A huge, hale-and-hearty "Thank You" to everyone who submitted nominations for our CGS "Best of 2016" Awards Show! Now begins the all-important final phase: voting for the actual w… (View Post)
Out of the seething crucible of excellence in comics production that was 2016, there must now emerge those elite few comics, concepts, characters and creators that deserve to be known as... 'The Best… (View Post)
There's no need to fear - Previews time is here! Join us as we go through the February 2017 catalog for items shipping to stores beginning in April. (1:12:02) Listen here. (View Post)
We're kickin' it freestyle with Off the Racks this month! First, we collectively review Thanos #1 from Marvel and Motor Girl #1 from Terry Moore's Abstract Studio; then, each Geek presents an additio… (View Post)