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Binding Forum Organization

brydeemerbrydeemer Posts: 216
edited March 2012 in Comic Book Binding
Hey guys,

I just wanted you to know that I'm serious about making this an awesome spot for binding info.

I'm saddened by the loss of the old forums and all of it's great content, but I'd like to do whatever I can to make this one even better.

If you need any sub categories, or you need some threads make sticky, just let me know. I'm happy to help,



  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,641
    Right now, Bryan if you could make the links thread a sticky that would be helpful. Eventually we will some of the other threads up and running like the picture thread and faq thread.
  • brydeemerbrydeemer Posts: 216
    Does it makes sense to have a sub forum for maps?

  • Hard to say. A lot of maps end up being thrown around in discussion. A better solution might be for a thread that stays stickied that has links to the maps (either the thread or specific posts). It would just need to be updated every so often. You could keep it better organized that way, too (a group of DC maps, Marvel maps, etc).
  • CorwinCorwin Posts: 549
    Hard to say. A lot of maps end up being thrown around in discussion. A better solution might be for a thread that stays stickied that has links to the maps (either the thread or specific posts). It would just need to be updated every so often. You could keep it better organized that way, too (a group of DC maps, Marvel maps, etc).
    Agreed, we can really tangent in a thread sometimes....but I think a stickied thread for maps would work, then Marvel, DC and other subthreads.

    The difficult part is how to post different maps of the same titles. Like the X-Men. We need some kind of naming system be it years or something. Issue numbers may not work when it's a mix of titles.
  • brydeemerbrydeemer Posts: 216
    Very good. If you guys decide you want to break anything down into sub forums, then you can let me know.

    I'm happy to help however you need me to,

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