Yes, and it didn't help that both my grandmothers were in on it too. I had to hide my Conan and Warlord comics, wasn't allowed to have any Masters of the Universe toys and I could only watch the D & D cartoon if she wasn't home. the only way I was able to see movies such as Conan, Red Sonja, Clash of the Titans and Sword and the Sorceror were because my dad took me. It was't until around '87 that she came around on it.
During one game session my mom's mother tried to save my best friend by rebuking the devil from him. It was the most bizarre thing I had ever seen and he fell out of his chair laughing.
I bet she didn't appreciate it when, in the midst of that exorcism, he calmly reached for a 20 and rolled his saving throw.
The Rom house ad was definitely one of their best. Some might say it was better than the actual comic. :grin:
I agree with your first sentence.
Not so much with the second.
I know ROM isn't as good as I like to remember it being, and my issues are long gone, so I can't re-read, but I think it was a pretty darn good series.
Comics were my TV Guide. At least when it came to figuring out my Saturday morning viewing schedule. I would go through each channel’s (there were only three) lineup ad and figure out what I'd watch that first Saturday of the new season.
This one for CBS’s 1967 schedule was a little before my time, but what a lineup. I doubt I’d have been flipping channels much that year.
Comics were my TV Guide. At least when it came to figuring out my Saturday morning viewing schedule. I would go through each channel’s (there were only three) lineup ad and figure out what I'd watch that first Saturday of the new season.
This one for CBS’s 1967 schedule was a little before my time, but what a lineup. I doubt I’d have been flipping channels much that year.
Comics were my TV Guide. At least when it came to figuring out my Saturday morning viewing schedule. I would go through each channel’s (there were only three) lineup ad and figure out what I'd watch that first Saturday of the new season.
This one for CBS’s 1967 schedule was a little before my time, but what a lineup. I doubt I’d have been flipping channels much that year.
Can't see that Eric. Was this the one you posted?
No, that’s the 1966 lineup, which isn't quite as good as the 1967 lineup. You may need to give the image some time to load, as it’s at a fairly high res.
No, that’s the 1966 lineup, which isn't quite as good as the 1967 lineup. You may need to give the image some time to load, as it’s at a fairly high res.
Weird. Here's what I see when I visit the image link
Error 403 - Forbidden
You don't have permission to access the requested resource. Please contact the web site owner for further assistance.
No, that’s the 1966 lineup, which isn't quite as good as the 1967 lineup. You may need to give the image some time to load, as it’s at a fairly high res.
Weird. Here's what I see when I visit the image link
Error 403 - Forbidden
You don't have permission to access the requested resource. Please contact the web site owner for further assistance.
Comics were my TV Guide. At least when it came to figuring out my Saturday morning viewing schedule. I would go through each channel’s (there were only three) lineup ad and figure out what I'd watch that first Saturday of the new season.
This one for CBS’s 1967 schedule was a little before my time, but what a lineup. I doubt I’d have been flipping channels much that year.
I know as kid growing up on cartoon express (bullet train edition) that you will not leave that lineupp
I loved the video game, and even enjoyed the cartoon (though I couldn't tell you anything about the cartoon, nor how they were able to create one from this concept)
Not so much with the second.
I know ROM isn't as good as I like to remember it being, and my issues are long gone, so I can't re-read, but I think it was a pretty darn good series.
This one for CBS’s 1967 schedule was a little before my time, but what a lineup. I doubt I’d have been flipping channels much that year.
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You don't have permission to access the requested resource. Please contact the web site owner for further assistance.
The legs and arms would snap faster than Daniel San's knee at an All Valley Karate Tournament.
"So eager to please they can even be trained..."