Well, 2014 is done. How did it work out for everyone? Are we going to do it again? @Torchsong, do you want to take point on this? Anyway, I looked at my previous lists from 2014 and combined them al… (View Post)
BOOM! Capture Creatures Munchkin Dark Horse BPRD Hell on Earth TPB Hellboy TPB DC / Vertigo Batman Fables Gotham Academy Grayson IDW My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Powerpuff Girls Ragnarok Samur… (View Post)
Solid list, but do you have a spot for Best OGN? There's a few books I think that should be on that list: Boxers & Saints, Nnewts, The Guns of Shadow Valley, and Jim Henson's The Musical Monsters… (View Post)
Comixology 12 Days of Free Comics Day 1: The Wake #1 Day 2: Captain Marvel (2014 - ) #1 Day 3: Day 4: Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: Day 8: Day 9: Day 10: Day 11: Day 12: (View Post)
This is super easy as @Torchsong and I (and a few others!) have been keeping track for the whole year... B-) January Winner: Wonder Woman #1-24 (digital) February Winner: Hawkeye #1-11 (digital) Mar… (View Post)