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Punk Rock Jesus

Punk Rock Jesus is what has set me off, but is not the sole base for this mini rant. Yes, I know Sean Murphy is so talented. I wish he would use his powers elsewhere. I keep seeing stuff that has new interpretations of Jesus in different times. Can we please give Him some more respect? It is ridiculous. If you are not creative enough to use a different person to write stories about, find a new job. I don't want to see a book called "Punk Rock Jesus". It is just so disrespectful the way people re-imagine Jesus in these ways. I have read the Bible, and I am fairly certain it does not touch on Punk Rock. This is not a way to honor the man who saved us. It even took me some time to get over seeing Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. I am still uneasy about it, but it is still not on the level of "Punk Rock Jesus". Not that Abe Lincoln is Jesus, but it still touches on the same point, a lac of respect. I really hope this trend does not continue because it is truly sickening.

*If this is a subject that is deemed inappropriate for the forums, I understand. It is just something that I think needs to be talked about.


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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    edited May 2012
    Punk Rock Jesus is what has set me off, but is not the sole base for this mini rant. Yes, I know Sean Murphy is so talented. I wish he would use his powers elsewhere. I keep seeing stuff that has new interpretations of Jesus in different times. Can we please give Him some more respect? It is ridiculous. If you are not creative enough to use a different person to write stories about, find a new job. I don't want to see a book called "Punk Rock Jesus". It is just so disrespectful the way people re-imagine Jesus in these ways. I have read the Bible, and I am fairly certain it does not touch on Punk Rock. This is not a way to honor the man who saved us. It even took me some time to get over seeing Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. I am still uneasy about it, but it is still not on the level of "Punk Rock Jesus". Not that Abe Lincoln is Jesus, but it still touches on the same point, a lac of respect. I really hope this trend does not continue because it is truly sickening.

    *If this is a subject that is deemed inappropriate for the forums, I understand. It is just something that I think needs to be talked about.
    To be fair, there are plenty of other things Murphy can and has done.

    But if you don't want to support a work like Punk Rock Jesus, then all you have to do is not do so, which is absolutely your right. As is your right to speak against it, as you have done here.
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    Eric_CEric_C Posts: 263
    @David_D This is in no way an attack on Murphy as a person. I know he is a talent. I just wish he would use that talent on something that is not so disrespectful. That is all. It just seems like a waste to me.
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    fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    edited May 2012
    @David_D I think you're right, but--as @Eric_C notes--the issue isn't with Murphy so much as it is with the lack of respect for historical religious figures. After reading an interview Murphy did with Newsarama, I can understand why he felt the need to create the book (he is a self-proclaimed atheist). As for my personal belief in the matter, I think his issue goes beyond simple disrespect. Regardless, I won't be buying the book because it holds no interest to me, not because of who is writing or doing the art. There are a bunch of books/movies/tv shows that I pass by because I'm not interested.
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    edited May 2012
    @Eric_C I hear you, and I think I may have misread one of the things you were saying. I was responding to the line of yours I bolded for emphasis, and I linked to his other work to counter what I thought was your point that he was turning to this subject because he somehow was not creative enough to do something else. But I may have misunderstood.

    And I get that you would rather him do other things, and that is fair. Even removing the personal sensitivities or controversial material, there are all sorts of times we as readers may wish that the creators we like would do this thing instead of that. But at the end of the day, especially when they are creating their own work rather than work-for-hire, artists are usually going to be at their best when they do the work they want to do. Now, it may be that the work they want to do, and the work that you as a reader want to support are two different things, but that happens.
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    Eric_CEric_C Posts: 263
    @David_D I just think the country is headed in a bad direction with stuff like this. I am personally a strong Christian and I am truly saddened by this disgrace. I think there are some things that just need to be left alone. This is not specifically Murphy, but overall. He did lose a fan though. I respect the talent, but not what he chooses to apply that talent to. I pray that he is not an atheist his whole life and that he finds the error in this book.
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    Eric_CEric_C Posts: 263
    @MatthewPetz Obviously. Nothing will ever diminish who Jesus is.
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    Eric_CEric_C Posts: 263
    edited May 2012
    @QuinQuestion I'm not saying the book should be banned. Everyone has the right to make what they want. It is just so distasteful, it makes me sad/angry. And I'm also not saying that this book alone defines where that country is going, it is just one of many things I see, but one of the first in comics, especially so blatantly. But then again, I stopped reading S.H.I.E.L.D., and a lot of Hickman, because I thought it had anti Christian undertones. It is really up to sensibility. I don't have a high tolerance for stuff like this. But we still do live in the greatest nation in the world and I attribute a lot of that to being able to do whatever you want. (under law of course) But I just thought it was something that needed to be talked about. Maybe just because it was comics related, this was not a place to share my thoughts on it. I see that in my rising number of "Dislikes" and "Disagrees". :)
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    QuinQuestionQuinQuestion Posts: 130
    @Eric_C The point you brought up was comic related and touches upon many things this title probably will. If I were to say you shouldn't have brought up an opinion in a respectful manner then I would be a hypocrite.
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    NickNick Posts: 284
    Well @Eric_C I can understand your view and why you are upset. I have not read this book (and I may not), but are you upset just by the title, or by the content? From what I read on Murphey's sight he says the book is commenting on the poor state of our country and terrorism. MY feeling on the book just from the little blurb he has is that he will be commenting on how America will do anything for a buck (even clone Jesus). So maybe it isn't as disrespectful as you are thinking against Jesus, but more of a statement saying that is how far America will go for money. Again, there is only a paragraph so I can't comment on the story itself yet, but maybe that will ease your thoughts a little.
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    Eric_CEric_C Posts: 263
    @Nick Yeah, I'm all for commenting on the nation, but I just hate it when Jesus is used in stuff like this. The preview art is also pretty disturbing. I would be A-OK if Jesus wasn't used, but He was, so thats why I'm mad
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    Eric_CEric_C Posts: 263
    This is why I am the founder of team Mike Gallagher. Thanks for the support sir. You hit it right on the head.
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    KyleMoyerKyleMoyer Posts: 727
    Maybe just because it was comics related, this was not a place to share my thoughts on it. I see that in my rising number of "Dislikes" and "Disagrees". :)
    You didn't say anything offensive. Keep in mind that the buttons "dislike" and "disagree" mean that someone disagreed with and/or disliked what you said. It doesn't mean it was inappropriate, it just means they don't agree with you. It's related to comic books and you didn't personally attack anyone so as long as those two things are true, keep speaking your mind, even if people don't agree with it. If people never posted anything that anyone disagreed with, this forum would be a boring place. The most interesting discussions will have a few disagrees and dislikes in it because it means you're talking about something where you can actually have a discussion.

