Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a formatless Comic Talk episode! We launch this Metropolis marvel with an account of our CGS group outing to a 40th anniversary screening of Superman: The Movie, followed by tons of TV and trailer talk and the name-dropping of some actual comic books. You will believe three Geeks can improvise! (1:32:02)
Listen here.
Watching both of these that close to one another, I noticed there were scenes in MoS that pretty close to moments in Superman: The Movie.
Specifically sending Kal-El to Earth because of what the sun’s rays will do to him.
Clark’s decision to leave right after Jonathan dies.
Jor-El’s hologram finishing Clark’s “training”.
Saving Lois from an air craft incident.
Those are the ones that initially jumped out at me.