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Favorite Redesigns of the New DC?

(I decided to create this as a new thread instead of hijacking another.)

In another thread, discussing the redesign of the Blue Devil in the New DCU, there was discussion about the general like/dislike of the new designs that have popped up since the reboot/relaunch/whatever.

I starting thinking about the designs as a whole, and I'm hard pressed to find any that I look at and immediately think, "wow, that is awesome." I'm sure if I thought long and hard, I might come up with one, but I'm lazy, and I don't want to think long and hard.

Instead, I'm going to ask you, fellow forumites, what you like, and maybe your reasoning can help me to see it your way.

I'm not saying it has to be better than the original look (but if you want to say that and explain why you think so, have at it), but I'd like to know which designs you've seen and really liked, and why. Maybe it is just a small change that you really like (maybe you like the Flash's chin guard and think that makes the costume), or a massive overhaul. Either way, I'd just like to see what people think, and why they feel the way they do.

Commence to gushing over your favorites.

(Oh, and images are always good in these types of threads. Just so we know what the designs are!)


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2012
    My favorite redesign is the total overhaul they did on my buying habits. I save a ton of money now, not buying their products, and spend my money on back issues and trades of comics they published before they "improved" them.

    I liken your question to being asked "What was your favorite time being raped in the locker room?"

  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    edited August 2012
    Wonder Woman - Yep. I said it. I like her new threads. For some reason I feel the cut of her clothes pays enough tribute to her "classic" garb while also making her look just a wee bit more like she could really kick your ass. I have a friend who cosplays as her and while I it's difficult to use the word "practical" when you're describing a Wonder Woman comes off that way.


    Supergirl - Not only do I like what they're doing with her in the book, I like the outfit. Like Gates and Igle, I was a bit put off with her re-boot from last time where she pretty much existed for fanservice and upskirts...she's a girl, for pete's sake. I like that her uniform looks more "alien" than previous ones, because that's kind of what they're playing up in this book.


    Speaking of aliens and fanservice, I love Starfire's new threads. Stripperware, improper for impressionable minds, nothing like the cartoon...whatever. Every single last one of you who were hand-wringing and pulling a Maude Flanders about her portrayal in the first Red Hood and the Outlaws book and didn't bother to give her time to develop are cordially invited to blow me. Or get raped in the locker room if that's Tonebone's thing. :)


    Red Robin. Now this one's kind of funny because I *didn't* think I'd like it based on the very first cover images they'd shown. Over time, and in the hands of the right artists, though, it's really cool...feathered cape and all. Kid Flash's new duds are growing on me. Wonder Girl's are petty nice though...


    And then let's jump into the book you're all sick of hearing me talk about - Demon Knights. Exoristos - the proto-Wonder Woman. Madame "Legs and knows how to use them" Xanadu. Al Jabr - the techno-wizard I'd love to see someone cosplay as. Vandal Savage as (according to Word of God) portrayed by my main man Brian Blessed! Seriously, this book is GORGEOUS, well-written, and arguably one of the best books being printed by ANYONE right now.


    There is SO much to enjoy about the New 52 right now, it's said that we're spending so much time worrying about what's wrong with it...
  • WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    edited August 2012
    Tonebone said:

    My favorite redesign is the total overhaul they did on my buying habits. I save a ton of money now, not buying their products, and spend my money on back issues and trades of comics they published before they "improved" them.

    I liken your question to being asked "What was your favorite time being raped in the locker room?"


    My first thought was "Favorite time I got punched in the nuts."

    That said, I kinda like the Wonder Woman duds. Especially in her own series.
  • jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    I really liked the Wonder Woman design. It's a pretty decent costume and yet still looks kind of classic. I like the new Batgirl costume. Kind of reminds me a bit of the television show a bit. I really am warming up to the Superman costume. I also like the Nightwing costume even though it's not a complete redesign but it's enough in my mind for it to count.
  • Wonder Woman's, and Supergirl's outfits are the least offensive, as is the Huntress' (which appears to be pretty much the same pre-52 outfit she'd been wearing). Batman hasn't really undergone too much of a change, and Aquaman and GL look mostly the same.

    After that, they're all terrible. Flash's outfit has lost that wonderful sleekness it used to have with the inclusion of the lightning streak along the costume's seams; it doesn't look cool, it looks ugly and unnecessarily busy. Superman's costume is one of the most befuddling: why is he wearing armor? He's Superman! I don't care what the suit's origin or purpose is, it's contrary to the nature of the wearer: he's invulnerable and doesn't need armor; if he does, then he really isn't a Superman. And I also don't care what others might think, the costume just ain't right without the red trunks. Some things you just don't change.

