After some announcements about the forums and upcoming conventions, we dig into our voice mails and e-mails. We hear from our listeners about their experience at the London Super Comic Convention, get a question about Comic Now! magazine and get asked about our apparent 'DC bias'. All this plus some Shazam talk and Muddle the Murd! (1:06:45)
Listen here.
I would welcome a Uncanny X-Men vol. 2 & Wolverine & the X-Men spotlight episode. Have guests on if you need a second & third voice for the topic. With a AvX spotlight be it monthly two issues in a month (or 4 issues every 2 months), whatever works for you guys. I still miss episodes showcasing Wonder Woman's comics & history from CGS months ago. As for indies bring them on be it "classic" indies or new recent indie titles. Just do what suits you & you find is appealing to the CGS audience.
Embrace your uniqueness & bias as comic geeks.
Matthew (a DC fan who tries to expand my horizon but not my wallet too much from the threat of increasing prices. A comics reader/fan of 29 years IN DCBS/IST I TRUST)
This is the HoS #92 cover, and yes I did get this signed at LoSCCO
Would love to see the original art
I'll basically get two free trades a year from DCBS (and they told me in an email that you'll be able to use the credits at In Stock Trades soon), so I'll use those to buy Mark Waid's Daredevil or something else from Marvel.
Oh, and I always find the snarkiness of the Comics Foundry editor regarding the Nova cover to be hilarious, because although that was a decent mag, too, it's not like they lasted very long, either (I think 4 issues to CN's 3). The ancient Greeks called that sort of thing hubris.
And, oh, the old "DC bias" claims. Wow, forum reboot, Comics Now, bias complaints... it's CGS Old Home Week! Yeah, you guys talk a lot about DC. But you know what? It's your show, you provide it free of charge, and I have the option of not listening to the episodes I'm not interested in, so I don't particularly care. You can only talk about what you read, and if there aren't enough people who have read a given thing, it's not much of a discussion. Though I do think that if you have an opinion on a book, share it even if you're the only one who has read it. Maybe it's not the lengthy discussion you're hoping for, but still, it's your electronic soapbox, use it.
Also, to be fair, EVERYONE in the "talkin' comics via the internets" world is mostly talking about DC right now because that's where the big news is happening. To their credit, they've made it really difficult *not* to talk about the New 52 (and love it or hate it, people are still talking about it, so DC totally wins there). Back during Civil War, most of the talk was about Marvel because that was The Really Big Thing Going On at that moment. Give it time, things will cycle around again because that's what happens in comic books.
Thanks for the fun.
@LibraryBoy above encouraged you guys to talk about any comic you read, even if you're the lone voice on it. I second that. The more opinions on more books, the better!
Love the show. Thanks for your time!
I have 2&3 but not issue 1. If anyone has an extra copy that they would be willing to part with for a long time listener (listening since the double digits) please pm me. I love CGS and do my best to support the show; so yeah I'm looking for Comics Now 1.
Yes, you just associate DCBS with your Comixology account (can't remember exactly how I did that but they have instructions at the DCBS website), and after that you get 5 cents of DCBS credit for every dollar you spend at their Comixology storefront, good for one year. So at my current pace it looks like I'll rack up enough to purchase a trade a couple times a year.
I'll call it now, in two years, someone will be asking why you guys are so biased to Marvel.
I think it's a bit strange that everything that's not Marvel or DC is considered independent stuff. I don't see much difference between Image, IDW, Dark Horse,... and the big two, only the sales numbers. There could be more talk about guys like Daniel Clowes, Chris Ware, Charles Burns, the Hernandez brothers, etc...
But I'm not complaining. I love listening to the CGS geeks, if they would be talking about their home plumbing I think I would still keep the earphones plugged in. :D
Not that I blame you for gunning for me, of course--I'm a big Alex Serra fan, too. :) Those of you who may not know what you're competing for, here's a sample of Alex's beautiful character artwork from my own collection (Thanks, Alex!):
*EDIT: Okay, including images in posts is apparently a bit iffier in the new Forums. The thing I tried to post is a drawing of Bizarro (natch), and just trust me, it's impressive!