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Constantine (TV Series)



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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    I knew my Spider-sense was tingling.
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    RepoManRepoMan Posts: 327
    They should probably get to the overstory much faster - a 10:00 timeslot on a Friday night doesn't do the show any favors. Also wonder if maybe it would've been better to put this under the CW brand, as part of the Arrow/Flash-verse. Ah well - those decisions we'll never fully know. But for now, I'll watch it as long as it lasts.
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    random73random73 Posts: 2,318

    Things do not look good for it to continue past the time Hannibal comes back.:

    "Constantine dropped to a fractional rating. Even assuming it rises a couple tenths without Halloween, this is already a dead show walking. That said, NBC will likely continue airing Constantine until Hannibal can take over; how long that will take is an interesting question (Hannibal only started filming last week)."

    Oh I have been loving the hell out of Hannibal!
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    jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    That's a shame and I wonder if the pilot just didn't bring people in. Not to mention the fact when you already a show like Supernatural that's proven itself enough where it's been on for 10 seasons and NBC already has Grimm which is now in it's 4th season, they probably look at the dismal ratings of Constantine and probably won't give it much of a chance which is unfortunate.
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    Too bad the pilot played it safe. They had a 10pm slot. Maybe if they had been a little wilder, and with more of a modern horror edge to it- to distinguish itself from those other network fantasy shows- they would have got people talking and built an audience the way Hannibal has.
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    I’m sorry to hear the ratings haven’t been kind. I actually thought the series was quite good thus far, three episodes in, and that’s considering that this sort of show usually isn’t my cuppa tea. I certainly have no interest in seeing a return to Hannibal; I’ll just flip off the set and wander off to bed for the night if that happens.
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    jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    I'm trying with this show. I really am but it's just not grabbing me. When I watch this, all I see is "Supernatural" without the chemistry between Sam and Dean which is the best part of that show.
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    I've only seen the second episode so far, but I thought that episode was pretty decent. It was certainly a lot better than the second episodes of Gotham and Arrow. I've been recording the shows, because my wife wants to see it too (she's a longtime Vertigo reader), so at some point I'll get around to watching them—maybe over the holidays.

    I will try to catch this week’s show though, because a friend of mine’s son has a role in it. It’s actually a fairly significant role, playing a longtime DC character as a young boy in a flashback scene.
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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    I need a few more weeks to determine if I'm going to give this my time or not.
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    Things do not look good for it to continue past the time Hannibal comes back.:

    "Constantine dropped to a fractional rating. Even assuming it rises a couple tenths without Halloween, this is already a dead show walking. That said, NBC will likely continue airing Constantine until Hannibal can take over; how long that will take is an interesting question (Hannibal only started filming last week)."

    That is really a shame because I am enjoying this show quite a bit. Of course, I read most of the Hellblazer run, so I already have a connection to the character. I think the bloke who plays John is doing a hell of a job. In fact, last week we really saw a good bit of his bastard side coming out. That's the John Constantine I know!

    I don't agree with all of the character choices, but it's fun to see these old characters with a modern twist. A lot of the supporting cast thus far is from the Delano run on the book and I've forgotten some of them so there is a few nice "Oh, I remember [insert character]!" moments. (Last week it was Gary Lester)

    Regardless whether it lasts or it doesn't, at least we've seen a proper John Constantine on the screen and we can try to forget about that other attempt.
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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    pfinnegan said:

    Regardless whether it lasts or it doesn't, at least we've seen a proper John Constantine on the screen and we can try to forget about that other attempt.

    I've heard the other attempt was somewhat of a guilty pleasure.
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    jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    Maybe it's because I haven't read Constantine or Hellblazer before. Although, that shouldn't impact on whether I want to watch the show or not. In fact, I would imagine not having any history with the comic could give me a different perspective on the show. Watching this show should give me an interest in reading the comics and it doesn't.

    As a comparison, I watch and really enjoy Once Upon A Time. There isn't as many similarities to Fables as some people think there is but watching Once Upon A Time made me intrigued to read Fables and I enjoyed it.

    I'll continue on with Constantine to see where it goes and I don't know what I was expecting from it but I guess I just wished it was more.
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    dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    edited November 2014
    I loved last weeks episode. Best one so far. Only drawback was about 10 minutes into the show I figured out how it was going to end. My girl looked over and me and said "OK Newt I know you think you have figured it out. Do not tell me what you think is going to happen." I was nice and wrote down what i thought the ending would be. Once the show is over I showed her what I wrote. She read it then hit me hard in my upper arm. Thanks Constantine ,thanks to you my girl abused me LOL.

    But really I am loving this show. When I heard it was happening and going to be on NBC I was worried. And with me not watching much TV,currently I am watching 3 shows with one of them ending soon, I was looking for something to replace Boardwalk Empire. Not that I am saying Constantine is as good as Boardwalk.But is is a fun show that I can kick back on a Friday night. Chill and watch. I really hope NBC picks it up for a full season. If crap like Sister Wives,Secret Life of an American Teenager and Duck Dynasty can get long runs a good show like Constantine should at least get a full season.
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    Constantine has halted production with episode #13. It may or may not be cancelled, but there's still some hope it could be picked up for a second season. Bummer. I rather liked the show.
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    Constantine has halted production with episode #13. It may or may not be cancelled, but there's still some hope it could be picked up for a second season. Bummer. I rather liked the show.

