Man I had to apologise to lady working at the eye doctor today. I snapped at her and it wasn't her fault May isn't exactly my favorite month. Anyway here's the lesson. Even if you are aggravated at l… (View Post)
I started reading the Orion omnibus by Walt Simonson. I really like it. Im not far enough along to know what is going on, but that Walt guy can draw and write. What's interesting is reading this whil… (View Post)
Wonder woman Earth one vol 1 It wasn't bad, but this book is an example of bad Morrison. It slow with no action and leaned very heavily in on Marston's personal beliefs and creation of Wonder woman (… (View Post)
I don't think superhero movies are a bubble that will burst. They are more like westerns, one day they will just slow down and not be everywhere. I'm like @nweathington I don't see them in theaters, … (View Post)