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Politics on the show

I found this show by stumbling onto the Spider-Man & Marvel spotlight episodes somehow. I drive a lot for my job, so i listen to a LOT of radio. I started from episode #1 and I'm almost on #100. I enjoy the show quite a bit most of the time, but every once in a while there's something that really bothers me...

PLEASE don't talk about politics on this show. We all know there is extreme hatred for republicans from at least one of you from the few times where you have gone on a rant about Bush (keep in mind i'm listening to stuff from back in 2005-ish) and various other topics.

Here's the problem: When you talk about politics or go on a rant about a specific political party, you risk alienating 50% of your audience. Hell, you might as well just go on a rant about Marvel or DC, it would have a similar effect: People that feel alienated stop listening to your show.

I realize that i have a whole lot more episodes to go through before i catch up, so this post isn't going to effect anything that is already recorded, so i'm going to try to stick with you guys and catch all the way up. We'll see how things go around the 2008 election season, hopefully i can get through all of that without having to quit listening because i really love the show.

If anyone knows any episode numbers off the top of their head in which someone goes on a political rant, please let me know so i can skip them.

And please don't think i'm an unpleasant person based solely on this post. I'm a pretty active member of another comic book related forum and i may expand to post on this one as well as long as the atmosphere is friendly :)



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    The difference between this show and the Howard Stern show is that he does stuff purely for shock value. His show doesn't have a specific topic like yours does. People like to listen to him because they want to hear what he will say next (this was emphasized in his movie Private Parts).

    It's not even really about what was said whenever politics creep up, it's about the disgust in your voice as you say it (although i don't think it was you that made the comments that really got to me). Just that inflection makes the comment inflammatory. Just imagine if someone was to make a comment about another person's religion with that sort of disgust/hatred in their voice, it would certainly turn them off and they would probably avoid listening to whoever made the comment.

    And yes, you guys do bash Marvel and DC every once in a while, but the difference is that you don't have that hatred in your voice, you're just disappointed when they do something you don't like and you air your grievance with them.

    Honestly, i'm probably a lot like you. People tell me i'm too honest a lot of the time and i end up unintentionally pushing people away because i don't really think about how they will take a particular comment until after someone else points it out later to me. (I may be doing this right now lol) But, i'm not running a podcast where i'm trying to draw in listeners. If i were, i probably would go out of my way to avoid making comments that would polarize the audience like political or religious views tend to do.

    Anyway, i'm not trying to tell you how to run your show. I just thought i would bring it up so that you guys would be aware of this issue in the future and may take my opinion into consideration before commenting on the state of politics one way or the other. I'm sure that i'm not alone on this, even if nobody wants to back me up. Most people are just a little more passive than i am haha.

    I really do enjoy the show and once i catch up i'll probably enter a contest or two (if you still do them) and be an active participant where applicable (if you still do such things now that you're so well established and might not have time)

    See you around!
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    DARDAR Posts: 1,128
    Has the show recently gone political? Truthfully I don't care, it's not my show so if the CGS crew wants to bring up what they want that's fine.

    And truth be told I don't belong to either major political party so I'm neither offended nor emboldened by such conversations.
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    Please don't ever censor yourselves. I listen to a lot of things I disagree with, but I won't listen if the show were to become something scripted and safe.
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    Well, to look at it one way, if the episodes back before 100 included some political comments here and there, and the show is now well over a thousand episodes, then it looks like it wasn't something to worry too much about ;)
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    random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    I can scarcely remember any political comments on the show but i understand that sometimes it is difficult to have any conversation about politics or religion without a certain level of defensiveness creeping in. generally i try to remember a) the other side is not stupid or b) actively evil.
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    random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    see? @Bryandeemer is not a) stupid or b) actively evil. stiff necked and proud possibly but not stupid or evil. :D
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    Rock on Deemer, that was an inspiring message. I personally like hearing when the guys talk about non comics topics, especially their politics.
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    Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    edited October 2012
    Life is to short to hate someone over politics. I think Obama is the worst president in my lifetime(and I thought W was bad)...but I don't hate him.

    I also find it ironic(hypocritical?) when the left, who see themselves as tolerant, are the ones cursing out people over their politics.

    That being said I'm a big fan of the show and love the great discussions about comics over the years.
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    DARDAR Posts: 1,128
    edited October 2012
    Mr_Cosmic said:

    Life is to short to hate someone over politics. I think Obama is the worst president in my lifetime(and I thought W was bad)...but I don't hate him.

    I also find it ironic(hypocritical?) when the left, who see themselves as tolerant, are the ones cursing out people over their politics.

    That being said I'm a big fan of the show and love the great discussions about comics over the years.

    I agree with that. So some of the CGS guys are Godless Communist Hippies ;), they still put on a great show from week to week and that's all I care about.

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    random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    Mr_Cosmic said:

    Life is to short to hate someone over politics. I think Obama is the worst president in my lifetime(and I thought W was bad)...but I don't hate him.

    I also find it ironic(hypocritical?) when the left, who see themselves as tolerant, are the ones cursing out people over their politics.

    That being said I'm a big fan of the show and love the great discussions about comics over the years.

    I don't know who gave you a dislike for this but i'm countering it with a very public "like". :)>-
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    DAR said:

    I agree with that. So some of the CGS guys are Godless Communist Hippies ;), they still put on a great show from week to week and that's all I care about.

