately about a Marvel movie universe TV show and i imagine they would go with the inner workings of SHIELD but i would geek out over H for H.
@random73 it's funny that you would mention Heroes for Hire. Last night I was thinking about the Abnett & Lanning book and how cool it would be translated to the silver screen.
I think it would translate wonderfully to a TV format. you wouldn't need a crazy FX budget and could enteract with all kinds of other marvel characters. they have been talking lately about a Marvel movie universe TV show and i imagine they would go with the inner workings of SHIELD but i would geek out over H for H.
Your right! That would be great television! You know what they could do is use 2 seasons of episodes to build toward the summer blockbuster. Marry the tv and movie universes together.
It seems as if the final arc that was pitched to Fox was based on Miller's Born Again. Born Again is pretty much my all-time top superhero comic arc. Not only is it an amazing Daredevil tale, but honestly, until Brubaker came to the scene, it was the defining characterization of Captain America.
If they make a Born Again arc for film sometime, and I'm a bit skeptical of the media translation, it needs to have Cap. On that front alone, I'm glad DD is back in Marvel's hands.
I think that if the Punisher TV project goes forward, DD being a part of the series would be the best idea, since it was Punisher's appearances in DD back int he early 80's that set the tone for the heyday of the character (especially since Shooter's dictate was that Punisher had to be crazy and shoot up jaywalkers...no lie). They are almost a perfect mirror of each other when done correctly.
Just don't try and make something similar to nOlan's batman flicks. I mean, with all the shit that has happened to DD through the years, scriptwriters will probably mine those, in trying to come up with a storyline...
Don't do Elektra immediately is my suggestion because you need to give Daredevil a chance to stand on his own. I understand the importance of that storyline but I'd like to see him beyond that.
The Marvel reaquisition of Daredevil and Punisher would allow for the establishment of a Marvel Knights imprint. Also, we can have a Daredevil / Black widow connection.
I just hope that when a movie does get made, we get an appearance by Black Widow as a nod to the Daredevil and Black Widow days.
I doubt they will go this way, but I would love them to keep him as separate from the other Marvel Studio properties as possible, and just show us how the people that know Daredevil would make a Daredevil movie.
I personally have enjoyed Daredevil best when he is allowed to do his own thing and have stories that have their own street level, noir-and-martial-arts tone. I don't need a Daredevil movie with Nick Fury in it. But, we'll see.
As of now, Marvel Studios has Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man. That's 6 franchises, with Doctor Strange, Black Panther and and any number of other characters serving as potential franchises.
Out of all the properties Marvel Studios could've reclaimed, I honestly don't think Daredevil was the top priority. He's a great character, but I don't think he fits what they're currently building.
If anything, this may get him back in animation. For some reason, the character hasn't been on an animated series since an episode of Spider-Man in 1996. Maybe he'll show up in Avengers Assemble or season 2 of Ultimate Spider-Man.
Black Widow would be a great addition to the movies. Does Marvel have the rights to Iron Fist and Punisher?
If they make a Born Again arc for film sometime, and I'm a bit skeptical of the media translation, it needs to have Cap. On that front alone, I'm glad DD is back in Marvel's hands.
The Marvel reaquisition of Daredevil and Punisher would allow for the establishment of a Marvel Knights imprint. Also, we can have a Daredevil / Black widow connection.