It all depends. Some books use the serial format well (Daredevil, Spider-Man, Walking Dead) and those I read as they come out. Others, I save up story arcs and read them that way. Although I am movin… (View Post)
Remember what I said pages and pages ago about how digging into things behind the scenes makes them a lot less fun? This is a lot less fun. But I am glad Marty is back. Sorry about the job, old chum. (View Post)
I work overnights at a group home while looking for a job in my field(yeah, I can't seem to escape them....) and I have three staff I work with who disagree with me politically. The first, I enjoy wo… (View Post)
I'm not going to address anyone in particular, but I am seeing a lot of posts saying "I want to know what6 happened" or "Why isn't there more discussion"... I have worked in HR fo… (View Post)