The World's Mightiest Mortal is now the World's Mightiest Movie! The Geeks form a Council of Eternity to share their thoughts on the second Captain Marvel film of 2019 (so far), SHAZAM! (Batten down the hatches for a thunderstorm of SPOILERS!) (1:18:07)
Listen here.
For some reason, I did not expect to see the appearance of the Marvel family in this film (thought they would save it for the sequel), so I was pleasantly surprised when it all unfolded.
So many moments to appreciate, but my two disappointments were; no Talking Tawny, and Sivanna did not refer to Billy as "The Big Red Cheese".
First thing my daughter said as we were walking out of the theatre was "Didn't you just LOVE Mr. Mind's creepy voice".
Can't wait to see it again!