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Movie News: Dark Knight Rises



  • matchkitJOHNmatchkitJOHN Posts: 1,030
    Maybe I will spring for blu-ray for the first two and just see the third in theater. The Henry Ford Museum here in Michigan has a nice big IMAX so maybe I might watch all three there if they do it.

    If you asked me a few years ago that I would be anticipating a Batman movie more than a Spider-man movie I would say you were nuts.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    I still think the "Legend Ends" refers to the perception of Batman (as a scourge who killed Dent & others) rather than a death.

  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    No way is Warner Brothers killing off Bats. The film is called The Dark Knight Rises. I don't see that ending with a body in the ground.
  • rebisrebis Posts: 1,820
    I'm imagining an ending like Dark Knight Returns. Batman fakes his death and goes underground with Catwoman at his side.
  • I'm imagining an ending like Dark Knight Returns. Batman fakes his death and goes underground with Catwoman at his side.
    I know I would. Me-OW!
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    edited June 2012
    His death would be most fitting to end the trilogy, but it'll kill the future of Batman movies. Going with the belief that the last thing the common audience sees will be the first thing related to the next one. If the next reboot was 10 years from now, they might be able to get away with it. The next reboot is to start in 2015. The studio will bank on many people returning to the movie based on Nolan's films. They'll hope the next one can ride the coattails of these movies.

    Imagine if each Bond actor died at end of their last 007 movie (the character, not the actual actor.) It would hurt the next actor's first movie.


  • matchkitJOHNmatchkitJOHN Posts: 1,030
    This whole reboot thing is crazy. Comics change artists and writers all the time and they may change the tone and direction of the book but they don't just erase and start over. That may occur in few examples like line-wide reboots (New52) and abominations (One More Day) but for the most part they don't start over. Are they really going to do another origin story in 2015? That's why not interest in the new Spider-man. I'll rent it but not paying to see half a movie I already saw this soon.

    But if the take a radical shift in Batman (more superhero and less dark) then I can see that. But not major origin story. I know there is practical reasons for being all black but I would like for them to get the gray-black costume in there.
  • Studios want franchises to appeal to their prime audience- the 13-25 year olds. Rebooting a movie after 3-4 years gives them a new audience that they believe never saw anything before. They are partly right. This kind of thinking would work better in an age sans Internet and movies on phones. It is a partially unrealistic goal studios retain.
    Amz spidey will show it does work. Just not for the generation that "owns" said character at a certain time. Nostalgia doesn't produce revenue until the generation is in their late thirties typically.

    Rebooting batman will open doors into the 52niverse they look to be starting with his new superman. New contracts can be made with actors willing to participate in a jla crossover.
    The taste of this batman series will be cleansed and they will move on.

    If they risk holding to this continuity they risk ingesting a flop into the gravy train. Who would want to build on the back of batman and robin?

    With bond they hold a very loose continuity that they touch on for fans but means nothing to the story or period. Heck, they have never, as far as I know, even said officially if bond is a person or a title given to multiple people.
  • This whole reboot thing is crazy. Comics change artists and writers all the time and they may change the tone and direction of the book but they don't just erase and start over. That may occur in few examples like line-wide reboots (New52) and abominations (One More Day) but for the most part they don't start over. Are they really going to do another origin story in 2015? That's why not interest in the new Spider-man. I'll rent it but not paying to see half a movie I already saw this soon.

    But if the take a radical shift in Batman (more superhero and less dark) then I can see that. But not major origin story. I know there is practical reasons for being all black but I would like for them to get the gray-black costume in there.
    One thing that was neat about Burton's Batman is that it WASN'T an origin story. It had elements in there, but it opened with Bats as an established hero. Batman Begins is my favorite all-time Batman movie, but I agree, I don't need another origin, thanks.
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    This whole reboot thing is crazy. Comics change artists and writers all the time and they may change the tone and direction of the book but they don't just erase and start over. That may occur in few examples like line-wide reboots (New52) and abominations (One More Day) but for the most part they don't start over. Are they really going to do another origin story in 2015? That's why not interest in the new Spider-man. I'll rent it but not paying to see half a movie I already saw this soon.

