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Star Trek Into Darkness (Spoilers)



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    shroud68shroud68 Posts: 457
    As I said a question of taste not quality. Production value was my point. I love that a genre film like Star Trek is made with the highest quality and care. It was not always the case. Example: Enemy Mine. I love it too but it's a B movie at best and that's what we often got in my youth. That's why I will not delineate every misstep of this film. I love that Star Trek is treated so well in the 21st century. I feel the same way about Dr Who and Battlestar Galactica. Missteps and bad calls are there but my adolescent glee drowns them out.
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    MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    shroud68 said:

    I refuse to nitpick this movie. It's big budget well made, sci-fi that opens up #1 and makes half a billion world wide. It not only is enjoyable but reverential to the TOS. I really liked it.

    I suppose I have said it before but on topics like this it stands out more but as someone who saw Star Trek: The Motion Picture when it came out, any complaints need to be tempered. Star Trek and any sci-fi not Lucas created was a joke and treated as such until very recently. Believe me there were 50 Enemy Mine for every Aliens. It is not a question of taste but quality. Sci fi was not a movie genre respected or treated well by Hollywood. Even the Holy Grail of Star Trek 2 WOK was a cheaply made throw away. The sheer fact that I can take my wife to see this Star Trek and discuss with her like an adult and not a fan boy impresses me to no end. I forgive JJ Abrams for most of the stylistic and plot hiccups. He gets a pass for making Star Trek viable in the 21st century.

    This interesting because it made me think why some fans have issues with the movie. I think back to a couple years ago when I saw the Gap have DC old school type shirts. I recall think 'sure, not that comic characters are popular you want on the bandwagon.'

    I think some Trek fans have issues with the movie is because they want a movie more for them then 'the public.' JJ Abrams has done 2 movie that essentially anyone can see and get enjoyment out of it. Trek fans might have issues with Khan and the reworked storyline, but chances are the is a large portion of this movie's audience who have never seen the original movie(s), so they don't know any different.

    I've fallen under the same selfishness. I want the genres to be accepted in society, but I don't want to make the sacrifices to do it.

    I'm working on that.

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    ctowner1ctowner1 Posts: 481
    shroud68 said:

    I refuse to nitpick this movie. It's big budget well made, sci-fi that opens up #1 and makes half a billion world wide. It not only is enjoyable but reverential to the TOS. I really liked it.

    I suppose I have said it before but on topics like this it stands out more but as someone who saw Star Trek: The Motion Picture when it came out, any complaints need to be tempered. Star Trek and any sci-fi not Lucas created was a joke and treated as such until very recently. Believe me there were 50 Enemy Mine for every Aliens. It is not a question of taste but quality. Sci fi was not a movie genre respected or treated well by Hollywood. Even the Holy Grail of Star Trek 2 WOK was a cheaply made throw away. The sheer fact that I can take my wife to see this Star Trek and discuss with her like an adult and not a fan boy impresses me to no end. I forgive JJ Abrams for most of the stylistic and plot hiccups. He gets a pass for making Star Trek viable in the 21st century.

    Nitpicking is a a proud tradition of Trek. Doesn't mean you love it less. Hell, the Nitpickers Guides to the various Treks are classic books! (I miss the website!). Part of the fun is explaining them away - apologism is a vastly underrated art!

    L nny
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    PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    shroud68 said:

    I refuse to nitpick this movie. It's big budget well made, sci-fi that opens up #1 and makes half a billion world wide. It not only is enjoyable but reverential to the TOS. I really liked it.

    I suppose I have said it before but on topics like this it stands out more but as someone who saw Star Trek: The Motion Picture when it came out, any complaints need to be tempered. Star Trek and any sci-fi not Lucas created was a joke and treated as such until very recently. Believe me there were 50 Enemy Mine for every Aliens. It is not a question of taste but quality. Sci fi was not a movie genre respected or treated well by Hollywood. Even the Holy Grail of Star Trek 2 WOK was a cheaply made throw away. The sheer fact that I can take my wife to see this Star Trek and discuss with her like an adult and not a fan boy impresses me to no end. I forgive JJ Abrams for most of the stylistic and plot hiccups. He gets a pass for making Star Trek viable in the 21st century.

    It aint gonna make no half a billion.
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    I think the Onion did a good job of capturing what I feel about a lot of the fan push back against this movie:

    Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film as 'Fun, Watchable'
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    SolitaireRoseSolitaireRose Posts: 1,445
    edited May 2013
    Planeis said:

    shroud68 said:

    I refuse to nitpick this movie. It's big budget well made, sci-fi that opens up #1 and makes half a billion world wide. It not only is enjoyable but reverential to the TOS. I really liked it.

