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Movie News: Man of Steel



  • LibraryBoyLibraryBoy Posts: 1,803
    Liked the flying sequence, but the rest just looked like Clark Kent, Itinerant Fisherman.

    Way too early to draw anything resembling a conclusion, but my fears that this will be mopey and broody are rising. I'm willing to be proven wrong, and really, really willing to like this movie (especially after Superman Returns), but still, the fear is there.
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
  • a realistic tone set against the primary colors of a Superman?

    Ah... sold.. Where can I buy my ticket please?
  • matchkitJOHNmatchkitJOHN Posts: 1,030
    As long there is no Lex Luthor or real estate scheme I'm good.
  • JaxUrJaxUr Posts: 547
    Here's the footage shown at Comic Con. Watch it ASAP before it's gone!
  • batlawbatlaw Posts: 879
    Quite a bit more promising but I think primarily because of the increased SF / Superman in action scenes. They look pretty good even in this poor quality video. However Amy Adams is still off IMO as Lois and I still get way too much of mopey and *New Supes taste here. My God I cant take any more of the safe route liberal pandering approach to movies. If this is half about how aweful the US Goverment is and Americans are xenophobic and the US Military are the bad guys Im gonna scream! So far thats what I still anticipate from this to a degree since thats what New52 Supes is. BUt I so wanna be wrong.

  • sandmansandman Posts: 201

    Why remove the belt and trunks just to go out of your way adding silly lines to give the illusion of a belt and trunks.
    And the costume is too dark. That works for batman, not superman.

    I thought the same thing. I especially don't like the lines that they added to the thigh area. And I don't like the blue that they're using for the costume. In the stills I've seen the costume almost looks purple to me. Too dark, just like you said.
  • JaxUrJaxUr Posts: 547
    What. "liberal pandering" could anyone possibly claim to see to see in that extended footage?? Just the mere fact that the military is seen "capturing" Superman can't be it - can it?
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    Why the heck did they not stick THAT trailer in front of DKR?
  • DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    That trailer was blah to me.

    But I won't judge the movie on it.
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    It wasn't great by any means but it beats the hell out of the one in front of DKR.
  • batlawbatlaw Posts: 879
    JaxUr said:

    What. "liberal pandering" could anyone possibly claim to see to see in that extended footage?? Just the mere fact that the military is seen "capturing" Superman can't be it - can it?

    Thats what Im refering to yes. Im hoping its only a small issue but im sure its more than that... and it annoys me its there at all. Its getting old as hell. Every other movie is foverflowing with such subtext.
  • It's nice to know Superman has a crushed velvet cape and a costume that looks made of plastic garden chair material.
  • JaxUrJaxUr Posts: 547
    I think the costume looks great!
  • dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    JaxUr said:

    I think the costume looks great!

    I gotta disagree Mr Jaxur. I don't like the textured look of the costume.
  • I like the trailers... I like the fact that the fishing stuff was filmed on location, not on a greenscreen set... I like the footage of Kansas... very earthy and "found footage" ish.

    It looks like they're going the Batman Begins route, which is no real surprise, but allows for something not really covered in the previous movies, or in the comics much. How does a man of two worlds, of two fathers, go from being a super-powered Kansas farmboy to being a man who devotes his life to protecting his adopted planet? I can only recall the briefest mention of the young adult years of Kal's life in the regular Superman comics, and that graphic novel, The Odyssey, which I seem to remember taking place largely in Alaska (could be wrong about the locale).

    In other words, what defines the Nolan Batman is the journey he took to arrive at who he has become... to see the same treatment for Supes could be groundbreaking.

    If only the suit wasn't so ugly.
  • JaxUrJaxUr Posts: 547
    Someone posted a portion of the footage that was seen only at Comic Con. It may be taken down soon so take a look while you are able:
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    I think the article is missing the sentence about Supes' new look in the comics has no briefs and an armored look to it.

  • WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    Matt said:

    I think the article is missing the sentence about Supes' new look in the comics has no briefs and an armored look to it.

    I'm pretty sure the comics costume was changed to be more like the movie costume.
  • WetRats said:

    Matt said:

    I think the article is missing the sentence about Supes' new look in the comics has no briefs and an armored look to it.

    I'm pretty sure the comics costume was changed to be more like the movie costume.
    And that's fine, yet it would have been nice if the article had mentioned exactly what Matt said. That does not say that one took the idea from the other.
  • It doesn't matter whose idea it was, it's an awful looking Superman suit. I say they put Superman back in his underwear, and, by God, keep him there!
  • I am not sure why everyone is so keen on the underwear, I think it just would look ridiculous in a movie like that (on the basis, that the style is like The Dark Knight Trilogy). I really like the texture of the costume, it's like the cap costume from the avengers, It looks real and not like you Clark bought it online for 20$. And I think the middle of the S on the shield looks too big.
  • I am not sure why everyone is so keen on the underwear, I think it just would look ridiculous in a movie like that (on the basis, that the style is like The Dark Knight Trilogy). I really like the texture of the costume, it's like the cap costume from the avengers, It looks real and not like you Clark bought it online for 20$. And I think the middle of the S on the shield looks too big.