    I miss Animal Man's orange outfit. I'm hit and miss on the new JSA thus far, in that I'm okay with Atom and Green Lantern, but that stupid crash helmet on Flash really has to go. Kid Flash's outfit is one of the most eye-hurtingest costumes I'd ever seen -- until the recent revelation of the new Blue Devil.

    Really, the biggest offense in most of these outfits has been that they're noodled to death with all kinds of visual spinach, ranging from unusual texturing to ornamental doodads to neon fiberglass effects along the seams (as noted in Barry Allen's Flash costume). While some costumes might need some specific additions in terms of armor or whatever, the majority of these really didn't anything beyond the traditional shirt, pants, gloves and boots that superheroes generally wear. The mistake here is in changing all of the costumes when what they really needed, at most, at best, was some minor modifications.
  • Enjoying the responses, keep 'em coming!

    I have to agree with folks that have mentioned Wonder Woman. It may very well be the one costume I can firmly say improves upon the original. My favorite aspect of her updated look is the loss of most of the gold elements from her costume. I don't know exactly why, but I've never been a fan of mixing silver tones with gold tones. Sticking with the silver has "cooled" the tone of the costume, along with the darker red and blue. At first I wasn't too sure about the blue boots, but I've come to find that keeping the darker tones from the waste down helps to strengthen the base of the costume, make it feel more "grounded." Wonder Woman is also one of the only designs that is improved by the extra "lines" in the costume. I pretty much find the extra lines in Superman and Green Lantern's costumes unnecessary, but with Wonder Woman, they are... what? Fashionable? They break up the field of red, in an appealing way, so that it doesn't come off as flat or "lines for lines' sake."

    Admittedly, though, the costume looks best when drawn by the hand of Cliff Chiang. Other artists fall into the habit of "cheesecaking-up" (look, ma, made up a word!) the look overall, which kinda weakens it.

    I'll give this to the Supergirl costume - at least there is no skirt. Skirts on underage flying superheroines? Dumb. Plus, the costume looks more in line with something you'd see from The Legion of Superheroes, which is fitting.

    Can't get behind Starfire, though. Her original costume was kinda ridiculous. The new one? Moreso.

    With Red Robin, I just wish they would clean up the costume a bit. I'm not a fan of the feathered cape, but I can deal with that. What I really hate is all the straps. It really pushes the design back into the 90's. They bother me.
  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    I have to agree with Torch on everything he listed except Red Robin's feathered cape, I still haven't gotten used to it.

    I'm also digging the new duds Hawkgirl has in Earth 2.
  • DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    Supergirl for me.
  • batlawbatlaw Posts: 879
    Batman looks decent enough. I did like Wonder Womans initial redesign with the long pants, but in the end all they did was change from gold to silver and added the lame accessories (choker and arm bands etc. (and of course all the gratiutous lines).
    Im ok with Aquaman, Green Arrow and Green Lantern I guess, and Starfire (this is the first Ive seen the new her). Everything else, well if you cant say anything nice....
  • thebradpinderthebradpinder Posts: 19
    edited August 2012
    Nightwing. Simple but the red emblem is more threattening and the gauntlet spikes as well as the body armor is more realistic in his line of work
  • image

    My problem with the Nightwing design is the same I had for the previous version - It just isn't that distinctive of a costume in my eyes. And, I find it kinda boring.


    By not distinctive, I mean that it kinda looks like something generic soldiers/henchmen/ninjas/fighting forces could put on.

    And by boring... well, solid black with a "V"/bird shape on the chest lacks interest to me.

    I'm not suggesting that he should go back to the old "Disco Collar" costume he started with. I mean, that thing was pretty awful. As awful as it was, though, it was distinctive.


    Post-"Disco Collar," though, there was a costume that wasn't too bad. It wasn't perfect, but it had potential.


    That costume didn't last long.

    In animated form, I found that I didn't like this costume at all:


    It came off very Native American to me... and didn't make sense, given that Dick Grayson, to my knowledge, was not Native American.

    I do kinda like the Young Justice version, though.


    I'm not sure why. It is still almost entirely black, but maybe the spots of gray and the actual, distinctive emblem push it higher in my mind.

    Let's face it, though... Nightwing has generally gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to costumes. When I find myself saying "best" costume for him, it is completely relative, because none of them would rank more than a C or C+ in my book.
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    I like the new Nightwing design with the red emblem. I think it is simple and clean.
  • KrescanKrescan Posts: 623
    I like Huntress, but mainly because I got to meet the model for her at the Superman celebration.

    I like all of the teen titans outfits as long as they're getting the Tron over. Except for bunker his powers/costume lend themselves to getting a little Tron-ness.

    I'm new when it comes to most of DC but I'm also enjoying the Earth 2 costumes. But I didn't have much if any investment in the old versions.
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited August 2012
    Tonebone said:

    My favorite redesign is the total overhaul they did on my buying habits. I save a ton of money now, not buying their products, and spend my money on back issues and trades of comics they published before they "improved" them.