    I suppose I have said it before but on topics like this it stands out more but as someone who saw Star Trek: The Motion Picture when it came out, any complaints need to be tempered. Star Trek and any sci-fi not Lucas created was a joke and treated as such until very recently. Believe me there were 50 Enemy Mine for every Aliens. It is not a question of taste but quality. Sci fi was not a movie genre respected or treated well by Hollywood. Even the Holy Grail of Star Trek 2 WOK was a cheaply made throw away. The sheer fact that I can take my wife to see this Star Trek and discuss with her like an adult and not a fan boy impresses me to no end. I forgive JJ Abrams for most of the stylistic and plot hiccups. He gets a pass for making Star Trek viable in the 21st century.

    It aint gonna make no half a billion.
    In two weeks: Worldwide: $258,113,879

    I think it will. Wanna bet comics on it? ^_^

    For comparison, the first one's box office was: = Worldwide: $385,680,446
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    According to Box Office Mojo, the worldwide gross for Star Trek (2009) was $386MM.

    Through the first 12 days of release, the domestic totals for STID are $156MM compared to $155.5MM for Star Trek (2009).

    And, the opening weekend totals for STID were $70.2MM compared to $75.2MM for Star Trek (2009).

    So I would tend to predict this movie will top out in the $375-$400MM range.
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    shroud68shroud68 Posts: 457
    Planeis said:

    shroud68 said:

    I refuse to nitpick this movie. It's big budget well made, sci-fi that opens up #1 and makes half a billion world wide. It not only is enjoyable but reverential to the TOS. I really liked it.

    I suppose I have said it before but on topics like this it stands out more but as someone who saw Star Trek: The Motion Picture when it came out, any complaints need to be tempered. Star Trek and any sci-fi not Lucas created was a joke and treated as such until very recently. Believe me there were 50 Enemy Mine for every Aliens. It is not a question of taste but quality. Sci fi was not a movie genre respected or treated well by Hollywood. Even the Holy Grail of Star Trek 2 WOK was a cheaply made throw away. The sheer fact that I can take my wife to see this Star Trek and discuss with her like an adult and not a fan boy impresses me to no end. I forgive JJ Abrams for most of the stylistic and plot hiccups. He gets a pass for making Star Trek viable in the 21st century.

    It aint gonna make no half a billion.
    Sorry, I forgot hyperbole was not allowed here. My bad. I will more exact in my box office analysis next time.
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    PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980

    Planeis said:

    shroud68 said:

    I refuse to nitpick this movie. It's big budget well made, sci-fi that opens up #1 and makes half a billion world wide. It not only is enjoyable but reverential to the TOS. I really liked it.

    I suppose I have said it before but on topics like this it stands out more but as someone who saw Star Trek: The Motion Picture when it came out, any complaints need to be tempered. Star Trek and any sci-fi not Lucas created was a joke and treated as such until very recently. Believe me there were 50 Enemy Mine for every Aliens. It is not a question of taste but quality. Sci fi was not a movie genre respected or treated well by Hollywood. Even the Holy Grail of Star Trek 2 WOK was a cheaply made throw away. The sheer fact that I can take my wife to see this Star Trek and discuss with her like an adult and not a fan boy impresses me to no end. I forgive JJ Abrams for most of the stylistic and plot hiccups. He gets a pass for making Star Trek viable in the 21st century.

    It aint gonna make no half a billion.
    In two weeks: Worldwide: $258,113,879

    I think it will. Wanna bet comics on it? ^_^

    For comparison, the first one's box office was: = Worldwide: $385,680,446
    Sure, we can bet one comic on it. I'm not a betting man, but something under $5... no problem.
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    PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    shroud68 said:

    Planeis said:

    shroud68 said:

    I refuse to nitpick this movie. It's big budget well made, sci-fi that opens up #1 and makes half a billion world wide. It not only is enjoyable but reverential to the TOS. I really liked it.

    I suppose I have said it before but on topics like this it stands out more but as someone who saw Star Trek: The Motion Picture when it came out, any complaints need to be tempered. Star Trek and any sci-fi not Lucas created was a joke and treated as such until very recently. Believe me there were 50 Enemy Mine for every Aliens. It is not a question of taste but quality. Sci fi was not a movie genre respected or treated well by Hollywood. Even the Holy Grail of Star Trek 2 WOK was a cheaply made throw away. The sheer fact that I can take my wife to see this Star Trek and discuss with her like an adult and not a fan boy impresses me to no end. I forgive JJ Abrams for most of the stylistic and plot hiccups. He gets a pass for making Star Trek viable in the 21st century.

    It aint gonna make no half a billion.
    Sorry, I forgot hyperbole was not allowed here. My bad. I will more exact in my box office analysis next time.
    I wasn't REALLY trying to bust you.
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    hauberkhauberk Posts: 1,511
    Saw it this afternoon and quite liked it. It definitely had some familiar beats for certain but did a nice job continuing to show the differences in timelines.

    Most important, I think that it DID play to the original Star Trek concept. It rejected the violent path in favor of a solution that didn't start an interplanetary incident. That was key AND it shifted Kirk away from "they seem to be friendly... set phasers on kill.
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    WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    "To boldly go precisely where we have gone before."*

    *OK, not really all that boldly. But loudly! We can do loud.
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    Chuck_MelvilleChuck_Melville Posts: 3,003
    hauberk said:

    Saw it this afternoon and quite liked it. It definitely had some familiar beats for certain but did a nice job continuing to show the differences in timelines.

