I am sure most people here love to dig through the dollar or cheaper bins at comic shops and cons. So I am wondering what do you look for? Are there any series you have discovered in the cheap bins you think maybe others here would like?
For me I am always looking for anything from Valiant,First,Eclipse and Blackthorne. Plus any issues of Swamp Thing,Doom Patrol and Hellblazer I don't already have. It was cause of digging through the cheap bins that I discovered great series like Badger,Grimjack and Jon Sable.
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Guy Gardner Reborn
Guy Gardener:Collateral Damage
Yes, I'm a Guy Gardner fan.
MoonKnight ('80-'84)
Marc Spector:MoonKnight ('89-'94)
And about 4 MK minis
West Cost Avengers
Doctor Strange ('88-'96)
Doctor Strange: Master of the Mystic Arts ('74-'87)
What the!?
Hellstrom:Prince of Lies ('93-'94)
Anything Ultraverse
Anything that looks interesting. I've found a ton of stuff in what I call my Back Issue LCS. All of the titles above I can find at that one store and have found a lot of the issues.
Hellstorm is such an underrated series. I was working at a comic shop when it was coming out and almost no one bought it. I really need to get my run of it bound.
I also look for older Marvel and DC books - surprisingly, although I'm mainly a DC guy, I often seek out Marvel books from this time period (1970s/early80s) because of the great artists/writers and concepts that were being published by them at the time (I want those quirky series rather than the mainstream superhero books from the period).
And anything by Jack Kirby or Steve Ditko. When I was young, these two artists weren't really on my radar, they didn't speak to me then. But now, I devour anything by these stellar artists, and having the opportunity to read something new from Kirby or Ditko (new to me) is always a treat.
Things I've grabbed in the past for no reason other than this: Power Pack, Hitman, Human Target, Resurrection Man, and others...
100-Page Super Spectaculars.
Pretty much any old DCs with the groovy Go-Go Checkerboard.
60's and 70's Archies.
Any interesting Bronze that I don't have.
Sometimes runs I missed out on. Recently picked up the bulk of the Geoff Johns Flash run for 25 cents a piece at a big dollar bin sale.
Yeah it was in the cheap bins that I discovered lots of great 80s indy stuff. And like you I will pick up any book that is cheap and has Steve Ditko artwork. I actually prefer Ditko's artwork to Kirby's.
Another 3 great series I make it a point to look for in the cheap bins are. Monster Menace,which is a 90s Marvel mini series that reprints lots of those great giant monster comics. Some of which have great Kirby or Ditko artwork. Curse of the Weird,another 90s Marvel mini series that reprints some great pre-code horror stuff. And also has some great Kirby and Ditko artwork. The last is Seduction of the innocent,this is a series from Eclipse that reprints lots of pre-code horror stuff. There is a 3-d issue that has a gorgeous Dave Stevens cover.
DC Comics Presents
Marvel Two-In-One
Marvel Team-Up
For years those were 3 of the series I was searching out in the cheap bins. And thanks to rights issues we will most likely never get trades of ROM. And with 2 in 1 there is 2 issues they can't reprints. Issue 21 which has Doc Savage and issue 99 that has ROM.
I got lucky and found both issues at a comic shop that was closing. Want to say I ended up paying 2 bucks for each issue.
Not a problem brah . I have had people on these forums find some comics for me that I had been looking for for years. So this is my way of paying that back.
I'm curious if you've found Death's Head: The Body in Question in one.
It's supposed to be a rarer comic, but I got it for a dollar. Weird.
Captain Marvel / Marvel Family appearances
Fun looking Thing / Fantastic Four stories
Anything goofy Silver or Bronze age stuff