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Over-rated comics

With the Watchmen discussion and reading some "best" lists on other sites, I feel like it should be OK for us to talk about comics that are held in high regard that maybe shouldn't be. Not to slag off on them, but to discuss WHY we feel they aren't as good as people believe or to have someone convince us that we are wrong.

For me, the first one that comes to mind if Spider-Man Reign. Over on Comics Should Be Good, this is listed as one of the 50 best Spider-Man stories and my reaction was "You have to be kidding!" Even if you gloss over the pure silliness of how Mary Jane died, it's a near slavish retelling of Dark Knight in the Spider-Man world. The story doesn't hold together and descends in the the whiny aspect of Peter's character so much that I just didn't like him. In a story like this, you show the hero at his lowest ebb and how he builds himself back up and I never once got the feeling that he had built h8imself back up....just that he was pushed to a conclusion.

Someone want to change my mind?


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    random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    Not really. I was really excited for Reign to come out and it was okay but not brilliant.

    Things other geeks seem to think are phenomenal that I just don't get generally involve Grant Morrison. With Marc Waid to ground him I can tolerate Morrison but left to his own devises I lose interest.
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    ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    Well, I'm not one to shy away from potential ire so I'll bite ;)

    Batman Year One (this may be my biggest rift universally among other comic fans, I really don't like it at all)
    Watchmen (ftr I actually do like the book, I just don't think it is what it is hyped to be)
    Maus (again I actually enjoy it a lot)
    Preacher (I know this must signal a deficiency in me)
    American Flagg (not a thing for me)
    Strangers in Paradise (ditto)
    Sandman (I like this but it has never inspired me to own massive HC tomes for hundreds of dollars in the least bit)
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    John_SteedJohn_Steed Posts: 2,087
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    TheMarvelManTheMarvelMan Posts: 159
    @TheMarvelMan : I marvel at you
    Suddenly, I'm somewhat aroused...
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    TheMarvelManTheMarvelMan Posts: 159
    Oops. Did I just type that out loud?
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    ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    I never saw anything at all here about bashing art or whatever that was all supposed to mean. Critique is part of art. There is nothing at all wrong with the question or discussion.
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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    I thought it was consensus that people laughed at Spider-Man: Reign.

    MJ dies from radioactive semen. Radioactive semen.

    And doesn't he kiss her corpse?
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    batlawbatlaw Posts: 879
    I really love, like or had liked at the time everything Im about to list.
    Both Watchmen and DKR to some extent. Both are GREAT, but each has become an institution beyond their worthyness in my humble opinion.
    Grant Morrisons Batman of recent years. The praise for this just blows my mind.
    Crisis on Infinite Earths.
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    random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    edited June 2012
    TheMarvelMan! Glad to know I can form an independent thought. I'm going to assume that is complementary. You definately made me laugh out loud though, so I guess that means I don't have to punch you in the mouth. :)

    I'll ask a question about the groups take on things. I tried to read The Boys early on, issue 3 or so, and honestly couldn't stomach it. the justice league analogs whatever they were called we're gang raping some newbie kid and I was done. Don't get me wrong I love the deconstruction of the superhero genre, but I'm not old enough to be reading that. And really while I'm on the rant it kind of bothers me that retail bookstores like Barnes and Nobles don't have it wrapped in plastic. I'm truthfully not a prude but I don't think a ten year old should be able to just pick that up off a shelf.
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    ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    The Boys doesn't offend me as far as that goes, it just did nothing for me... that is definitely one I could add to my list as well. I'm not a big Ennis fan regardless but that was a book I bought because so many people raved about it and I just scratched my head.
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    dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200

    Sandman (I like this but it has never inspired me to own massive HC tomes for hundreds of dollars in the least bit)
    Completely agree about Sandman. When it was coming out I loved it,thought it was the best comic I had ever read. But to me it hasn't aged well. I sold off my single issues years ago.

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    dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    Hush-I don't understand how anyone can call this a great Batman story. The artwork is meh,and the story feels like something a bored fanboy came up with in 7th grade study hall.

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    LibraryBoyLibraryBoy Posts: 1,803
    Never been able to get into Preacher at all. Everyone talks about the mature storytelling, but I don't think huge amounts of sex, violence, and swearing automatically make things mature. Just the opposite, in fact.

    Never really understood the huge cult following for Fables, either. I mean, it's decent, but it never excited me a whole lot beyond the James Jean covers (those are worth getting excited about). I picked up the trades from the library but lost interest 3 or 4 in. Same with Y The Last Man.
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    kfreemankfreeman Posts: 314
    I never understood all the hype with Mouse Guard. It never did anything for me.

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    bustybusty Posts: 104
    Anything by Jeph leob,he must have some intimate pics of people to get the artists he does.
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    ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    Can people stop with the dislikes? Just discuss what you want to say, the whole thread and other's like it by nature will involve things people dislike/disagree with... that's the point. Try communicating instead of hitting the buttons.