    I liken your question to being asked "What was your favorite time being raped in the locker room?"


    It's a bummer that the first response to this question about favorites to be a dose of off-topic negativity. And that it isn't a surprise. We even got to rape in the first post! Good that we didn't have to build to an image of the Big Two raping its readership. Best to tick that box immediately.

    Oh well. Another day of Internet comics fandom. You can always depend on the negative to be halfway around the world before the positivity has got its boots on.

    To answer the question being asked-- I also like Wonder Woman's new look, as it is much more warrior and less campy, as well as Red Robin. And I think Power Girl benefits from losing the boob window.
  • David_D said:

    And I think Power Girl benefits from losing the boob window.

    On behalf of all red-blooded hetero male fans everywhere, I want to say...

    I miss the boob window.
  • rebisrebis Posts: 1,820
    I got nothin.

    However, this would be a great Fan Art Challenge, "You Design the New 52".
  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    edited August 2012
    rebis said:

    I got nothin.

    However, this would be a great Fan Art Challenge, "You Design the New 52".

    Seconded...let's get on that... :)

  • batlawbatlaw Posts: 879
    New 52 Nightwing is ok. I wouldnt choose red but I can live with it. Just hate the lines and armor accents. I always hated they got rid of the yellow touches and never brought anything iconic to his redesign like the wing/feather appearance. I loved the animated design which I considered an improvement on the comic version (the stylized bird vs. blue line). I always wanted to see the comics incoprorate that with a touch of yellow. Something. I at least wish this new52 had some image in the red rather just the meaningles shapes. I really dig the Young Justice outfit too. All the YJ cartoon costumes are great. They know how to do cool armored looks.
  • CaptShazamCaptShazam Posts: 1,178
    I like the Wonder Woman and Huntress costume. Deeply saddened by Power Girl's new costume.
  • I completely get why they went red for Nightwing - look at all of Batman's sidekicks. Red and black is kinda their thing.

    I just find it a boring costume, whether it is blue or red.
  • demonbeardemonbear Posts: 159
    rebis said:

    I got nothin.

    However, this would be a great Fan Art Challenge, "You Design the New 52".

    i was just reading through and was thinking the same thing just before i read your post... :) i'd say "GO!"
  • KyleMoyerKyleMoyer Posts: 727
    I'm agreeing on Wonder Woman. I also like the new Batgirl look. I like the look of the new Lex Luthor if that counts. Overall though, I like the look of the DCnU (blasphemy?) with two exceptions. I don't like the pointless lines (is it not as blasphemous now?) and I don't like Red Robin's design.

    I don't even mind Superman wearing armor. I look at it as not to protect himself, but to protect his outfit. I'd imagine normal clothes would tear apart at the speeds he flies. I know there have been explanations before about energy fields surrounding Superman and the like, but I don't have a problem with the armor. As mentioned, it's only the lines I have a problem with.
  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    edited August 2012

    David_D said:

    And I think Power Girl benefits from losing the boob window.

    On behalf of all red-blooded hetero male fans everywhere, I want to say...

    I miss the boob window.

    Agreed. It was the most offensive redesign for men everywhere that read comics. Superman without the red tights & collar still don't like it. As for what I do like in the 52 redesigns, Catwoman not that you changed much but it was very pleasing to my eyes.

  • David_D said:

    Tonebone said:

    My favorite redesign is the total overhaul they did on my buying habits. I save a ton of money now, not buying their products, and spend my money on back issues and trades of comics they published before they "improved" them.

    I liken your question to being asked "What was your favorite time being raped in the locker room?"


    It's a bummer that the first response to this question about favorites to be a dose of off-topic negativity. And that it isn't a surprise. We even got to rape in the first post! Good that we didn't have to build to an image of the Big Two raping its readership. Best to tick that box immediately.

    Oh well. Another day of Internet comics fandom. You can always depend on the negative to be halfway around the world before the positivity has got its boots on.

    To answer the question being asked-- I also like Wonder Woman's new look, as it is much more warrior and less campy, as well as Red Robin. And I think Power Girl benefits from losing the boob window.
    Sure, my response was negative. I have very negative feelings about the new 52, and the costume designs. I'm sorry I apparently pissed all over your day. I didn't mean to. I meant it mostly in humor. If that was unbearably negative to you, you may want to avoid the internet altogether. I do not see how the post was off-topic.

    For the record, I do not feel the big two are raping its readership. Each person decides whether or not to reward them by buying their products. I buy almost nothing current from Marvel and nothing from DC. I do buy trades and reprints of their older material, and support their publishing material I enjoy and my kids can read.

