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  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    I think the Spider-man stuff looks good, but I'll need to see more of Toomes to assess the character, & I cringed a bit at the new supporting cast.
  • Seeing how he made such a big splash in Civil War I found it to be a bit of a letdown. I had always hoped they would focus more on his high school life and balancing being Spider-man. High tech Vulture makes sense.
  • fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    Is that Ganke!?! I'm looking foward to this.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    ...but wait! There's more!

    International Trailer
  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    It's the first time I've ever taken the Vulture seriously as a bad guy. So there's that. I also like that Peter Parker has a "buddy" - had kind of a Kick Ass vibe to it.

    It's a Spider-Man movie and Marisa Tomei is in it. We're done here. :)
  • Too much Iron Man in those trailers. I am super happy Spider-Man is part of the greater MU, but somehow it just seems a bit much.
  • fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    IO9 is saying that Peter's friend seen in the trailer is not Ganke, but is "Ned" and hinted that it is that "Ned"...


  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    I still haven't watched Amazing Spider-Man 2 all the way through, but that international trailer may have just changed my decision to stop seeing Spider-Man movies in the theater.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    edited December 2016
    fredzilla said:
    I agree. If it isn't supposed to be Ganke, they should have chosen someone who isn't an exact replica of Ganke...

  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457

    fredzilla said:
    I agree. If it isn't supposed to be Ganke, they should have chosen someone who isn't an exact replica of Ganke...

    Wait. Are they merging Morales' cast with Parker's?
  • Mark_EngblomMark_Engblom Posts: 343
    edited December 2016
    Some of the physicality of the practical effects looked surprisingly ameteurish. When Spidey leaps up from the Washington Monument (at about the 1:50 mark), his body's trajectory looked incredibly awkward, looking more like he was being lifted (which the actor actually was) than jumping. There was also a shot of Spidey scaling up the Monument (1:33 mark) that didn't look as tight as it should (with some mushy foot work). These are admittedly small details, but at this point in translating comic book action to the screen, they've gotta nail the practical stuff 100% of the time if they want us to buy the more CGI-based stuff (which is always touch and go for me). Maybe this stuff will be tweaked before the movie is released, but it's not a great sign when the shakier stuff makes it into the first major trailer.
  • fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131

    Some of the physicality of the practical effects looked surprisingly ameteurish. When Spidey leaps up from the Washington Monument (at about the 1:50 mark), his body's trajectory looked incredibly awkward, looking more like he was being lifted (which the actor actually was) than jumping. There was also a shot of Spidey scaling up the Monument (1:33 mark) that didn't look as tight as it should (with some mushy foot work). These are admittedly small details, but at this point in translating comic book action to the screen, they've gotta nail the practical stuff 100% of the time if they want us to buy the more CGI-based stuff (which is always touch and go for me). Maybe this stuff will be tweaked before the movie is released, but it's not a great sign when the shakier stuff makes it into the first major trailer.

    Not really the same thing, but to piggyback off of your post... I did have a problem with him jumping off the Washington Monument and over the helicopter, not for the visuals, but for they physics of it. I'm not a science person, but it seems like helicopters get their lift from the air above the propellor being forced downward. Therefore, if something, especially something with the weight of a young teen (100-120lbs?) were to pass over that vortex, wouldn't it get sucked through? Shouldn't Spidey have met an untimely end when jumping over the blades? I mean, it looked cool, especially with the web-pits, but really?

    Each film has its flaws and its cool stuff, but I'm happy to have Spidey on screen period. So I won't complain too much. I mean, kid gets bit by radioactive/genetically altered spider, gains proportional strength of a spider and ability to climb on walls and hang on ceilings, and shoots a spider web from a device on his wrist that he created, and I'm gonna write this thing off because he jumped over a helicopter? Whatevs. :smiley:
  • kiwijasekiwijase Posts: 451
    Underwhelmed by Underoos.
  • DARDAR Posts: 1,128
    Listen anything that's keeping Michael Keaton in public concious is alright in my book
  • HexHex Posts: 944
    DAR said:

    Listen anything that's keeping Michael Keaton in public concious is alright in my book

    The editing was so fast, I wasn't sure, but I thought that was Keaton! sweeeeet.
  • MihawkMihawk Posts: 433
    edited December 2016
    I liked the trailer. I'm just excited that Spider-Man is in the Marvel U now. Which also means his Gallery is all there to. And let's be real like half of his Villains are better than almost all of the Marvel movie Villains put together.

