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Comic Geek Speak Presents: Back to the Bins - Episode 471

Here's some supplemental listening material for you all while we await our next release! This episode of Back to the Bins originally aired on July 17, 2021. Host Paul Spataro is once again joined by Chris Eberle and Adam Murdough from Comic Geek Speak, along with a cameo from Ian Levenstein. The CGS boys bring their love of old books and perspective to the show which always makes for a good time. Listen in! (1:23:44)

Listen here.


  • nweathingtonnweathington Posts: 6,751

    Re: the inking of Ditko’s later work, I've seen some of Ditko’s late ’70s/’80s pencils, and he wasn’t usually spotting the blacks. His pencils were fairly tight, but still more like breakdowns than full pencils in many cases. That left the inkers having to interpret Ditko’s intentions, and that “oversimplification” Paul speaks of is inkers being too faithful to what Ditko put down on the page. But asking an inker to try to replicate Ditko’s inking style from years (or decades) earlier is, in my opinion, a big ask, especially if they weren’t being paid a “finisher” rate, instead of a basic inker rate. It’s a lot of extra work, both mentally and physically, and time, which they may not have had.

    I also think in some cases — and I know for a fact of at least one case — editorial may have wanted a more modern look, so they intentionally called in someone to ink, wanting/directing them to overpower Ditko’s pencils. And that’s a fairly common thing that happened with a lot of older artists late in their careers, not just Ditko.

  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,642


    You got me to track down the Hoon. I wouldn't call it good comics, but they are enjoyable and fun

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