    That does not disqualify me from taking an active role in the discussion of what they publish. I want comics to be as good as I know they can be, and choose not to support what I consider to be crap. It's not a stretch to assume that if you settle for this, and continue to support it, they will continue to go in that direction.
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited August 2012
    @Tonebone Of course you are within your rights to hate what you hate, I never said otherwise. I just questioned whether it was really on the topic. And, given what conversation Billy was trying to have, it was a bummer that response was first.

    But, so it goes. I'm not saying your post raped my day. It merely reinforced my expectations- that general negativity will show up immediately, including in threads looking for the positive, or to discuss something specific.
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    @ToneBone like your comments. I understand them completely. I don't HATE the new 52, but I am frustrated by it. Not buying it either, I get them from the library except I just spent $25 on a huge sale last night that I could not resist.

    As for the costumes....
    Supergirl: Like her costume a lot, its more dynamic. But for those of you praising it for the lack of a skirt like @EarthGBilly uh.... WHAT. So its ok for her to wear skintight clothing that basically looks like a bathing suit... but a skirt is out of line? Really?
  • LibraryBoyLibraryBoy Posts: 1,803
    Given as much as I hate the new Superman costume, I really like Supergirl's new one. Like Al said, it looks suitably "alien" compared to a lot of other DCnU costumes, but still similar something you might've seen Kara wear in the 70s when she had a new outfit every other issue. I also like that it doesn't look nearly as clunky as Kal's stupid armor.

    I also like Wonder Woman's for a lot of the other reasons mentioned... it resembles the traditional look while still looking more functional, and I like the darker coloring with the silver instead of the gold accents.

    Gotta admit, Power Girl's costume has really grown on me. The initial look we saw looked too much like Supreme, but the tweaks they made prior to publication work, I think. And I actually think the haircut is really cute. It all looks more "grown up Supergirl" than Power Girl, admittedly, but I kinda like that.

    Kinda dig the subtle update for Aquaman, too, even if it is just the collar. The collar actually works here. It's like when they added collars to the Starfleet uniforms in TNG... before everyone looked like they were wearing pajamas, but the collars made them look like actual uniforms. Same thing with Aquaman, I think.
  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    Planeis said:

    Supergirl: Like her costume a lot, its more dynamic. But for those of you praising it for the lack of a skirt like @EarthGBilly uh.... WHAT. So its ok for her to wear skintight clothing that basically looks like a bathing suit... but a skirt is out of line? Really?

    The main complaint about a skirt on any flying character is that it exists for one reason only...fanservice. It's also about as impractical as high heels and fishnets for leaping across rooftops.

    "Hmm. Let's see. One of my major powers is to fly over people. Should I give 'em a show or not?" :)

    /And I read manga, so believe me when I say a normally have no problem with fanservice. It just seems an impractical choice for a heroine when figuring out her costume. It's even a trope:
  • Torchsong said:

    Planeis said:

    Supergirl: Like her costume a lot, its more dynamic. But for those of you praising it for the lack of a skirt like @EarthGBilly uh.... WHAT. So its ok for her to wear skintight clothing that basically looks like a bathing suit... but a skirt is out of line? Really?

    The main complaint about a skirt on any flying character is that it exists for one reason only...fanservice. It's also about as impractical as high heels and fishnets for leaping across rooftops.

    "Hmm. Let's see. One of my major powers is to fly over people. Should I give 'em a show or not?" :)

    /And I read manga, so believe me when I say a normally have no problem with fanservice. It just seems an impractical choice for a heroine when figuring out her costume. It's even a trope:
    It's kind of funny to think that when Supergirl first showed up in the 50's, she wore a skirt, because that's what young ladies wore. Anything else would have been inappropriate for a girl in a kid's comic book.
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    Torchsong said:

    Planeis said:

    Supergirl: Like her costume a lot, its more dynamic. But for those of you praising it for the lack of a skirt like @EarthGBilly uh.... WHAT. So its ok for her to wear skintight clothing that basically looks like a bathing suit... but a skirt is out of line? Really?

    The main complaint about a skirt on any flying character is that it exists for one reason only...fanservice. It's also about as impractical as high heels and fishnets for leaping across rooftops.

    "Hmm. Let's see. One of my major powers is to fly over people. Should I give 'em a show or not?" :)

    /And I read manga, so believe me when I say a normally have no problem with fanservice. It just seems an impractical choice for a heroine when figuring out her costume. It's even a trope:
    Yea but again... Look, what was under the skirt? Some form of under garment right? What does she have now? Essentially just the under garment. Theres no need now to have poses where her skirt is flyong around in interesting ways because we can already see whats underneith.

    And look, with the way the costume is now, if an artist wants to he or she can it even more revealing by just trimming away even more of the costume ever so slightly.
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