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Episode 1478 Talkback - Comic Talk...Eventually

i_am_scifii_am_scifi Posts: 784
edited May 2014 in CGS Episodes & Spin-Offs
Following a few more announcements and musings in regard to the passing of Jamie D, we Geeks find the time for some much-needed friendly conversation, ranging from geeky TV news to original art collection to trivia, and whatever other topics dribble out of our mouths. We've just endured the most grueling couple of weeks in CGS history--come unwind with us. (1:32:23)

Listen to the show...eventually!


  • rebisrebis Posts: 1,820
    Welcome back, fellas. It's so very good to hear your voices.
  • tommysheroestommysheroes Posts: 174
    MORE PETER! Seriously, come back full time Peter, also Bryan.
  • PantsPants Posts: 567
    edited May 2014
    Here's the link for info on the 5K/10K in honor of Jamie that was mentioned in the episode - Jamie's Avengers
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    Return of the geeks ~ thanks fellas! Listening now.
  • TheOriginalGManTheOriginalGMan Posts: 1,763
    edited May 2014
    Glad to have you back, guys. Great episode. And kudos to @Pants and @Peter‌ for returning to the show during it's time of need.

    And also, congrats to @Pants‌ for taking steps towards trying to lose some weight. As running/jogging doesn't sound like it's your thing, Pants, you should seriously consider just walking. I walk about 5 miles a day, which is where I do all my podcast listening. The most relaxing part of my day. Good luck to you!
  • bamfbamfbamfbamf Posts: 718
    Mr @Pants‌ can you share this dealer's information or website where you bought the Dan Jurgens original art?

    Can you do an episode dedicated to Original Art collecting?
  • PantsPants Posts: 567
    bamfbamf said:

    Mr @Pants‌ can you share this dealer's information or website where you bought the Dan Jurgens original art?

    I got the pages from Fanfare Sports and Entertainment from their current sale.
    bamfbamf said:

    Can you do an episode dedicated to Original Art collecting?

    We've done two in the past - Episode 505 and 591.
  • bamfbamfbamfbamf Posts: 718
  • MisterPhilMisterPhil Posts: 27
    Thanks for the fun show, guys!

    Oh, and if I may pick on Peter a little bit...

    Much love guys!
  • ajcasperiteajcasperite Posts: 221

    MORE PETER! Seriously, come back full time Peter, also Bryan.

    I agree. Always loved hearing his perspective. Glad to see CGS will continue. Also I can't believe I actually had my Muddle the Murd read! Awesome.
    Thanks gang.

  • JaxUrJaxUr Posts: 547
    Well, (geiger)count me among the masses who've be mispronouncing Giger my entire life.
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    Thanks for the episode guys.

    @Pants glad to hear you'll still be coming to SpringCon.
  • brlanbrlan Posts: 8
    It was so good to hear a new show yesterday. Thanks guys, for carrying on. This show makes me happy, and I count all of you as friends. And Pants, show up whenever you want... no more, no less. We appreciate you.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    Two word that turn Adam away:

    "Dark" & "Modern-take"

  • TheOriginalGManTheOriginalGMan Posts: 1,763
    Matt said:

    I've actually gotten wrapped into some of the Batsuit discussions. Mostly asking how people can say its all fabric or that its the best suit ever because its true to the comics.

    Its ONE single pose, shaded, side view photo!


  • Royal_LanternRoyal_Lantern Posts: 291
    I had not heard about the Oz show. I know Murd is shying away from it (or running from it screaming), but I have always enjoyed Oz, Wonderland, etc. and various takes on it. I really enjoy Once Upon a Time. No, it's not as good as Fables as far as story goes, but I still enjoy it. The whole Frozen which thing has me a bit concerned, but I'll still watch next season to see what they do. I have liked the various twists and takes on characters that they have come up with. Almost everyone has their one (or more) things that they want done the original way or not at all.

    I was surprised to hear that Shane has reservations about Gotham. To me that was the most exciting of all the ones I saw news and/or trailers for. I am excited about all of the things coming out, especially Flash because he's a favorite character of mine, but just from the preliminary stuff, Gotham has me hooked already. Agent Carter is the one that has me most concerned, and not because I don't think it will be good, but more so because I am afraid of a general audience not getting into it.

    I am PUMPED about the Star Wars stuff. Like Shane mentioned, when books first started showing up and figures then appeared, I was loving it. Then a new set of movies came out and I was stoked. No, they were not at the level I was hoping for, but I still loved moment in them. Now with Lucas being more at arms length, Disney proving with Marvel that they can do amazing things, and the access to media stuff to hype it up like we have today? I could not be more excited. I am looking forward to all the new Star Wars stuff that we'll be seeing.

    I agree with Peter that I am fine with changes here and there to try to appeal to a larger audience, and changes don't bother me because I enjoy different takes on characters. I only ever get annoyed when I feel the core of the character seems drastically different (and I realize that tolerance level for where that is would be different for everyone).

    Overall it's a fantastic time to be a, if this stuff can translate to higher comic sales, I would be even more jazzed.
  • Adam_MurdoughAdam_Murdough Posts: 506
    Matt said:

    Two words that turn Adam away:

    "Dark" & "Modern-take"

    Like a basket of eggs repels a Nome. ~:>

    (That's an Oz, ah say, an Oz reference, son. Pay attention, ah'm tryin' ta learn ya somethin'!)
  • AxelBrassAxelBrass Posts: 245
    Nice to have Pete and Pants back. Too bad it wasn't under better circumstances.
  • Adam_MurdoughAdam_Murdough Posts: 506
    edited May 2014
    By the by, here's the Jet Jaguar theme song I was trying (and not quite succeeding) to recall and sing in this episode:
  • rebisrebis Posts: 1,820

    By the by, here's the Jet Jaguar theme song I was trying (and not quite succeeding) to recall and sing in this episode:

    I LOVE 70's era Godzilla movies. Rope a dope, high 5's, drop kicks, Waving good bye at the end of the movie. Awesome!
  • ElsiebubElsiebub Posts: 338
    edited May 2014
    Great episode, guys. Thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish. You guys have gone far beyond the call of duty in recent weeks, and this episode is no exception. (And please let us know if the funeral ever becomes viewable/downloadable anywhere.)

    @Pants: I'd echo what was said above in that just plain old WALKING is very healthy. No need to feel like you have to either start running/jogging or else not bother. As far as diet, on the show you mentioned refraining from eating a steak. I'm not an expert and would leave it up to others to debate how much healthier (if at all) pork or chicken is than steak, but one thing I can tell you is that you'll almost certainly have more success losing weight if you cut down on your intake of breads, grains, cereals, pasta and other carbohydrates. If you're eating hotdogs, stuff two of them in one bun instead of eating two buns. If you're having a hamburger, eat as little of the top bun as you can get away with. Even simple things like that will help. From what I know, a lot of our big doughy fat comes from big doughy empty food. Good luck.
  • kiwijasekiwijase Posts: 451
    Great episode. Good to have you back.
  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,635

    If you limit red meat and zero out fried foods it cuts back on lots fat. However if the main replacement is yummy pork then you aren't doing yourself any favors. Replace red meat with chicken and fish ( tilipai is pretty mild). I'm not advocating never eating red meat or pork bt limit the to less than a once a week.

    Give us updates, there's a thread in off topic section for weight loss.
  • ajcasperiteajcasperite Posts: 221

    By the by, here's the Jet Jaguar theme song I was trying (and not quite succeeding) to recall and sing in this episode:

    I'm saving my shekels for a near future release of Murd's album "Seventies Kaiju Grooves". Good stuff.

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