    And one thing about the Vultures costume, he looks exactly like Firefly from Batman Arkham Origins video game.

  • DAR said:

    Listen anything that's keeping Michael Keaton in public concious is alright in my book

    Can't wait until The Founder is finally released.
  • neilzaneilza Posts: 12
    Looks good! Exactly what i was expecting after the appearance in Captain America:Civil War.

    Tom Holland might just be the best Spiderman yet
  • MihawkMihawk Posts: 433
    After watching the trailer I feel like I don't need to go see the movie? Because I just got the entire story in that trailer.

    It's extremely easy to piece together what would happen. I mean it feels like they even did everything in chronological order to?

    The movie looks cool, but I did not like that trailer at all.
  • matchkitJOHNmatchkitJOHN Posts: 1,030
    edited March 2017
    Mihawk said:

    After watching the trailer I feel like I don't need to go see the movie? Because I just got the entire story in that trailer.

    It's extremely easy to piece together what would happen. I mean it feels like they even did everything in chronological order to?

    The movie looks cool, but I did not like that trailer at all.

    They showed people in peril and then they showed the rescue. Who does that? I'm not watching any more trailers from this movie.

    If you KNOW you are going to see this movie then I suggest you skip this trailer.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    Mihawk said:

    After watching the trailer I feel like I don't need to go see the movie? Because I just got the entire story in that trailer.

    It's extremely easy to piece together what would happen. I mean it feels like they even did everything in chronological order to?

    The movie looks cool, but I did not like that trailer at all.

    I got the whole story of the Wedding Crashers in the trailer, but I also enjoyed the movie.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    People complain about how formulaic these movies have become. I've watch 1 unofficial movie & 24 official Bond movies and every beat is the same. When Bond25 is released, I'll be there to see it.

    Not for everyone, but knowing the plot beforehand doesn't bother me. Hell, I always read the plot details & ending before I see these movies anywhere.

  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    edited March 2017
    It's almost like a concert to me. I rarely attend a concert where I've never heard anything of the band or show. More often than not, it will be a band or performance that I've heard before and maybe know all of the lyrics. Same wth a play. I know the story. The thrill is going to the theatre and seeing the execution of the performance. I don't necessarily need it to be a completely original work of art to entertain me.

    Or there are also remakes or movies of books I've already read. Do you think Stephen King's
    "It" isn't going to basically follow the path of the original book or the tv movie from a few decades ago?
  • DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    Matt said:

    People complain about how formulaic these movies have become. I've watch 1 unofficial movie & 24 official Bond movies and every beat is the same. When Bond25 is released, I'll be there to see it.

    Not for everyone, but knowing the plot beforehand doesn't bother me. Hell, I always read the plot details & ending before I see these movies anywhere.


    I'd ask why, but lord knows that I allow Tvtropes to spoil me at times. :p
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    edited May 2017

    Matt said:

    People complain about how formulaic these movies have become. I've watch 1 unofficial movie & 24 official Bond movies and every beat is the same. When Bond25 is released, I'll be there to see it.

    Not for everyone, but knowing the plot beforehand doesn't bother me. Hell, I always read the plot details & ending before I see these movies anywhere.


    I'd ask why, but lord knows that I allow Tvtropes to spoil me at times. :p
    I have more enjoyable experience when I can focus on the whole movie; music, backgrounds, plot crumbs of the ending, etc.

    And I hate surprises.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    The more stuff I see of this movie, the more I'm on the fence. I think the Spidey stuff looks pretty good, but the Peter stuff has virtually no appeal to me.

    One of the issues with reboots is reinventing the wheel. I get that with the setting, love interest, & supporting cast. I'm not familiar with the Ultimate or Morales version, do maybe they're pulling from those versions. Maybe they're creating new ground instead.

    Now I'm reading Flash Thompson is no longer a bullying jock. In Homecoming, he'll be a smug, rich kid who bullies people. I'm not certain why he'd be in public schooling then, but that's a sidebar.

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