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Episode 1470 Talkback - Questions From the Internet (and Stuff)

Returning to a time-honored but long-neglected CGS tradition, we the Geeks use questions and suggestions solicited from the listening audience to help us concoct our signature blend of Comic Talk. Along the way, our friend and fellow 'caster Ian Levenstein offers a review of the new, Charles Soule-written She-Hulk series, and we sound off on 'Muppets Most Wanted' (with our very special guest star, SPOILERS! Yaaaaaaay!). (1:32:58)

Listen here.


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    rebisrebis Posts: 1,820
    Why are mommy and daddy fighting?
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    GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    I'm not going to knock on anybody who bought and enjoyed Brigade back in the day. I was buying almost everything that Image was putting out just because it wasn't DC or Marvel. More often than not, somebody in my group of friends liked what I didn't so I would pass it on to them and vice versa.

    I only owned one copy of that X-Men #1until four or five years later. I was at the mercy of whatever our local drugstore had available when that issue hit the racks.

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    rebisrebis Posts: 1,820
    The Green Turtle
    Years ago when I was making, and selling custom Mego action dollies I did a lot of research into Public Domain characters. Green Turtle was one of my "discoveries".
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    mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,621
    Jamie D have you been eating a lot of cinnamon? Or drinking too much Fireball Whiskey (It's tough not to drink too much of that)? I know it's a problem but your lisp is cracking me up.
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    abuddahabuddah Posts: 133
    Well well well, a screw you from Jamie D and a reasoned and rational rebuttal from the Murd. There's three principals at work here:
    1. As stated in the previous talkback, The identity of the Winter Soldier is not something the movie studio feels it needs to keep under wraps, nor is it heavily promoting it. It can be deciphered if you're looking in the right places.

    2. The outrage seemed forced on the last show because you all in the studio were already aware of the identity. As were the thousands of comic fans that have read the storyline the movie's based on. So now we're down to a very tiny demogrpahic of people that are super excited to see the movie, but don't want to be spoiled on a reveal they were currently unaware of, but yet have taken the time to seek out multiple promotional material that again, implies the identity, but doesn't outright reveal it. For all anyone knows, it could be a misdirection.

    3. People across the pond have already seen this movie. Trust me, the Winter Soldier's identity is far from the big reveal.
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    i_am_scifii_am_scifi Posts: 784
    My apologies if I spoiled Daredevil for anyone. I often forget that not everyone follows comic news sites or Previews and might actually consider that to be a spoiler.

    I myself am not anywhere near current on Daredevil, so it didn't even register on my Spoileradar.
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    ElsiebubElsiebub Posts: 338
    edited April 2014

    My apologies if I spoiled Daredevil for anyone. I often forget that not everyone follows comic news sites or Previews and might actually consider that to be a spoiler.

    I myself am not anywhere near current on Daredevil, so it didn't even register on my Spoileradar.

    You asked a topical comic podcast their opinion on something

    -that was announced six months ago
    -that has been talked about on the front page of every major comics website multiple times over the last six months
    -that finally happened in an issue that came out a month and a freaking half ago
    -that is not really an "aw-snap" sort of spoiler, because it's a development that's all about the "how?" and not that "what?"
    -that was already alluded to multiple times on Previews and Comic News episodes of this very podcast.

    Totally inappropriate. What the F were you thinking.
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    bamfbamfbamfbamf Posts: 718

    It was slightly amusing when Murd and Jamie D started arguing about whether or not Murd was muddled...

    What was the criteria for Internet Question again? Jamie just wants us to send him random questions or topics for the Nerds to talk about?

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    Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    I felt the latest Muppet movie wasn't as good as the last one. I still enjoyed it but I have to agree with @JamieD and place this one somewhere in the middle of the Muppet movie pack. My 10 year old daughter and 7 year old son were both disappointed in the soundtrack. I think they just love "Life's a Happy Song" so much and there was nothing that good this time.
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    TheOriginalGManTheOriginalGMan Posts: 1,763
    edited April 2014
    I'm with @Mr_Cosmic‌ on "The Muppets Most Wanted." Came up short compared to "The Muppets." The soundtrack alone makes "The Muppets" tough to overcome. I loved Ricky Gervais in Most Wanted, but I thought Tina Fey was kind of annoying. Would have been better if it was Liz Lemon trying to cast the gang on an episode of "TGS" instead. :-)

    Loved Jamie and Murd arguing about whether he was muddled or not. As an aside, I didn't hear anyone mention "Mantis" as an Asian hero from that era? And sorry Jamie D, but I don't think Ellery Queen was part of the "NBC Sunday Night Mystery Movie" lineup. I think it was just Columbo, McCloud, McMillan and Wife, and Heck Ramsey.

    And finally, I've decided to risk causing irreparable harm to the space-time continuum and have taken out a subscription to "Murd's Time Bubble." Currently reading the original Thunderbolts series, so hoping the Citizen V discussion doesn't spoil too much for me.