    As an artist I resemble that remark!
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    Mr_Cosmic said:

    I also find it ironic(hypocritical?) when the left, who see themselves as tolerant, are the ones cursing out people over their politics.

    That being said I'm a big fan of the show and love the great discussions about comics over the years.

    I think that everyone sees themselves as a wonderful person and I think everyone has flaws, no matter what their political beliefs. When passions get inflamed, people will say things that are hurtful in order to "make you hurt as much as I do" and I try to take that into account when it comes to ANY discussion.

    However, I think we can all agree the Lex Luthor was the worst president in our lifetime.

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    mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    Well in America God Bless it you have free speech. I don't like people being muzzled with what they can & can't say. Let the geeks talk about comics & anything else else they think is important.

    Read a comic & enjoy.


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    PeterPeter Posts: 470
    Uhhh... yes please!
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    Peter said:

    Uhhh... yes please!

    If you're willing to go there, I'm not. Hell, I feel like I need a shower & a penicillin shot just from looking ar that poster.
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    Peter said:

    Uhhh... yes please!

    If you're willing to go there, I'm not. Hell, I feel like I need a shower & a penicillin shot just from looking ar that poster.
    Don't worry,the coke will kill whatever the hooker has.
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    I support you Deemer. Deemer for President!
    Mr_Cosmic said:

    Life is to short to hate someone over politics.

    In my office last week I was told by another employee that "Obama isn't American". I immediately took that as a racist remark and nearly stormed out of the front door of the office (and quit my job) before, at my prompting, my boss told that employee to apologize and he did.

    I'm still not happy. I've only spoken to that senior employee two or three times since and for very short periods of time.

    I'll have normal conversations with an uncle who is racist. He's a blood relative. But I don't want to talk with this guy. It's hard to say that I hate him, or Romney or Bush, though.
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    I'm not crazy about politics being on the show, but that's probably just because I disagree with Deemer when he gets going about it. I mean, I'm not saying he's wrong about it or anything, I'm just saying that since Obama is an objective failure as a president and threw a generation of borrowed China money away on a bunch of masturbatory projects that accomplished next to nothing in terms of economic or infrastructure improvement, and just because he hid under his desk while Congress frittered away his first year with a Dem majority in the House only to pass a half-baked bill that drove costs up and paralyzed the nation's employers with uncertainty, I don't see where he's coming from. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be political or anything, I'm just speaking my mind. And on the religion thing? It's cool. If you don't believe in transcendent morality then you're just another highly evolved super monkey with an opinion. But we're all grown ups here. We can take it.

    P.S. Don't take me too seriously. I'm honestly a nuanced person who believes that anyone who can get excited about either political party doesn't read widely enough.
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    P.S. Don't take me too seriously. I'm honestly a nuanced person who believes that anyone who can get excited about either political party doesn't read widely enough.

    Excited positively or negatively or both?
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    In my office last week I was told by another employee that "Obama isn't American". I immediately took that as a racist remark and nearly stormed out of the front door of the office (and quit my job) before, at my prompting, my boss told that employee to apologize and he did.

    I'm still not happy. I've only spoken to that senior employee two or three times since and for very short periods of time.

    I would have told you to take your need for an apology and shove it up where the sun don't shine....and take your boss with it. How is saying 'Obama isn't American' racist?

    Stupid, yes...racist no.

    Why didn't you ask them what they meant instead of knee-jerk got my fweewings hurt and storm out the office like a baby throwing their binky out of their buggy?

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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    edited October 2012
    Let's. . . just not do this. How about that? Rather than take a negative thread and load it up with more negativity and nonsense, let's just go find or make threads about comics and talk comics. Heck, the original poster of this topic has not even been back to continue the conversation. So why make this thread into some mess it doesn't need to be. Time better spent talking comics, as far as I am concerned. If people want to bash each other about politics, there is the entire rest of the Internet for that. Personally, that is not what I come here to talk about.

    See you there.
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    I work overnights at a group home while looking for a job in my field(yeah, I can't seem to escape them....) and I have three staff I work with who disagree with me politically.

    The first, I enjoy working with and talking about issues. We do it in a way where we are both trying to see each other's viewpoint. I have learned a lot about people I disagree with, and he is a thoughtful person who knows a lot about root causes and likes to talk history.

    The second is someone I thank the inventor of headphones for. She hates everyone of the other political party and knows nothing about what they think of believe. She bitches about criminals and has so many DUIs she isn't allowed to drive and has to wear a alcohol detecting ankle bracelet. She hates "welfare grabbers" but is on food stamps, state medical assistance and other forms of help (because we are paid pretty damn poorly). She will blurt out racist statements and then laughs and says "But I'm not racist...)

    The last one is a very sheltered religious woman who tells me every so often that I will burn in hell because I'm an atheist and a liberal. That's the extent of our conversations and I just say "You probably don't want to tell someone that at a job."

    Over the last 20 years, I have noticed that politics has become something that people could discuss calmly to a conversation that makes sports rivalries seem like slight disagreements. Sadly, this benefits media companies and the parties themselves, but harms us as a culture, a society and a country. I'd love to have a place where people could discuss their differences in such a way that we could all find common ground, but I don't think it's currently possible.

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