I can't quite put my finger on it but the show seems to be lacking something since Pants left. I don't feel the overarching enthusiasm that used to be there, the guys are running through the motions and it doesn't seem as fun as it once was. Not that I don't like the rest of the crew, I do, but it feels like a part of the whole is missing. Any chance we can get him back? :)
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Of course we all know the show went on and was as great as always. Pants did a faaaaantastic job and we should expect no less from Jamie and the other Geeks.
I for one appreciate @JamieD for being willing to step up and take on the producer roll. I like the intentional, and sometimes unintentional, pulling back of the curtain..and the edit free, laid back feel..like the old episodes once had.
It's also interesting because Pants would often step back, be the producer, and just let the other guys talk. What you got a lot of the times was Shane, Jamie, Matt, and Murd having a discussion with Pants stepping in only to move things along..not a hell of a lot different then what we are getting now.
We're glad you are showing up more Bryan; we missed you too.
I mean, it's free entertainment that people go out of their way to provide for me, so even if I did have a complaint I'd probably keep it to myself, but still, I'm digging it.
I imagine this will be the same as well.
Thanks for all you've done and still do.
And keep up the fight. You show the big C.
You're doing a fine job Pimp.