    Well, that's the thing. I don't think the new suit looks real at all; it looks like a prefab job whipped up from left-overs at a car mat manufacturers. A cloth suit not only makes more sense (he's Superman; it shouldn't look like the suit is more invulnerable than he is), it's more to his character: simple and less ostentatious. All the extra detail and texture they try to add to his costume (spinach, I says) just looks phoney and counterproductive, not to mention visually ugly. Besides, wearing a cloth suit worked for Christopher Reeve. 'Nuff said.

    And the thing about the red trunks: after 75 years, it's a little late to be closing the barn door after the bull's got out. At this point, the old suit with the red trunks is universally iconic -- everybody in the world knows Superman and what his costume looks like. Why change it at all? Modify, yes, but change it significantly? Heresy. And commercially foolish.
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    batlaw said:

    Quite a bit more promising but I think primarily because of the increased SF / Superman in action scenes. They look pretty good even in this poor quality video. However Amy Adams is still off IMO as Lois and I still get way too much of mopey and *New Supes taste here. My God I cant take any more of the safe route liberal pandering approach to movies. If this is half about how aweful the US Goverment is and Americans are xenophobic and the US Military are the bad guys Im gonna scream! So far thats what I still anticipate from this to a degree since thats what New52 Supes is. BUt I so wanna be wrong.

    I agree with you on Amy Adams, she just feels wrong and frankly I think she's too old if this is actually going to be a franchise. I kinda doubt they are going to go in the anti government anti military kind of way, but I could be wrong. I think I might hate the costume images we've seen so far....
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457

    I am not sure why everyone is so keen on the underwear, I think it just would look ridiculous in a movie like that (on the basis, that the style is like The Dark Knight Trilogy). I really like the texture of the costume, it's like the cap costume from the avengers, It looks real and not like you Clark bought it online for 20$. And I think the middle of the S on the shield looks too big.

    Well, that's the thing. I don't think the new suit looks real at all; it looks like a prefab job whipped up from left-overs at a car mat manufacturers. A cloth suit not only makes more sense (he's Superman; it shouldn't look like the suit is more invulnerable than he is), it's more to his character: simple and less ostentatious. All the extra detail and texture they try to add to his costume (spinach, I says) just looks phoney and counterproductive, not to mention visually ugly. Besides, wearing a cloth suit worked for Christopher Reeve. 'Nuff said.

    And the thing about the red trunks: after 75 years, it's a little late to be closing the barn door after the bull's got out. At this point, the old suit with the red trunks is universally iconic -- everybody in the world knows Superman and what his costume looks like. Why change it at all? Modify, yes, but change it significantly? Heresy. And commercially foolish.
    The article mentioned "everyone" was complaining about the red trunks. Who's "everyone?" In the cyber age, there are normally websites devoted to things geeks hate, so where's the sites on the trunks?!

  • John_SteedJohn_Steed Posts: 2,087
    I'm totally fine with superheroes wearing updated outfits. Everything around them has also changed since they first appeared.
  • kgforcekgforce Posts: 326
    Planeis said:

    batlaw said:

    Quite a bit more promising but I think primarily because of the increased SF / Superman in action scenes. They look pretty good even in this poor quality video. However Amy Adams is still off IMO as Lois...

    I agree with you on Amy Adams, she just feels wrong and frankly I think she's too old if this is actually going to be a franchise....
    Yes! So I'm not the only one who feels that way about her. She's 38. Henry Cavill is 29.

  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    kgforce said:

    Planeis said:

    batlaw said:

    Quite a bit more promising but I think primarily because of the increased SF / Superman in action scenes. They look pretty good even in this poor quality video. However Amy Adams is still off IMO as Lois...

    I agree with you on Amy Adams, she just feels wrong and frankly I think she's too old if this is actually going to be a franchise....
    Yes! So I'm not the only one who feels that way about her. She's 38. Henry Cavill is 29.

    Yes. I like her, but c'mon. If this is succesful she'll be in her 40's by the time the second gets made. Kind of a long shot at this point, but do we want Lois to be 45 or 46 in part 3? Id feel the same way if they started with a Superman actor pushing 40.
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980

    I'm totally fine with superheroes wearing updated outfits. Everything around them has also changed since they first appeared.

    Updated? Sure. Kinda hard to say how stuff will look in the movie, but these things look ugly. Not just different. Ugly.
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