    Most important, I think that it DID play to the original Star Trek concept. It rejected the violent path in favor of a solution that didn't start an interplanetary incident. That was key AND it shifted Kirk away from "they seem to be friendly... set phasers on kill.

    "We come in peace. Shoot to kill! Shoot to kill!! Shoot to kill!!!"
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    GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    What a fun movie, Really liked it and so did the wife. Going to see again next weekend with the old man.
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    TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    Loved it. So did the wife.

    I've noticed a trend I'm quite enjoying in Hollywood these days - FUCK WITH THE FANBOYS!
    In Iron Man 3 we were all hand-wringing that he was facing the Mandarin but the Mandarin wasn't even Asian! How dare they? Then we have STID and it's "Oh lord, the Enterprise crashes again" or "Is it/isn't it Khan?".

    I fucking love you, Hollywood. :) Keep making us look like idiots and maybe we'll get the idea that we should shut up and see the actual movie before we start condemning it.
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    John_SteedJohn_Steed Posts: 2,087
    yep - the suits know how to milk the fanboys 3:-O
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    random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    I enjoyed the heck out of this movie. I've heard complaints that it was not sufficiently "trek" even to the extent that Star Trek (apparently being more cerebral) was compared to classical music while Star Wars was Rock N' Roll. If Abrams wants to rock out a bit with the Trek characters I'm totally down for that. If the criticism of the movie is that it was TOO action packed then I can't help you.

    shroud68 Hey! I liked Enemy Mine!
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    WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314

    yep - the suits know how to milk the fanboys 3:-O

    You need milk to make cheese.
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    chriswchrisw Posts: 792
    My fiancee and I finally saw this last weekend. She enjoyed it a lot more than I did. I thought it was fine, perfectly enjoyable, but I didn't feel the excitement I felt with the first one.

    I was okay with Khan as the villain, but I could do without setting up parallels to events in the classic series. Switching Kirk for Spock in the death scene felt forced, and Spock yelling "KHAN!" just looked silly.

    And as nice as it is to see Nimoy, I think they should refrain from "Hey, let's call up that guy who did all this before and see what he can tell us!"

    But, I have to nitpick to complain, so it certainly wasn't a bad film. I was never bored by it, but it just didn't stick with me, either.

    I hope what someone said earlier, about them just skipping over the five year mission, isn't true. I'd much prefer to see them dealing with a threat in deep space instead of hanging around Starfleet Headquarters so much.
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    random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    I would dig the 5 year misson clean slate. Next movie, no past references just...Here We Go! big space adventure stuff.
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    hauberkhauberk Posts: 1,511
    All I know is that it's time to bring on the Gorns.
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    WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    hauberk said:

    All I know is that it's time to bring on the Gorns.

    Apparently we've already met the Gorn, since McCoy refers to delivering a litter of them.
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    hauberkhauberk Posts: 1,511
    Sure. They've met the Gorn. Seems like we should get to see them too.

    One other thing. I have a strong recollection of having a Star Trek View Master disk when I was a wee lad. Pretty sure that it used cells from the old animated series. IIRC, it was a young Spock story. I have no idea if the opening scene was at all inspired by that, but all of the red foliage gave me a really strong flashback to that one of the images on that View Master disk.
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    WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    hauberk said:

    One other thing. I have a strong recollection of having a Star Trek View Master disk when I was a wee lad. Pretty sure that it used cells from the old animated series. IIRC, it was a young Spock story. I have no idea if the opening scene was at all inspired by that, but all of the red foliage gave me a really strong flashback to that one of the images on that View Master disk.

    Those whacky Vulcans: green blood, red plants.
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    PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    random73 said:

    I would dig the 5 year misson clean slate. Next movie, no past references just...Here We Go! big space adventure stuff.

    I feel fairly certain in the next movie... the 5 year mission will be... over.

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    hauberkhauberk Posts: 1,511
    WetRats said:

    hauberk said:

    One other thing. I have a strong recollection of having a Star Trek View Master disk when I was a wee lad. Pretty sure that it used cells from the old animated series. IIRC, it was a young Spock story. I have no idea if the opening scene was at all inspired by that, but all of the red foliage gave me a really strong flashback to that one of the images on that View Master disk.

    Those whacky Vulcans: green blood, red plants.
    I'm sure that they're just pointy-eared hipsters.

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    hauberkhauberk Posts: 1,511
    There may be other images that are closer, but I think that this is one of the images that I was thinking of: (third image down)
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    PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    Star Trek reboot universe and gender representation

    Interesting little post in my opinion. The test they refer to is also seemingly done and every new movie. Their reasoning and arguing for either passing or failing a movie is kinda interesting.
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    PeterPeter Posts: 470
    Screw the Bechdel test. It's limiting. It's pandering. And it's stupid.
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