I placed my first dcbs order last month. After listening to roughly 400-500 episodes of the last couple months, im fairly new to cgs(may 14), i have heard them all talk about how they love dcbs and im really just wondering how it works ive tried to look on the FAQ but im not finding everything Im looking for. My main question is how often should I be placing an order? should I place my order at the beginning or end of the month? Any other information on how this business works would be great. Sorry if these questions are "dumb" but I am new to comics, dcbs, and pre-ordering in general so any tips would be awesome. Thank you CGS community for any feedback/tips/etc..
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I actually started a thread about it a few months back. It will probably answer a lot of your questions as it did mine. Check it out here: thecomicforums.com/discussion/1930/comics-pre-order-services-compared-inquiry-about-dcbs/p1
setup the account
download the current or previous month spreadsheet
fill out spreadsheet and upload to your account
Here is the skinny on DCBS; you are paying for comic/comic related stuff at least 2 months in advance at a subsantial discount. They have good customer service and are reliable. I've been using them since pretty regularly since 2007; it's a great company especially if you are like me and live in an area without a local store.
A very recent devolpment is that DCBS is now letting you choose which week of the month you want you items shipped. Week 2, the best of both worlds.
Usually once a month when all the new stuff is listed. Around the first week, they'll update the site with all the new issues to pre-order from that month's Previews book.
Should I place my order at the beginning or end of the month?
See above. Around the first week or so the site will be updated and you have until roughly the last week or so to get your order finalized.
Any other information on how this business works would be great.
You're basically ordering your books 2-3 months in advance. Because they know how much of something they need to order, that's where they can pass the discount on to you. Also because of that, once you order something and the order closes at the end of the month and your payment has been processed. You can cancel items sometimes if they haven't already ordered them, but it's important to understand that it should be a regular practice based on their business model.
You can opt to have shipments come weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Monthly offers the least expensive shipping, and you get the joy of that great big box at the end of the month! :)
To truly "get your money's worth", you need to order enough product to overshadow the $7-8 shipping you're going to be charged. This is not hard to do. A few trades will put you right over the hump and after that it's gravy.
Any other questions, let us know. A number of us have used them for many years now.
Great service as always.
1) Order beginning of month.
2) Order closes toward end of that month.
3) Your card is charged middle of next month.
4) Books will start coming in about 2-3 months later*
* Bear in mind your complete order will likely not all come at once. Some companies ship later than others, no matter when you order.
** If you go monthly shipping, you're also more likely to see your books show up the beginning of the month AFTER they're slated to show up. (Example: Order in September for November, you start seeing books show up in your Shipment stack in November, you don't actually GET said shipment until beginning of December).
*** I look at this as Christmas coming at the beginning of every month. :)
If you're buying enough stuff to justify the shipping, go for it.