Marvel's new Event is out, and while it doesn't SEEM like an event to me, it will be spilling into books somehow and is the big Bendis farewell to the Avengers. In a lot of ways, Ultron is the first … (View Post)
Oh Matt...sales are at their highest levels since 1994 (dollar wise) and there are some GREAT books out there. I am madly in love with Daredevil, Hawkguy, Bendis's X-Men, Fraction on Fantastic Four, … (View Post)
Hearing you talk about the beginnings of podcasting was very informative! I came at it in a VERY different way. I did radio in college, and then let it drop away...but in the late 90's a couple of we… (View Post)
I am very grateful for the Johns run...he brought back Hal Jordan, built the GL mythos and made the character one of the top characters at DC, which is impressive, since the whole "Emerald Twili… (View Post)