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Secret Wars #3 of 8 (Spoilers)

Oh. My. Freaking. God.

Hickman is a genius.


  • TheOriginalGManTheOriginalGMan Posts: 1,763
    That was one of the single best issues of a comic I've read in a long, long, time.
  • BrackBrack Posts: 868
    Art looked a little rushed and stiff in spots, so that scheduling delay is beginning to make sense. Great story though.

    Do we reckon this Sue, Johnny, Valeria, Franklin etc are from broken half of Reed's raft? Johnny is wearing the current FF uniform, and Sue mentions Doom rescuing her.

    I liked the schisms beginning to form between the Cabal, feels like this has to come down to Doom vs. Reed vs. The Maker. Maybe Thanos too.

    Tie-in of the week for me was Future Imperfect. Enjoyed it so much I didn't even notice it was Greg Land drawing it!

  • TheOriginalGManTheOriginalGMan Posts: 1,763
    Great observation about them being survivors from the other half of the raft. Would explain why Johnny had rebelled against the God Emperor like that.

    There was soooo much great stuff in this one ... the fact that Strange remembers (and had a chance to be God!), the reveal about Miles Morales being a stowaway with the Cabal, the survivors from the other raft, Doom's face!

    Oh, and I love all the ways the word "Doom" is used by the population. "Are you out of your God Doomed mind?" <--- LOL!
  • popestupopestu Posts: 782
    Another great issue. Very grounded and personal. Doom's face unfixable because Victor's vanity is so deep that he can't let go of this? Prior to his putting his red hot mask on way back when, was he truely disfigured or did he perceive a slight imperfection as much more?




    Is the face we see in issues 3 how he always looked? Or is it his creation of his perception of how he views himself (he probably has self-esteem issues, what with his dad dying when he was still a boy and his mother burning in hell for being a witch...not to mention RICHARDS...). Or is it how he feels others see him? Maybe its left over from whatever happened with the Beyonders. Then again, he could also be lying about the whole thing and playing the sympathy card to bed Sue.

  • popestupopestu Posts: 782
    How do I get this added to the proper thread?
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    popestu said:

    How do I get this added to the proper thread?

    You get it God-Doomed AMALGAMATED!! ;)
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited June 2015
    Issue 3 was great. After spending so much time in #2 worldbuilding, I was glad that we got some longer character scenes in this. And, for anyone concerned by issue 2 that we were only going to get elseworld-ish characters to follow in Secret Wars, like the Thor who we spent a lot of time with in #2, I think this issue showed that actually who we are going to be following in this story are the displaced refugees from the 616 (with the addition of Miles and young Reed from the Ultimate universe). The elseworlds setting is the setting, but they seem to be our narrative characters.

    I love the unusual relationship between Doom and Strange, and the creepiness of the that have been living in this Doom created world slowly forgetting what came before over the years. It makes his relationship with Sue pretty fraught-- not only has she come to love him because, to her, he saved her and the universe, but also now because she no longer remembers the prior world, or her former life, to compare it to what she is living in now.

    I also thought-- and this might be me seeing some meta-cheekiness that isn't actually there- but the notion that Doomworld has existed for 8 years, and so that leaves room for all sorts of things to happen, and 'how well do you remember 8 years ago' felt to me like a nod towards the fuzziness of 'Marvel Time'. This has probably been updated to be a longer span since, but I thought when I was younger I used to hear references to the idea that, as of 1990s publishing, everything in the MU had happened "about 8 years ago". Like, that was how long it had been since Cap had come out of the ice. I thought I used to hear that number. Again, I may just be seeing some meta where it isn't.

    Anyway, the cast of characters- both the current Cabal of villains, and the heroes that escaped- are an interesting, eclectic mix. I definitely didn't expect a Phoenix-ed up Scott to be one of the characters that made the cut.

    I love Strange's role as this tortured Doom collaborator. That he seems to have made a kind of 'save who you can/ do the best you can' Faustian bargain with Doom.

    And I am not an avid FF reader, so I couldn't remember any of the prior moments, like the ones that @popestu posted, of Doom taking his mask off and actually facing the reader. So that moment really popped for me.

    Great stuff. Gimmie the next one.

  • TheOriginalGManTheOriginalGMan Posts: 1,763
    David_D said:

    You get it God-Doomed AMALGAMATED!! ;)


  • TheOriginalGManTheOriginalGMan Posts: 1,763
    Great post, @David_D. I would like to see the back story of how Doom and Strange came to build/rule Battleworld. I suspect Strange knew it would take (no pun intended) an iron fist to rule it, hence his decision to pass the baton to Doom.
  • TheOriginalGManTheOriginalGMan Posts: 1,763

    I suspect Strange knew it would take (no pun intended) an iron fist to rule it,

    And, no ... I don't mean this guy:


  • I'd expected Human Torch to have been turned into Franklin's Galactus outside Castle Doom, but it's more interesting for the world if he's the Sun's power source.