    No rookie drama that has not had it's back nine picked up has ever gotten a second season. I'll have to watch it on in demand quickly since people are saying they like it.

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    Constantine has halted production with episode #13. It may or may not be cancelled, but there's still some hope it could be picked up for a second season. Bummer. I rather liked the show.


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    jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    I liked this latest episode. I thought it was well done and had an interesting story to it. I like the introduction of a particular cop and the ending scene with that character and Zed. I would say that this was my favorite episode of the season so far. I'm a bit bummed that this is more than likely not going to continue but it's something that I might get on iTunes later on just to have. It's a pretty decent show but while I haven't been totally on board with it until this latest episode, this one with the dead coming back was really on mark for me.
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    RepoManRepoMan Posts: 327
    Caught up on the last two eps! With still 8 more to go - it's too early to get all sad about its cancellation. Plus, I like shorter seasons! Gives me more time to watch other things as well. I really also enjoyed the inclusion of Corrigan in this last ep. He was a good fit and hopefully a nice addition to the supporting cast! Still can't get my wife to watch this one though - no matter how cute she thinks Constantine is. HAHA.
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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    if I hear it's going to survive, I will catch up!
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    jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    I'm still enjoying it. I hope it gets a second season but I will have enjoyed what they have given me if they don't.
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    jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    I liked this last episode of Constantine. I enjoyed the plot of story where an angry spirit takes over kids who then kills their parents. It was interesting although I guessed the twist and identity of the evil spirit early on. The female sidekick wasn't in this episode which was interesting.

    The next episode which is on tonight about this preacher guy who heals people being part of a darker plot is kind of cool but I've seen this before on Supernatural and that episode was really good. We'll see how this rates.
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    jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    So I watched the latest episode and I had said that it was kind of a rip-off of a Supernatural episode and in a sense, I was partially right. It took a few things from Supernatural in that you have a pastor who is using supernatural means to heal people and he doesn't quite understand how he's doing it. Also, you have the whole Fallen Angel angle in here which has been used in both Supernatural and even Charmed which was very interesting. I liked this episode a whole lot. I guess this show just needed some time to find it's legs and I'm looking forward to hopefully learn more about Zed.
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    dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    Watched Fridays episode earlier. Really really enjoying this show.
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    jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    I haven't watched it yet but the previews alone made me very excited to see it.
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    dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    Loved episode 9. Sucks there is only 4 left. Maybe this will get a second season. If not I hope we at least get a nice blu ray or dvd set.
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    1 more episode to go and I'm really going to miss this series if it doesn't get picked up. Rumor has it that NBC "might" be sending it off to Syfy with a rebranding as "Hellblazer" and slightly more adult content (maybe John will light one of those ciggies?). The episodes have been mostly great; as with all new series it's going to stumble a little bit as it finds its footing.

    Matt Ryan is a perfect John Constantine. I realize that only longtime Hellblazer readers will truly recognize how on character he is, so he may not get the accolades he deserves in popular press, but I guarantee he did his homework on the character.

    I also appreciate the small changes with Chas to make him more an integral part of the series. The episode with his daughter really fleshed out his character a bit, and while his personality is markedly different than the comic, I like it.

    The chemistry between John and Zed is really starting to come together. Not necessarily from a romantic point of view, but you can tell the actors are getting more comfortable.

    Unfortunately, I feel as though I'm writing an obituary, but here's hoping I'm wrong.
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    jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    It's a good show. It hasn't peaked my interest to check out the comics but I do like the show.
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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    If it gets picked up for another season, I'll watch.
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    shroud68shroud68 Posts: 457

    If it gets picked up for another season, I'll watch.

    Warning: Conflict Potential. I embrace @DoctorDoom's right to have this opinion but.........

    Why do you feel that you can only enjoy it if it is picked up? So far we have gotten ten or so quality episodes, not all great but certainly better than we had any right to expect and getting better. Can't you enjoy it in a vacuum? Why do you need others or the network to validate this for you? If you are a fan of the Vertigo series this is an acceptable variation of that.
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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    shroud68 said:

    If it gets picked up for another season, I'll watch.

    Warning: Conflict Potential. I embrace @DoctorDoom's right to have this opinion but.........

    Why do you feel that you can only enjoy it if it is picked up? So far we have gotten ten or so quality episodes, not all great but certainly better than we had any right to expect and getting better. Can't you enjoy it in a vacuum? Why do you need others or the network to validate this for you? If you are a fan of the Vertigo series this is an acceptable variation of that.
    Ding ding, @shroud68 ;)

    I can handle it in comic form (twelve issues), but I'm not really a one-season- wonder type of tv fan, unless it's a mini. And I. Usually good about avoiding shows that I think aren't going to make it.

    Add that in with the mixed things I've heard about the series, plus I'm more of a "newish" fan of Constantine anyway (post Brightest Day), and you can see why I'm not eager to watch right now.

    So no, when it comes to tv shows, I can't enjoy it in a vacuum.
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