    Of course the part I disagree with is the Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter part. I thought that book looked good way back when I first saw it on the shelves. If I had more time to read, I'd have read it by now, but I'll definitely see the movie.
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    NickNick Posts: 284
    @Eric_C you have a valid point and people are jumping on you because they are not understanding what it is you are saying.

    @Eric_C I hope you didn't think I was jumping on you or saying you were wrong, just trying to offer up a different view of the situation. You have to stand up for what you believe in.

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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    edited May 2012
    @Eric_C you have a valid point and people are jumping on you because they are not understanding what it is you are saying.
    As I understand this, Eric feels that A) he does not enjoy anyone showing disrespect to religious figures he holds dear. And B) that Murphy can do whatever he wants but his talents would be better served doing something other than disrespecting this religious figure.

    I do not see a witch hunt in this.
    I see a man standing up for his beliefs.
    Murphy is doing the same. There is nothing, in my opinion, wrong with either person.

    It doesn't matter what any of you believe as this is only one man's opinion. That's it. He is not telling you to believe anything. So chill, people, chill.

    And Eric, stand tall and proud!
    I... think people were already chill. I saw people listening to Eric's points and treating him respectfully. Sure, some people clicked "Disagree" or "Dislike", but that happens, and I don't think Eric should feel dissuaded by some of that button pressing. Especially when the people taking time to respond to him beyond a button click have, unless I missed something, been respectful and calm. Where were people "jumping all over" him? I see some people agreeing, some disagreeing, and most giving some well thought out reasons why on either side.

    Sorry, Mike, it is just a pet peeve of mine for someone to come into a thread and say 'Everybody calm down!' when it was already calm. Look back at the actual posts in this thread and I think you'll agree that- especially given the potentially hot topic- it is all pretty polite.
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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    edited May 2012
    With that last post it's turning into a brouhaha!

    (Kidding! I feel things have been calm in here as well.)
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    edited May 2012
    PS- I don't mean to derail an interesting discussion. I just wanted to give credit where it was due, that despite being such a potentially hot topic, I feel like the people participating in the thread (and really participating, not just reaction-button responding) are doing so in the sort of way that makes this a great place to post. So I have to disagree when the thread is characterized differently.
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    MikeGallagherMikeGallagher Posts: 547
    I disagree with you, David that is why I jumped in. Eric was feeling attacked and overwhelmed.
    I have been on the receiving end of this kind of 'respectfullness' and do not wish to see others have to wade through it.
    I wrote my chill post after reading thru the whole thing twice. I didn't address the button use issue at all. Those are ridiculous anyway. I addressed content. People forget that there IS tone in what you write, contrary to what others feel. If you are a good writer you can get your tone across well, if not, then your words can muddle your feelings.
    In general people in forums use language correctly and honestly and forfeit kindness to anonymity. I am guilty of this as much as anyone. I have learned to be mindful of whati write, and what words I use, and what tone I am trying to convey.
    It is a polite thread but his point was being muddled. I'm sure you can agree on that, David.
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    NickNick Posts: 284
    I was not intending to muddle his point, he is obviously upset about the book and the content. Sometimes if something really gets me going and someone puts a different spin on it it helps to maybe see it from a different light. I just tried to offer up a different viewpoint, not tell him he can't be upset. I think the point was that he did not appreciate this type of work. It seems everyone understands that point, I don't see anyone telling him he can't be upset about the comic.
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    MikeGallagherMikeGallagher Posts: 547
    So the hair splitting begins.
    You have your opinion. I have mine. I stick by mine.
    Anything further is bickering.
    We are all entitled to our opinions.
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    edited May 2012

    I will keep it simple and say that, yes, anything can get misinterpreted.

    Including civility, it would seem.

    But so it goes.
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    Correct me if I'm wrong but the book isn't even out yet, right? Yet some are passing judgement ahead of time.

    Why would one think that combining Jesus with Punk Rock is a bad thing? Jesus was against the establishment (the establishment knew this and it scared them to death). Punk Rock was a movement against the establishment and that too scared people in power.

    Let's wait til we see the book completed before anyone starts casting stones.

    The Tiki
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    Eric_CEric_C Posts: 263
    @thefreakytiki Jesus isn't against the establishment. He is the Establishment
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    edited May 2012
    @thefreakytiki Jesus isn't against the establishment. He is the Establishment
    Not to speak for Tiki, but I think he means (and regarding the Gospels, I have read those books) that Jesus' life and teachings were very much counter to the culture he lived in. To the point that the authorities killed him for it. I think that is what Tiki is saying in his comparison.
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