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The New Ultimate Spiderman Animated Series on Disney XD

Personally I feel like this show so far is just ok, not bad but not AMAZING....yet.
I mean I did not care for DC's Young Justice its first season but the second
season has been great in my opinion. So it makes since that this new
Spidy series could do the same thing once it starts rolling.

Also, it seems to me that Marvel / Disney is trying really hard to
make this show similar to that of the Teen Titans animated
series in several ways but not quite as good. I see a lot of the
same Anime style comedic Q's with serious undertones lying in wake
just like DC did with the Teen Titan animated series.

But that is just my opinion, what do the rest of my fellow CGS fans think?


  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    I enjoyed it, it does have room for much improvement and yes, there are Teen Titans similarities and I'm fine with that, but at least do a good job of it if you're going to do it.
  • DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    I'll have to watch it soon. Although maybe I should actually watch Spectacular Spider-Man first...
  • I'll have to watch it soon. Although maybe I should actually watch Spectacular Spider-Man first...
    I enjoyed Spectacular Spider very much, I hate it was canceled. But, they do not tie in at all so you don't really have to watch it first unless you just want to.

  • I liked it and so did my kids. I thought the side banter was pretty funny. I'm in for the season! Plus the cameos and the future team ups brought a smile to my face!!
  • fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    Since I don't have cable, I'm really hoping they release this to iTunes. What I really want to know is when are they going to release Spectacular Spider-Man Season 2? I stopped watching because it went from CW to Disney XD. I own season 1 and loved the show (so did my son, one of the few superhero cartoons he would watch). I'm excited to check this out.
  • DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    I'll have to watch it soon. Although maybe I should actually watch Spectacular Spider-Man first...
    I enjoyed Spectacular Spider very much, I hate it was canceled. But, they do not tie in at all so you don't really have to watch it first unless you just want to.

    Ah, I know they don't tie in. I just figured I'd give the old toon a run-through before starting up with this new one.

    But thanks for the heads up, anyway!
  • DARDAR Posts: 1,128
    I'll watch again in a few weeks(going to Mexico next week) but I was a little meh on the whole thing. It just felt a little too juvenille(yes I realize the irony of that statement) but I just wasn't that thrilled with the whole thing. The quick cutaway gags got old pretty fast. But I'll give it another chance.
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    My 5 year old son and 8 year old daughter love it and laugh at all the gags. Mission accomplished as far as my kids are concerned.
  • I am most certainly not the target demographic but I was entertained enough to watch both episodes.
  • I like it. It has a Super Hero Squad feel to it while the art is more for older folk. There's stuff in it for everyone and this is coming from someone who does not like the Spiderman comics.

    @ArkhamArtistMG Young Justice is still in season 1. Ep 23 of 26 for S1 just aired on 3/31/
  • ArkhamArtistMGArkhamArtistMG Posts: 26
    edited April 2012
    This is a good point I mean ultimately(pun, lol) creators do not have to sell us to create a successful animated series, the creators just need to sale kids. Our kids are also the ones who will hopefully be buying comics in the future, because of there love for animated series now.
    Also, adults will be spending way more on Ultimate Spider man toys, clothes and other merchandise for there kids than themselves. Not to mention that you can sell a lot of merchandise to a none comic fans if there kids are in love with your franchise, via a cartoon.

    Plus use fan boys are hooked already, they do not have to sell us lol.
    My 5 year old son and 8 year old daughter love it and laugh at all the gags. Mission accomplished as far as my kids are concerned.
  • Man they stretch seasons out sometimes with the breaks animated series take lol, Thundercats did the same thing.
    I like it. It has a Super Hero Squad feel to it while the art is more for older folk. There's stuff in it for everyone and this is coming from someone who does not like the Spiderman comics.

    @ArkhamArtistMG Young Justice is still in season 1. Ep 23 of 26 for S1 just aired on 3/31/
  • RedRight88RedRight88 Posts: 2,207
    Since I don't have cable, I'm really hoping they release this to iTunes. What I really want to know is when are they going to release Spectacular Spider-Man Season 2? I stopped watching because it went from CW to Disney XD. I own season 1 and loved the show (so did my son, one of the few superhero cartoons he would watch). I'm excited to check this out.
    They did run it...all eight or so episodes, then they dropped it.

    As for iTunes I don't know if USM will be there, but chances are Netflix will instant stream at somepoint over the next two months.

  • fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    iTunes is now carrying season 1 of USM as well as season 2 of Avengerss: EMH. Unfortunately the price point is too high otherwise I would snatxh it up in a heartbeat. I'll just wait for the eventual complete Blu-ray. iTunes also has said episodes for free right now if you are interested.

    I got episode 1 and thought it was pretty good. A kid's show, but what else can I expect? The cameo was a fun surprise.
  • I have to say Stan Lee's character is hilarious.
  • I liked it but my son loved it! He is 10.
  • RedRight88RedRight88 Posts: 2,207
    Caught the first episode this afternoon...It was okay, but the fourth wall breaking got a little heavy.
  • I agree @RedRight88 , alot of 4th wall.
  • I loved the Forbrush nod in the ep.
  • StoneStone Posts: 1
    Just watched the episode on my DVR tonight and loved it. i agree with it having that teen titans feel to it
  • KrescanKrescan Posts: 623
    watched the first of 2 last night, I liked it

    had that teen titans look with a Saved By the Bell/Parker Lewis Can't Lose feel for me

    or a Ferris Bueller's day off for you movie goers

    Looking forward to episode 2 tonight
  • WebheadWebhead Posts: 458
    edited April 2012
    Finally got a chance to sit down and watch the first two episodes.

    First impressions... I liked it.

    The Good
    The animation was good and they did a good job of casting the voices.

    A lot of action

    They did a good job of mixing the characters from the movies and the comics with a touch of the Ultimate line.

    Nice to see them using other Marvel comic characters that you normally do not see outside the comics.

    We did not have to sit through an origin episode and wait two or three episodes before Peter puts on the costume.

    The Bad
    They were trying to hard with the humor.

    What the hell are they doing to the Aunt May character. Either give us the classic version or the Ultimate version not this 90's over-achieving super aunt who is too busy not to notice her nephew is not at home at nights.

    Don't care for the S.H.I.E.L.D. version of the web shooters. Looks like they were designed just so they can sell versions of them during Christmas time at Toy R Us.

    Same goes for all the new vehicles that S.H.I.E.L.D. will be providing to Spider-man like the Spider Cycle. At least they could of done is make one of those vehicles a Spider-Mobile dune buggy like from the comics.

    I did think it was interesting that they introduced a character that is now making his first appearance in Avenger vs X-Men. This leads me to believe that he will become a major character in the comics, maybe get his own book.
  • JohnTiltonJohnTilton Posts: 113
    I watched the first 2 episodes and while it was definitely aimed at kids, it wasn't bad for a groggy saturday/sunday morning cartoon, which I love :)
  • @Webhead The Nova in the show was made for the show and for some reason that i can't seem to find he was ported over to the comic.
  • JohnTiltonJohnTilton Posts: 113
    @justin_thebuck and @webhead you gotta remember that this is a kids tv show, continuity doesn't really matter at all.
  • KrescanKrescan Posts: 623
    Finished the second episode last night, still liking it. The humor is a little forced, I did like the nod to the Iron Spider armor, that was pretty funny at least.
  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    My son has watched both episodes four times, he really likes it and he is not a big fan of superhero cartoons so I have to chalk these first two episodes as a success.
  • WebheadWebhead Posts: 458
    @Webhead The Nova in the show was made for the show and for some reason that i can't seem to find he was ported over to the comic.
    Actually the Nova that appears in the cartoon is the same Nova that appeared in the first issue of Avengers VS X-Men is the same character.
    @justin_thebuck and @webhead you gotta remember that this is a kids tv show, continuity doesn't really matter at all.

    I'm not saying that continuity matters in the cartoon show, I just thought it was interesting that they introduced a character in the comic and in the cartoon about the same time. Marvel could of easily used another character or the original Nova, Rich Rider but they went with a new character which I think is a good idea. If the cartoon takes off and if it brings in some new readers they might want to read a new character that they are familiar with that does not have a ton of back stories.
  • Justin_TheBuckJustin_TheBuck Posts: 253
    edited April 2012
    @Webhead The Nova in the show was made for the show and for some reason that i can't seem to find he was ported over to the comic.
    Actually the Nova that appears in the cartoon is the same Nova that appeared in the first issue of Avengers VS X-Men is the same character.
    @justin_thebuck and @webhead you gotta remember that this is a kids tv show, continuity doesn't really matter at all.
    Yes, I know. My comment is saying that he was made for the show first and then ported over to the comic.

  • WebheadWebhead Posts: 458

    Yes, I know. My comment is saying that he was made for the show first and then ported over to the comic.

    My mistake

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