    But if the take a radical shift in Batman (more superhero and less dark) then I can see that. But not major origin story. I know there is practical reasons for being all black but I would like for them to get the gray-black costume in there.
    One thing that was neat about Burton's Batman is that it WASN'T an origin story. It had elements in there, but it opened with Bats as an established hero. Batman Begins is my favorite all-time Batman movie, but I agree, I don't need another origin, thanks.
    Agreed! We know, EVERYBODY knows, who Batman is no need for an origin story, almost ever. I would argue that holds true for almost any super hero property.
  • chriswchrisw Posts: 792

    With bond they hold a very loose continuity that they touch on for fans but means nothing to the story or period. Heck, they have never, as far as I know, even said officially if bond is a person or a title given to multiple people.
    "For Your Eyes Only" opens with Bond visiting his late wife's grave, which I suppose could at least link Moore to Lazenby and Connery. I think "The Spy Who Loved Me" mentions her as well. Aside from that, though, it's kept vague. I remember as a kid seeing those before the Lazenby film, and not having any idea what they were talking about.

    I've read that the original script of "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" featured Bond undergoing plastic surgery, which would have at least explained why it took Blofeld so long to recognize Bond, when they just met in the previous film.
  • RedRight88RedRight88 Posts: 2,207

    With bond they hold a very loose continuity that they touch on for fans but means nothing to the story or period. Heck, they have never, as far as I know, even said officially if bond is a person or a title given to multiple people.
    "For Your Eyes Only" opens with Bond visiting his late wife's grave, which I suppose could at least link Moore to Lazenby and Connery. I think "The Spy Who Loved Me" mentions her as well. Aside from that, though, it's kept vague. I remember as a kid seeing those before the Lazenby film, and not having any idea what they were talking about.

    His marriage is also mentioned in the beginning of License to Kill.

  • Well yeah

    With bond they hold a very loose continuity that they touch on for fans but means nothing to the story or period. Heck, they have never, as far as I know, even said officially if bond is a person or a title given to multiple people.
    "For Your Eyes Only" opens with Bond visiting his late wife's grave, which I suppose could at least link Moore to Lazenby and Connery. I think "The Spy Who Loved Me" mentions her as well. Aside from that, though, it's kept vague. I remember as a kid seeing those before the Lazenby film, and not having any idea what they were talking about.

    His marriage is also mentioned in the beginning of License to Kill.

    That's why I said loose continuity. There are little things. But they are meaningless overall.
  • Fade2BlackFade2Black Posts: 1,457
    edited July 2012
    International Trailer

  • DARDAR Posts: 1,128
    Apparently there were some screenings this morning in NY. I post a lot on and we were discussing it.
  • DARDAR Posts: 1,128
    Anyone see the trailer Nokia came out with a few weeks ago

    Love the musical score in this especially when the WB and DC logos kick in.
  • DARDAR Posts: 1,128
    Word is that the film received a standing ovation after it's first screening.
  • matchkitJOHNmatchkitJOHN Posts: 1,030
    Word is that the film received a standing ovation after it's first screening.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    Let me tell you, I don't think I've wanted to see ANY movie more than I want to see this one. It doesn't feel like a truly feels like the third act of an epic. July 19th cannot come soon enough (Dark Knight-a-thon!)

  • RedRight88RedRight88 Posts: 2,207
    Bad news for anyone expecting a Nolan directed Justice League film.
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    edited July 2012
    Bad news for anyone expecting a Nolan directed Justice League film.
    I'm actually pretty pleased about this. Nolan is talented as hell but i think a Justice League movie would require a different sensability than The Dark Knight.

  • DARDAR Posts: 1,128
    As great as the Batman films have been I want Nolan to continue making great movies period no matter the genre
  • DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    As great as the Batman films have been I want Nolan to continue making great movies period no matter the genre
    I'll drink to that.
  • matchkitJOHNmatchkitJOHN Posts: 1,030
    I really liked Inception and was introduced to Tom Hardy due it it so seeing him in this movie has me excited.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    Bad news for anyone expecting a Nolan directed Justice League film.
    Truthfully, I wouldn't mind if he provided a storyline & produced, with direction, but not write or direct the movie. It'd be too different a movie. This Batman is awesome to picture in the real world, but wouldn't work well with superpowered characters.

  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    Just saw a humorous TV spot for DKR. It had a scene that showed Nolan is going for a realistic feel. Athletes suffer severe injuries playing sports, so...

  • Fade2BlackFade2Black Posts: 1,457
    And the trailers keep coming.

  • DARDAR Posts: 1,128
    I just read that it's tracking slightly behind Avengers for the opening weekend. I still don't think it beats Avengers because that had 3D prices which this doesn't but I think we may have our second film to open at 200 million in as many months
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