    Fables - I enjoy it but I don't love it. I've had a hard time wanting to keep buying the deluxe HCs but the story always does enough (just enough) to draw me back at some point.

    Mouse Guard - Pretty much the same with Fables. I actually really enjoy it but my draw initially was purely the art, I have eventually come around on the story and like it a lot more than Fables generally though. I still adore the art, it is in my top graphic novel shelf as a result. I do often think I could write a better/cooler story with the amazing world laid out and I've played the RPG and seen some really creative stuff... better than the source material actually.
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    BetaRayBenBetaRayBen Posts: 50
    @Libraryboy: you and I have had the EXACT same experience with Fables. I checked it out from the library, too. I liked the idea of it more than the actual book. I got about four trades in.
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    BetaRayBenBetaRayBen Posts: 50
    @Zhurrie: totally agree about Sandman. I love the book and it's one of my all time faves, but I can't see shelling out that much for those HC's.
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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    edited June 2012
    I thought it was consensus that people laughed at Spider-Man: Reign.

    MJ dies from radioactive semen. Radioactive semen.

    And doesn't he kiss her corpse?
    Spider-Man, Spider-Man does whatever a spider can.

    Is he strong? Listen, Sherm, he's got radioactive sperm.

    Look out! (No, seriously, LOOK OUT!) Here comes the Spider-Man!
    I like the cut of your jib.
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    Sandman remains strong to me. You guys are cray-cray.

    Maus is a big offender. I've read it three times. I don't see it being high literature, or a well told story.
    Hush was a mess. Total fubar.

    Dark knight strikes back was worse than deliberately bad, but no one accuses it of being good. Just wanted to say it.

    Rocketeer. Mind blowing art. Infantile story.

    Crisis holds up well too.
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    dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    Sandman remains strong to me. You guys are cray-cray.

    Dark knight strikes back was worse than deliberately bad, but no one accuses it of being good. Just wanted to say it.

    I love DKSB.

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    random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    I havn't gone back to re-read the Sandman stuff but remember for a good decade in the mid-late 90's into the turn of the century Sandman, probably even more so than Watchmen, was the book non-comic collectors, collected. Folks that couldn't care less about any other comic property latched onto Gaiman's stuff like it was gold. At the time I found this both encouraging and frustrating. On one hand I was happy people were reading comics, no matter what the title. On the other hand I was hearing the phrase "graphic novel" used in a elitist sort of pretentious tone as if it were superior to a mere funny book. Then the gripping hand is any bridge to a larger book store, get out of the specialty shops, audience is a good thing. I wonder if Before Watchmen is going to have that same crossover effect.
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    FlintlockjawFlintlockjaw Posts: 247
    For me...

    Walking Dead
    Any Jeph Loeb book
    Any DC 'Crisis' BS...including the biggie 'Crisis on Infinite Earths'.

    oh...there are lots more for me.
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    Bring out yer hate! (ding)

    Bring out yer hate! (ding)

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    random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    Think I'll go for a walk.

    Shut up! You'll be stone dead in a moment!
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    edited June 2012
    I think part of why these threads often don't go well is that there is a difference between parsing why you might not dig something that is so widely praised. Which is, I would say, an exercise in critical thinking and I think what Cory was asking for in his original post.

    As opposed to just listing things you hate, or finding over the top ways to dump on the things you hate but others dared to like. Which is an exercise in joining in on the Internet being the Internet, where even aesthetics have rights and wrongs.

    (Not that it is against any rule- comic talk is comic talk even when it is hating. Just my personal two cents, for what it is worth.)
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    ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    I don't understand what is so hard about things like this. They aren't your or my creations, they aren't holy texts to not dare be questioned... just talk about them. They "often don't go well" because people are unable to objectively discuss things even if they are near and dear to them or feel that if they disagree it means they have to shout it from the rooftops and get angry. No one here has listed things they hate.

    However, instead of going into prolonged detail about each book my approach was to list some of mine, and some brief insight as to why, and then if other's also mention a title, then discuss it at more length which is how I took the OPs question. If anything so far this thread has shown a fair bit of consensus if anything which is the exact opposite of some flame-fest.

    The topic might not be for everyone, there are hundreds of others here that are, pass on by. For people that are able to discuss and chat about the topic without any panty twists or anger, I enjoy hearing and discussing things like this. There is no right or wrong and no one to try to sway or convince.

    As far as Preacher I have to agree with @LibraryBoy I think it is because I do read a lot of more adult and mature themed stuff (comics and non) that some things seen as adult/mature more in the shocking or mature-for-comics can come off as a bit more contrived or juvenile. (not always for sure). This isn't new for comics where shock value has been a selling point, so again it really isn't controversial but when a story does it really well and seamlessly and with merit it just *is* and works.
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