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Discussion of picks "unofficial" CGS BOMC readers club thread



  • ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    Hey glad to see Ichiro pop up, if not for the art alone this was definitely an under the radar book. It wasn't marketed or published as a GN really which was a shame, I do think parts could be a little dense for people not into Japanese history/culture but it is still thought-provoking and enjoyable.

    Almost every book listed so far on the indie side I own or have read so I'd be interested in joining in the fun. I'll have to figure out what's all involved I had tuned out initially when the thread started because I think Weapon X or something was picked.

    Rust by Archaia is awesome and the second one will be coming out later this summer. I Kill Giants, and I have yet to read Parker: Hunter even though I own it.
  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    I enjoyed the previews or new stories from from the recent Archaia's FCBD 2012 HC. Rust was a quick interesting tale that I definitely wanted more of in attention to Cow Boy & Mouseguard.

  • ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    @mguy1977, actually the story they presented in the FCBD HC was a big letdown compared to the actual book. They couldn't have chosen worse IMO, and I'm a massive fan, it is one of my top favorite books I own. If you were even slightly intrigued by the FCBD book, the actual book is a million times better. Cow Boy has never done much for me, it is well done but the premise doesn't make me really care or get into it... Mouseguard though I love! Again not the most representative piece they could have chosen though. I applaud them for doing that awesome HC but I wish they had maybe selected excerpts with a bit more oompf. (sorry to go OT a bit)
  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    edited June 2012
    Zhurrie it is ok to have a OT decision as long as it is about comics. I never read Rust & Cow Boy before & after reading the FCBD book, I want to check out both series out ASAP. As for more Mouse Guard well it was a small taste to hold me over until the next collection is released (whenever). 48 pages is not a room for an indepth of story telling for the reader but it did capture my interest. So if Rust & Cow Boy excelled my expectations then the publisher, writer, artist, etc.. did their job.


    I still want my new Mouse Guard collection now dang it. There I said it.
  • ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    @mguy1977 What I was saying though is that the actual book (Rust) is a million times better than even that short story made it seem... and the issue is that Rust would need the entire 48 pages for just a preview that would do it justice. It isn't filled with action or even dialogue, but that is what makes it so amazing between the art and the writing when it is there has serious impact. I have not found one person that I've turned on to Rust not like it. The Mouseguard one was fun but I could have gone for them just taking an excerpt from an existing book of the same number of pages that was completely awesome. The stories they used in the FCBD are not in any of the books and won't be so it was the only way to get them.
  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    @Zhurrie I believe you wholeheartedly & look forward to reading Rust & other books from the publisher. It was a extra mini sized of chocolate candy sampler ( or in this case comics) that you didn't have to buy it was available at the LCS. You might like this a lot less in the FCBD edition & I understand you telling me the real deal, the actual book, is a million times better than the little bit I got. I look forward to reading it in the near future. I really do appreciate your eagerness for comics in general & thanks for the clarification.

    Don't be shy put your short list of indie titles (5 total) you want to share with the group for consideration.

  • ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    Rust: Visitor in the Field
    Moriarty Volume 1
    I Kill Giants
    Parker: Hunter

    I only was clarifying because I know in my LCS everyone was so excited to get a free HC and all of the titles were new to most people and a lot of people were just confused by Rust and didn't think it seemed very good. If I had only read that bit I probably would have been in a similar boat. But it is hard to see something with entirely fresh eyes since I do love it so much, so maybe it wasn't that way for all newcomers. :) I'm glad it interested you enough though because it is excellent. Just about everything Archaia and Drawn & Quarterly puts out is amazing.
  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    edited June 2012
    Infinite Kung Fu from Top Shelf Productions is in the lead at this point. I am willing to push back a Contract with God HC edition to a later date.

    Last call, so rally among an indie choice that you want to pick by this evening.

  • John_SteedJohn_Steed Posts: 2,087
    just read the entire Infinite Kung Fu yesterday afternoon - while the sun was burning my belly....

  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    edited June 2012
    The pick is officially announced.

    Infinite Kung Fu by writer/artist Kagan McLeod is this month's pick from Top Shelf.

    Infinite Kung Fu is 30% off at $17.46

    Next month's picks will be a Marvel selection.

    Happy reading.

  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    I have a busy day today & tomorrow, so I will start the process on Wednesday for a week think of 5 Marvel tpbs/HCs/etc until then.

  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    Ok the discussion for a Marvel selection is open. Have 5 tpbs or HCs to choose from that is in stock for a future BOMC. I will keep the discussion between now & Tuesday (7/17) unless everyone has a overwhelming agreement on a pick.

    List & discuss among yourselves what picks you want to read.

  • John_SteedJohn_Steed Posts: 2,087
    - Planet Hulk (got the trade but haven't read it yet)
    - Infinity Gauntlet (don't have it yet, never read it)
    - The Immortal Iron Fist Omnibus (never read it, but want to...)

    would also like to get into Guardians of the Galaxy but don't know where to start(?)
  • KrescanKrescan Posts: 623
    just my haul that i haven't read from FCBD

    Hercules: Prince of Power
    Avengers: Hawkeye
    Exiles: Ultimate Collection pt 2
  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    1. Punisher Circle of Blood miniseries
    2. Planet Hulk (that is right I missed it the first go round)
    3. Secret Wars (the one from the 80s)
    4. Spider Man Torment
    5. Daredevil Yellow

    Hopefully post SDCC we will get more submissions. I will bump the thread on Monday.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801

    Post more suggestions & I want us to come together on one Marvel selection overall as before for the month.


  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    edited July 2012
    The pick is officially announced.

    Planet Hulk by writer Greg Pak & a variety of artists including Gary Frank, Aaron Lopresti, etc.. is the selection for Marvel.

    The Planet Hulk tpb is 40% at DCBS for $20.99.

    Next month's selection will be from DC after that we may introduce manga or international month depending on everyone's input.


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