    It's very in-character for Stephen to have given up the chance to be God. I haven't always been entirely happy with what Hickman's been doing to him, but he understands Doctor Strange well, at least as well as he understands Doom. I know Byrne's Doom is the definitive for a lot of people, but not having read Byrne's FF myself, I expect Hickman's will become my definitive Doom. Issue 2 laid the foundation for Secret Wars being a Doom character study, and Issue 3 is really pushing that.

    I can't wait for the inevitable confrontation between Reed and Doom. It's going to be immensely difficult for Reed to reconcile Doom saving everyone with taking his family and making himself God.
  • popestupopestu Posts: 782
    David_D said:

    popestu said:

    How do I get this added to the proper thread?

    You get it God-Doomed AMALGAMATED!! ;)
    Is that painful?
  • popestupopestu Posts: 782
    David_D said:

    Issue 3 was great. After spending so much time in #2 worldbuilding, I was glad that we got some longer character scenes in this. And, for anyone concerned by issue 2 that we were only going to get elseworld-ish characters to follow in Secret Wars, like the Thor who we spent a lot of time with in #2, I think this issue showed that actually who we are going to be following in this story are the displaced refugees from the 616 (with the addition of Miles and young Reed from the Ultimate universe). The elseworlds setting is the setting, but they seem to be our narrative characters.

    I love the unusual relationship between Doom and Strange, and the creepiness of the that have been living in this Doom created world slowly forgetting what came before over the years. It makes his relationship with Sue pretty fraught-- not only has she come to love him because, to her, he saved her and the universe, but also now because she no longer remembers the prior world, or her former life, to compare it to what she is living in now.

    I also thought-- and this might be me seeing some meta-cheekiness that isn't actually there- but the notion that Doomworld has existed for 8 years, and so that leaves room for all sorts of things to happen, and 'how well do you remember 8 years ago' felt to me like a nod towards the fuzziness of 'Marvel Time'. This has probably been updated to be a longer span since, but I thought when I was younger I used to hear references to the idea that, as of 1990s publishing, everything in the MU had happened "about 8 years ago". Like, that was how long it had been since Cap had come out of the ice. I thought I used to hear that number. Again, I may just be seeing some meta where it isn't.

    Anyway, the cast of characters- both the current Cabal of villains, and the heroes that escaped- are an interesting, eclectic mix. I definitely didn't expect a Phoenix-ed up Scott to be one of the characters that made the cut.

    I love Strange's role as this tortured Doom collaborator. That he seems to have made a kind of 'save who you can/ do the best you can' Faustian bargain with Doom.

    And I am not an avid FF reader, so I couldn't remember any of the prior moments, like the ones that @popestu posted, of Doom taking his mask off and actually facing the reader. So that moment really popped for me.

    Great stuff. Gimmie the next one.

    The Kirby image is explained here...somewhat
  • popestupopestu Posts: 782

    I'd expected Human Torch to have been turned into Franklin's Galactus outside Castle Doom, but it's more interesting for the world if he's the Sun's power source.

    It's very in-character for Stephen to have given up the chance to be God. I haven't always been entirely happy with what Hickman's been doing to him, but he understands Doctor Strange well, at least as well as he understands Doom. I know Byrne's Doom is the definitive for a lot of people, but not having read Byrne's FF myself, I expect Hickman's will become my definitive Doom. Issue 2 laid the foundation for Secret Wars being a Doom character study, and Issue 3 is really pushing that.

    I can't wait for the inevitable confrontation between Reed and Doom. It's going to be immensely difficult for Reed to reconcile Doom saving everyone with taking his family and making himself God.

    I wonder which Reed will confront Doom. Ultimate Reed may assume this Doom is as lame as the Doom he knows and confront him as such. Regular 616 Doom would kick Ult. Reed's ass. God Doom would make for an interesting confrontation.

    For that matter, I want to see the 2 Reeds interact.

    Sue may be the crux of the situation. If she has forgotten Reed, how will she react when she sees him. Howmwillmshe react when she sees a scarred, Ultimate Reed? Not to mention Val and Franklin...
  • Oh, I think it's inevitable that both Reeds have to confront Doom. I'm very interested in how Doom will react to Maker.
  • popestupopestu Posts: 782
    Both Reed and Doom are "makers" and scarred...
  • popestupopestu Posts: 782
    David_D said:

    popestu said:

    How do I get this added to the proper thread?

    You get it God-Doomed AMALGAMATED!! ;)
    @David_D , do we have "get it God-Doomed AMALGAMATED!!" t-shirts? I would like to buy one, please.
  • Can't get enough of it.
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