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IGN's 25 Best Comic Runs of the Decade



  • dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    Outta everything on that list the only one I have read more than a few issues of was Jonah Hex. The rest of them didn't appeal to me. And putting Morrison's,IMHO,highly overrated run on Batman at number one makes me laugh.
  • TrevTrev Posts: 310
    I really liked his batman and robin but I think there are 4 or 5 on this list I would put above it. Those first 50 or so issues of brubaker's cap or johns' GL are hard to beat.
  • I think when all is said and done, Snyder on Batman may beat out Morrison on Batman. Thats a few years down the line but it is coming!
  • MiraclemetMiraclemet Posts: 258
    24. Fantastic Four (Mark Waid & Mike Wieringo)
    To me it is the most iconic FF since Byrne. I think it does everything the original FF does (action, adventure, family, sci-fi, big concepts, small concepts, everything) without getting to "modern/dark" like Hickman does (though Im reserving judgement on Hickman... just need some more time for it to sink in. I almost think Wieringos more "cartoony" style keeps this book from getting more respect (though I LOVE the style personally)

    Ones I super agree with and should not be moved down the list:

    18. Birds of Prey (Gail Simone) (Birds of Prey Vol. 1 #56-90, #92-108, Vol. 2 #1-13): Vol 2 really didnt hold up to volume 1, but ooh that first volume run.

    14. Batgirl (Bryan Q. Miller) (Batgirl Vol. 3 #1-24, Bruce Wayne - The Road Home: Batgirl) :-bd

    8. Ultimate Spider-Man (Brian Bendis) (Ultimate Spider-Man #1-160, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1-current). This series has been more focused and driven in 160 issues than my two "overrated" runs I mentioned below are able to do in a quarter of the run. I'll give him a pass on dealing with Loebs Ultimatium junk, though Spidey's art in it is amazing when its managed by BMB.

    7. Gotham Central (Ed Brubaker & Greg Rucka) (Gotham Central #1-40)... thought someone said this wasnt on there. Part super-hero, part NYPD Blue, all awesome.

    4. Secret Six (Gail Simone) dont think Im just a Gail lover... That Wonder Woman run was not good, but its not worth splitting hairs about #25 on a list.

    Overrated in my book (and its just in my book)

    6. The Invincible Iron Man (Matt Fraction & Salvador Larroca)
    I actually think this run and the next one suffer from lasting too long and starting to get lost and meander around... If Fraction had 18 issues of this it would have been twice as good, but it seems like he wanders a bit then shoehorns in some event stuff and its just be "meh" for the last few years. A great idea here or there, but never executed with the Seal Team 6 precision of the first few years.

    5. Green Lantern (Geoff Johns)
    Same thing as Fraction's Iron Man. Strong first few years leading up to the Sinestro Corps War climax, and then after that... meh...
  • demonbeardemonbear Posts: 159
    They're being a bit selective with #20 Marvel Cosmic. Not including War of Kings/Realm of Kings because they would lower the quality of the overall run?
    i don't think so...that whole pocket of the MU was great, especially Guardians of the Galaxy! and Thanos Imperative really closed that one out on a high note!

    i agree with some on the list (Daredevil, Waid & Wieringo's FF, Iron Fist...) and i haven't read them all, but i think brubaker's Captain America should be tops. i mean, resurrecting Bucky and getting away with it, to critical acclaim?? it's been consistent pretty much, and he's still going strong!

    and, like it or not, Morrison's X-Men has to be there somewhere...!
  • I'll add my voice to "Morrison's New X-Men". I'd also throw in Kyle and Yost's "New X-men" (different series), and their follow up run on "X-Force". Millar and Hitch's "Ultimates" perhaps?
  • BadDeaconBadDeacon Posts: 120

    I've only read all (or nearly all) of only two of these.

    There are ten that I've never read at all on that list.

    The other 13 I've read some of, by not all.

    52 seems like the biggest omission from the list to me.
  • ElsiebubElsiebub Posts: 338
    I'm really surprised not to see Whedon and Cassaday's Astonishing X-Men on the list at all. Jaw-dropping omission. Maybe the run doesn't meet some sort of criteria? I expected to see it at #1 or #2.

    Similarly, it seems nuts to see Morrison's Batman there at #1 but not Morrison's New X-Men there at all. REALLY weird. How could the judges like one but not the other? They're quite similar runs in terms of strengths and flaws.

    Overall, though, I don't have any problems with IGN's list. There are some nit-picks I would have (maybe lowering Brubaker's Cap a bit since the first half of his run was much better than the second half so far), but nothing on the list shocks me at all. Sinister Six was THAT good, though? I only read a few issues. I may have to check more out.

    I guess I was shocked to see Morrison's Batman as #1, but only because I didn't think that run could score so high in any consensus opinion poll. I mean, it's certainly my favorite run of the last decade (with Whedon's Astonishing at #2), but I didn't think THAT many people liked it so much. I remember listening to IGN Comics podcasts a few years ago, and all of the guys were either lukewarm on Morrison's Batman or admittedly just "didn't get it". The only exception was Dan Phillips, who doesn't even work for IGN anymore, so I'd be interested to know who they've got working for them now.
  • demonbeardemonbear Posts: 159
    Whedon and Cassaday!!! How could I forget?
  • seb_pinterseb_pinter Posts: 50
    there was a lot of filler in Wheedon and Cassady's run of Astonishing X-Men, and I guess the reason for the omission of Morrison's X-men was a lot of people weren't happy with how it ended, and a lot of people just didn't understand it (Marvel editors, I'M LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU)
  • dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    there was a lot of filler in Wheedon and Cassady's run of Astonishing X-Men, and I guess the reason for the omission of Morrison's X-men was a lot of people weren't happy with how it ended, and a lot of people just didn't understand it (Marvel editors, I'M LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU)
    I understood Morrison's run on X-men but didn't like it.

  • KyleMoyerKyleMoyer Posts: 727
    I thought Morrison's run on X-Men was a great story if taken on it's own in a vacuum. However, as a long time X-Men fan, I can't take any X-Men story on its own in a vacuum, and Morrison's X-Men just didn't feel true to their characters. If I can get past my ideas of what the X-Men "should" be like, there's very little to find fault with in his run (except that last coda to his run that I just didn't get).
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