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    JersenJersen Posts: 39
    Really enjoyed this episode! The email/discussion about the early Image stuff and books that you're now ashamed to admit owning/having liked really hits home, haha! I think Jamie is right, NOBODY who was collecting comics in the early-to-mid '90s was completely immune to the Speculator Virus, and I even remember going to school with kids who would have nothing to do with comic books until the collector's edition foil-embossed cover craze started reaching its peak.

    WildC.A.T.s was always a big favorite of mine from the early Image days, probably BECAUSE it was a X-Men analogue with Jim Lee art. I agree that they became much more interesting later on, and Alan Moore's run was a very good read.

    The book that ended up becoming my absolute favorite out of the original run of Image books, though, was Shadowhawk! I think that thing that sucked me in and got me so invested in that character back in the day was the fact that we didn't know everything about him at first. When his identity was revealed in the 2nd miniseries and the realization that he was a vigilante with AIDS was heavy-duty stuff to me in 6th and 7th grade!

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    HannibalKingHannibalKing Posts: 27
    edited April 2014
    In the previous episode Murd did fudge up the criteria for Muddle The Murd. He did say that if one question muddled him then he was muddled. As soon as I heard it I rewound and listened again to be sure.
    Murd was incorrect in this instance.
    The criteria is that you need to muddle Murd on all three questions in order to muddle him. If he gets one correct response then he is not muddle.
    Same criteria apply to Deceiving the D. All three deceivements or there's no deceiving the D.
    And no, deceivements is not a word. :)
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    SamirDaveSamirDave Posts: 21
    Great episode guys. I totally sympathize with Murd and Shane on the whole long box issue. Amazing that Murd has so much catching up to do. Yet, I think that anyone who's been collecting comics for awhile realizes that they just pile up....until they threaten to overflow in an avalanche and you either have to get a bigger place or sell them off.......Sometimes I think about all the space my comics are taking up....and most of the time I don't even go back to them, since so many new books are coming out. I just can't let them go though! Ahhhh....the "curse" of the comic collector.
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    Royal_LanternRoyal_Lantern Posts: 291
    edited April 2014
    I have a similar dilemma where I have so many comics that I am running out of space, but there are so many new ones coming out that I enjoy that I don't have time to go back to the old ones that I have. I have gotten to a point though where I went through my whole collection and decided to eliminate half of my collection by selling the ones I knew I would never go back and re-read. Once those are gone, then I will go through my collection again with more of a fine tooth comb and eliminate half of that so that I am only keeping the comics that I absolutely want to keep because I believe I will go back and re-read them or they hold some special meaning in my reading/collecting history. The final goal will be to be down to just a quarter of my original collection.

    The other thing that I need to do, which is even harder to do is to go through the comics that I am getting on a regular basis and eliminate some titles. I get a lot of Marvel and DC titles that could be eliminated because I'm not enjoying them or they are just okay, but the collector in me has a hard time of letting those go. It doesn't makes sense to keep getting them though if I don't enjoy them anymore....and in the past when I have cut titles that I found just okay or I wasn't enjoying, I found that I really didn't miss them, or even notice that I wasn't getting them anymore.
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    SamirDaveSamirDave Posts: 21
    Absolutely feel your pain in this one! I've been trying to go through my collection and figuring out which to sell, and it's hard to let go of the comics.....but I have no choice to do that now. Either the books I want to sell are part of a complete or near complete set, or I have some pangs of nostalgia for them. Yet, I am forcing myself to let go (something collectors have a hard time doing). I do the same thing with letting go of the new books. I too get a lot of DC and Marvel, and sometimes it's almost like going on autopilot and you keep getting the books month after month, though not enjoying them. So, recently I've been dropping books, and though I feel like going back to them once in a while, I realize that I really don't miss the books I've dropped (for the most part). So far, I've dropped quite a few and am fine without them...Just waiting for the ghost of the collector to come back to haunt me....:)
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    Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    Individual comics I can keep up with. It's the trades, hardcovers, and omnibuses that seem to pile up for me.
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    SamirDaveSamirDave Posts: 21
    True.......I seem to have a huge pile of trades/hardcovers/omnibuses that I just haven't had time to get to....and the pile is getting bigger and bigger!
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    Every once in a while I grab a trade and just start reading it. I don't always finish it, but I try to do so just so that they are not wasting away on my shelf. Yes, they look pretty on there, but I want to read the stories inside. LOL

    Too much to read in so little time.
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    bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    edited April 2014
    I counted mine yesterday and there are at least 21 trades I have yet to read, not to mention the floppies. I'm wondering if I should put the purchases on hold until I can get caught up. Otherwise I might never get there and that literally makes no sense to me...
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    ShaneKellyShaneKelly Posts: 156
    I grapple with that every time I put in a monthly order. LOL.
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    I have thought about doing that many times also. I know I won't stop getting the floppies, but I have thought about not getting trades for a while....and then there are always one or two that I absolutely want to get right away and that I'm afraid I won't be able to find at a later date for the same type of price or even close to it.

