Hey Joe, I would just recommend reading whatever looks interesting to you. That's always my advice to anyone starting out. It's more important to pursue whatever excites you to read it than to look f… (View Post)
By the way, Adam's theory of Star-Lord's father was just . . . perfect. I'll basically be disappointed if they don't go in this direction. Moreover, it just goes to show that Murd really should be wr… (View Post)
Knew you guys would love the GotG movie. I saw it on Saturday, and of my 4-person group I was the only one who knew much of anything about the comics. It's so strange that, until recently, amongst fa… (View Post)
I would just come out and say that I find the heightened sexual content of the series to be somewhat annoying and pointless overall. Sometimes I think it's sort of cute, but I rarely get a sense that… (View Post)
Feel like a broken record, but... SWAMP THING's great! Probably the smartest title being put out at the Big Two right now. Every issue is a meaty read filled with content. (Somewhere in there, there'… (View Post)