I'm Bernie,
I've been a listener and a fan since the earliest days. I've been hemhawing over joining this community for some time. But in light of my successes on Instagram, I thought I'd join since I often find inspiration from various shows and topics.
I'm a legit blacksmith and welder. I work for an extremely high end ornamental iron fabrication firm in Tulsa Oklahoma. (We win a lot of awards for our work.) And as a byproduct, I often will use my metal working skills to create comic book themed metal architectural pieces. Particularly doors. I have a functional piece hanging in my LCS that I produced for some rather expensive back issues as payment. So I work on barter!
I've also created pattern welded/damascus Batarangs. For the discerning gentleman bat-fan.
I've been a collector since 1988 or 89. But I took a rather long hiatus for about 15 years. I'm back now.. in my final form!
Rediscovering the classics and addicted to nostalgia. I'd also like to thank the fellows for helping discover comic book history as a topic of study. I had no idea the industry had such a rich, colorful and often slimy heritage. I have dedicated my IG account to written articles about different eras and anecdotes. I'd also thank CGS for turning me into a Kirby fanatic. It was the 2 part Kirby special that lead to many new and amazing discoveries.
I'm really looking forward to getting to know the forums and exploring a bit more beyond introductions.
Thanks for having me!
Welcome bernie. I'm glad you are here.
How are things in Tulsa?
@mwhitt80 Things are fantastic here in T-Town. It's a really great town for comic book collectors. So, that being my primary hobby, I'm quite at home here.
And we hardly ever get snow.
@nweathington ignore the second picture. I selected a picture by mistake and cant seem to delete it. But theres my Captain America Shield saloon style double doors that now hang in Mammoth Comics in Tulsa!
My aunt and uncle lived out there for a few years in the 90s and we visited 2 or 3 times. It was a nice City.
That's some great stuff, @Bernacus!
That looks great.
What comics are you reading?
I often lament the fact that I have no practical real-world manly skills... But I am pretty good at historical trivia of obscure silver and bronze age superheroes, so I've got that going for me.