    That has actually happened to me a few times where I passed on a trade or hardcover and then 6 months or a year later I decided to go get it and it was for ridiculous prices. So there are certain ones that I won't pass on when they are in Previews for that reason. Luckily, those types of trades and hardcovers are fewer and fewer since I'm completing a lot of collections that I always wanted in those formats.
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    SamirDaveSamirDave Posts: 21
    All of you guys make a great point. I have to say that I have so much of a back log, probably around twenty five to thirty trade/paperbacks (not counting floppies), that I also wonder, every time I place my monthly order with DCBS, whether I should just stop and catch up to everything first before ordering more.....but every month I lose that battle and keep on ordering! LOL Good to know that I am not alone in this "existential" comics dilemma!
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    LOL. Nope, you are not alone.
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    LibraryBoyLibraryBoy Posts: 1,803
    Oh, my "to read" pile is out of control... at least a short box and some change of unread floppies (most of them back issues picked up at shows and when my LCS has ridiculous sales, like the "everything in the bins is $1" sale a few years back) and probably 20-25 collections/OGNs.

    How many years ago did that giant Tori Amos-inspired anthology Comic Book Tattoo come out? Still unread. And yet I can't bring myself to just give up and get rid of it because it's such a gorgeous-looking book with so many great creators involved!
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    JersenJersen Posts: 39
    About a year or year-and-a-half ago, I had to stop doing my monthly DCBS orders because I was in the process of selling my house after a divorce, blah blah blah. When things started settling back down, I was able to catch up on the stuff that a REALLY liked and REALLY wanted to complete, plus--in the meantime--I had plenty of time to catch up on stuff that I had fallen behind with. I even re-read the ENTIRE Morrison Batman run from beginning to end, hahaha!

    I have finally gotten to the point where I am ready to start back into doing monthly DCBS orders, and I'm now finding that I have scaled myself waaaaaaaaaaay back, because there are only a handful of things that I really want to pick back up on/catch up with (mainly Valiant).

    I still have a fairly sizeable backlog, but I got to take care of some stuff that I had been burning to read for awhile, like the complete '80s-'90s Animal Man and Jim Lee's run on Punisher War Journal. And my DCBS order has gone from $80-ish to about $30 or less.
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    CaptShazamCaptShazam Posts: 1,178
    The publishers are trying to help me catch up. My last DCBS order consisted of one floppie (plus a statue). The next order will be four trades and two floppies.

    My LCS does not help when they constantly have Essentials/Showcases and Archive editions 50% off.
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    DARDAR Posts: 1,128
    Honestly I think the last time I picked up a comic was probably a year ago. I just sort of lost interest. But I still enjoy the podcast
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    I have started to do something to weed my collection down on top of the stuff I mentioned above. Now, when I'm done reading an issue, a trade, etc. it goes into one of two piles. I have a "keep because I will read it again for sure in the future" pile and a "going to sell because even if I liked it, I will probably never read it again" pile. The keep pile I am very picky. It has to either be something that just wowed me or it has to be something that continues the very few series that I have a long run on and want to continue getting and keeping, good or bad (which is not many titles. Just Green Lantern, G.I. Joe, Transformers, Star Wars, and Uncanny X-Men). This allows me to keep reading stuff I enjoy, but not grow my collection too much, plus make back a LITTLE of the money that I spent. I do try to wait until I have enough of a run together before I list something, unless it's a "hot in demand" issue.
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    bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    edited April 2014
    Not a bad idea. I need a system myself, but I also find myself holding on to some uninteresting or unwanted issues because they are part of a run/collection. For instance, I now have an entire run of Namor from the 90's. I have read the first Byrne issues, but plan to someday get around to the entire lot, then I plan to auction it off (unless I am totally blown away). I've got other full runs that were even easier to attain (Eternals, Inhumans (1975-77), Sensational She-Hulk, etc) I'm also a few books from completing an original Invaders run, along with full runs of Marvel Two-In-One and Marvel Team-Up. So, I have a lot of books I want to read that I don't plan to get rid of immediately. Or I have a bunch of books set aside while I finish collecting the full-run.

    Being a self-described "completist" has created a challenge in my comics hobby. For instance, completing my run of Amazing Adventures (Marvel, 1970-1976) wasn't too tough, until it came to getting issue #11 (first furry appearance of the Beast of the X-Men) so I have hung on to that run a bit longer (plus I love Killraven for some reason...). Same goes for Sensational She-Hulk's final isse (and I like that series enough to probably keep a while).

    But, it appears that lately I barely have time to read more than 2 or 3 books a week, and most of the time that happens in a trade (2 or 3 parts per week). I'm currently prepping a long box of books now that I'll be putting up on Ebay within a week or two. Hopefully that will help me cull the herd...
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