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Help Me Pick What Books I Want For Christmas

Okay, CGSers, I turn to you to help me pick out what books I want my parents to get me for Christmas. Recently my comic life has taken a back seat, but like my thread from a month ago states, I want to get fired up about comics again ( So no I turn to you to help give me ideas for what I want for Christmas. In this I give you a few clues to what I like: 1. My favorite characters are Cap, Hawkeye, Batman, Green Arrow, and Spidey and I love the Avengers. I prefer Marvel to DC. 2. I also love things that are crime based, mystery/thriller types, and things from the old west. 3. I am a history major and a history buff. 4. My favorite TV show is LOST. Hopefully these clues will help spark some ideas you might have for me. Thanks for the help peeps, I sure appreciate the help.


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    fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    History major/buff = Age if Bronze by Eric Shanower. Illustrated reselling of the Trojan War.

    If you like Spidey, several geeks have mentioned the ASM: Untold Tales the omnibus is kinda affordable and has some great stories about silver age Spidey.
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    Eric_CEric_C Posts: 263
    fredzilla said:

    History major/buff = Age if Bronze by Eric Shanower. Illustrated reselling of the Trojan War.

    If you like Spidey, several geeks have mentioned the ASM: Untold Tales the omnibus is kinda affordable and has some great stories about silver age Spidey.

    Age of Bronze sounds really cool and the fact that it is still going attests to its success. That is a possibility to make the list. Thanks
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    A word of warning on Age of Bronze, it only comes out about once a year these days. I've been told it should start coming out more regularly again soon though, and there are four trades to keep you busy in the meantime.
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    fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    edited November 2013
    Careful though with what you mean by "still going." He's been working on it for years and the issues come out very sporadically.

    I get the trades, and they're worth the wait.
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    jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    If you like Batman, check out the "Court of Owls" box set that comes with a collectible Owl mask.
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    mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,624
    I would second the Untold Tales of Spiderman Omnibus. I'm linking to amazon, but all of these should be cheaper at instocktrades.

    With westerns I would bring up the Rio collection that IDW just solicited in softcover. You should still be able to get it in Hardcover right now.

    There are also a few cheaper DC Westerns in the showcase format that are great Jonah Hex and Batlash

    I know it's not on your list of likes, but if you are a fan of kungfu I cannot recommend Infinite Kung-fu highly enough. it was an incredible book
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    mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,624
    edited November 2013
    There are few standards that you ma or may not have
    Criminal Deluxe Editions vol 1 & vol 2

    Parker Martini Edition (there are also smaller & cheaper hardcovers)

    One more western Jonah Hex This is the most recent series.

    And of course there is one of my favorite books of the last 7 years Scalped which I also cannot recommend highly enough

    If you are a fan of Garth Ennis there is Preacher , but it is pretty graphic and uses lots of extremely dark humor. Preacher is blend of a modern western with a supernatural twist. I don't think it is as good as Hitman (a buddy book about a superpowered hitman and his hitman friends set in the DCU), which is one of my favorite books of all time
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    Eric_CEric_C Posts: 263
    Awesome @mwhitt80. I'll check at all of those, do some research. It's a process picking out a Christmas gift haha
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    If you're a fan of Batman, I really suggest Batman Noel by Lee Bermejo. It was amazing, and it's a wonderful adaptation of the Christmas story.

    As for the crime/thriller, I will ALWAYS say Powers by Bendis and Oeming. I love the series, and it's worth the read.
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    If you're into WWII history, I'd recommend the first UBER trade paperback from Avatar Press.
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    ElsiebubElsiebub Posts: 338
    It's a no-brainer, but on the off-chance that you haven't read Fraction and Aja's Hawkeye, a nice hardcover collection of the first 11 issues just came out a few weeks ago. Semi-relatedly, Fraction, Brubaker and Aja's old Iron Fist run is being reissued in a big fat TPB next week. I think it might be up your alley.

    You say you like Batman and Lost . . . I've never seen Lost, but I love Morrison's Batman run and people have told me that Lost as a similar vibe. I'd recommend the "Batman: The Black Glove" Deluxe Edition HC, which includes the "Batman & Son" storyline. Not as trippy as some of Morrison's stuff, and there are many mystery elements.

    I wholeheartedly echo the Preacher recommendation, provided that you'd enjoy a hard "R" storyline with a lot of violence and blasphemy. For what it is, Preacher is the best of its kind.

    Also, just a shot in the dark because it seems kinda like a Western at times: Walking Dead. The first Compendium edition is a great value.

    Lastly, you might already know this, but crime/mystery/thriller reminds me of nothing more than Ed Brubaker's work. His Cap stuff with Steve Epting is absolutely incredible. And his stuff with Sean Phillips is unparalleled; I'd especially recommend Criminal and Sleeper.
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