I enjoyed it...although I wouldn't consider it memorable. I'll probably still buy the Blu-Ray because, well it's Star Trek and I love Star Trek even if it's Crap on a Cracker*. I found it very predictable and you'll probably guess how the evil plan will play out from early on. While Kirk's death scene was nicely done, the miracle cure was obvious from the moment he entered the radiation room. I did like the crash into San Francisco and the Enterprise hiding underwater was good too. A bit of Raiders of the Lost Ark in the opening scene (running from the natives) I was waiting for Kirk to find a snake in the shuttlecraft.
Benedict Cumberbatch did a nice job with the Harrison/Khan role although there was too much of the evil glare used. Peter Weller, I liked, and his justification for his plan reminded me a lot of Jack Nicholson's 'You can't handle the truth' scene. Nice to see Original Spock again. I didn't hang around to see if there was a post-credits scene, I didn't think there would a reason for one.
Luckily I read today's newspaper interview with Cumberbatch after I saw the film otherwise I would have been spoiled on the Khan thing (Daily Mirror for those in the UK). Was it generally acknowledged that he was playing Khan?
* ©Shane.
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Yes, there were certain aspects that were predictable... heck, I predicted one - http://thecomicforums.com/discussion/1400/movie-news-star-trek-into-darkness/p1
Kirk dying, with Spock on the outside of the glass.
But it was really fun, and has me excited for the 5 year mission movies. They could vary a lot if Kirk chooses a different area of space to discover.
I'm looking forward to seeing it again this weekend.
I had really wanted Benedict to be Gary Mitchell, but as much as I had tried to avoid spoilers, I was fairly certain going into tonight's film that he would be Khan.
Am I mistaken, or did I see an android crew member on the Enterprise?
The poster they gave out at tonight's show was actually fairly decent.
It's printed on heavy stock, ad-free, and features a white glow-in-the-dark enterprise atop a white star. In ambient light the Enterprise appears on one side and in darkness the glow-in-the-dark image becomes discernible giving it the illusion that it has migrated across the poster.
Why is it that Uhura can speak Klingon so well in this timeline?
She was even singled out for being very adept at it.
Did J.J. never watch Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country?
Truly an uninspired script.
There are many things that are different. Butterfly effect.
Plus, it didn't help that the writer admitted it was ridiculous. Just fed the flames.
And if that is the biggest problem, they done did good.
Another problem with the movie that probably stems from 2009 is that they're all caricatures. They're one dimensional and flat. There's no depth to them whatsoever. While TOS was about the trinity of Bones, Spock and Kirk, at least the movies gave the other characters a chance to shine and build on them.
Lastly, nothing made any sense and there wasn't really a plot. I think that's more of a symptom than a cause though.
Pants & shirt are still in wearable condition.
action. Plus the TOS references were great. They're doing a great job of establishing the relatioships between the big 7 - and I loved the TWOK twist, having Kirk on the other side of the glass (and the resurrected Tribble clearly gave us all we needed to know as to how Kirk was coming back). I was unspoiled for the Cumberbatch reveal - and as soon as I saw him exhibiting superhuman strength/agility, I was definitely thinking "Khan". Otherwise, Carol Marcus, the Christine Chapel reference ("you don't even know who she is, do you??"), and Kirk getting seom twin tail - enjopyable from top to bottom!
L nny
I suppose I have said it before but on topics like this it stands out more but as someone who saw Star Trek: The Motion Picture when it came out, any complaints need to be tempered. Star Trek and any sci-fi not Lucas created was a joke and treated as such until very recently. Believe me there were 50 Enemy Mine for every Aliens. It is not a question of taste but quality. Sci fi was not a movie genre respected or treated well by Hollywood. Even the Holy Grail of Star Trek 2 WOK was a cheaply made throw away. The sheer fact that I can take my wife to see this Star Trek and discuss with her like an adult and not a fan boy impresses me to no end. I forgive JJ Abrams for most of the stylistic and plot hiccups. He gets a pass for making Star Trek viable in the 21st century.