Not sure where to start. So, the multiverse is out there, as is the Dark Multiverse. But, why can't they at least delineate what is the core universe any longer? I mean, how can three or maybe four or five different events all be happening at the same time and nobody even blinks? Forget DCeased as it is definitely a throw away universe just for fun. But, Event Leviathan, City of Bane, Year of the Villain and the whole Batman Who Laughs thing all at the same time and none seem to REALLY acknowledge each other and even when they do it doesn't make sense. The only one that did was Batman Who Laughs where the Doom symbol appeared and he said he would have to deal with Lex. All of them seem to act like they are the main timeline, but they can't all be. Batman is dealing with City of Bane yet he is off helping solve Event Leviathan and dealing with the Justice/Doom War in Year of the Villain. Obviously they could just be happening at different times but it is all just making no sense when you look at it as a consumer of all of these books. Maybe they think most people will follow one and not notice, but I doubt it. We need events to grow the community but acknowledge these inconsistencies somehow or label them as different universes. Anyone else bothered or confused by this lack of continuity? Maybe it is just me.
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I only get Superman books and Scooby Doo. so all I have read is Event Leviathan, and really haven't cared what happened outside that bubble.
Batman is the wolverine of DC; he just shows up and it doesn't have to make sense.
Meanwhile In the shadows of Earth-$
"Is there anyway we can make event where Batman fights all the Batmans?' - DC higher-ups
"Why would Batman fight his friends" - Writer
"No, I mean he fights all the Batmans" DC
"You'll get some royalties" - DC
"Yes, and one of the Batmans has a pack of rabid Robins on a leash" - Writer