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Episode 1225 Talkback: Avengers Movie Review

PantsPants Posts: 567
edited May 2012 in CGS Episodes & Spin-Offs
Geeks assemble! We've waited a long time for the Avengers movie and now that we've seen it we can't wait to talk about it. (1:12:54)

Listen here.


  • Can't wait to listen. Saw it on Sat and it exceeded all of my expectations.
  • John_SteedJohn_Steed Posts: 2,087

    I saw it Sunday - and it's awesomely awesome in all it's awesomeness!!!
    awesome that!

  • QuinQuestionQuinQuestion Posts: 130
    I watched it opening night. I went back the next day and watched it again. It was just awesome. "Hulk Smash" Nuff said.
  • CalibanCaliban Posts: 1,358
    edited May 2012
    Saw it last night.

    The Alien bad guys - The Chitari? - just cannon fodder like Jamie said.
    Loki - Tom Hiddleston was great, Brits make the best bad guys.
    Thor - I liked how he was trying to reason with Hulk/Banner. Hammer swinging was great.
    Cap - Plays the man out of time well, took charge. I really like Evans' portrayal.
    Hulk - Smash! and "Puny God"
    Stark - Downey just inhabits the role, brilliant ad-libs
    Black Widow - clever how they gave her a particular "skill set" that really worked in the movie. Her interrogation of Loki was great, she had me fooled as well. But also the way she reacted to Hulk/Banner was very well acted.
    Hawkeye. I think Cap did call him that in the battle sequence. Would go and see a Hawkeye/Black Widow movie
    Nick Fury and Maria Hill, the Helicarrier and S.H.I.E.L.D. Convinced me
    Agent Coulson. Spoiler text= Gutted, just gutted. I hope we see his LMD in future films
    The Council. We had to have the Council to set off the Nuke and be the human bad guys who take that decision away from Fury and Hill. The Brit Shadow Council member was Jenny Agutter (be still my beating heart)

    Great stuff. 5 stars. Alien heads roll, limbs roll. One beast, no breasts. Joe Bob says check it out
  • CalibanCaliban Posts: 1,358
    edited May 2012
    Random thought:
    Now Joss Whedon rules Hollywood and can probably get any project he wants greenlit, will we see a second Serenity film?
  • gbrockgbrock Posts: 1
    Hey guys, great episode as usual. One thing I need to point out is that the reason the Skrulls were not used in the movie is because the rights are owned by Fox. The Skrulls fall under the Fantastic Four property which is with Fox.
  • Anyone else find Mike irritating this episode? "No one asked about my favorite scene..."

    Quit whining! Maybe its just the tone of his voice that I find whiny? I dunno....

    Just my opinion, don't haze me!
  • WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    I saw it Sunday - and it's awesomely awesome in all it's awesomeness!!!
    But did you like it?
  • ARTART Posts: 2

    Bryan you're asking for a movie where the Avengers are immediately best buddies and just go out an fight? You do realize that you then lose a sense of pathos with the audience now that there's no character arc for the lead roles? A story has to have a sense of change and you're characters must learn and grow. Without it, you basically have a music video (or a Michael Bay production). As pointed out, the dust up between the fellow heroes is Marvel Comics 101.

    If you're going to complain about mindless canon fodder, then you have to take an issue with all the franchises:
    Thor: Frost Giants
    Cap: Hydra foot soldiers completely covered from head to toe
    Iron Man 2: Hammer's Iron suit robots
    By removing the humanity from the foot soldiers, they're allowed to show Hawkeye stabbing them in the face and Cap cutting off their arms while maintaining a PG-13 rating and not traumatizing young children.

    They can't even legally USE the skrulls! They are owned by Sony with the Fantastic Four package. and while a "Secret Invasion" Avengers movie is interesting, that's not the story they chose to tell and you can't fault a story for not being your vision.

    Matt can tell us everything that will happen in TDKR? That'd be quite a feat. I believe Nolan and a handfull of cast and crew know how the movie ends so.

    I'm sorry to be testy, but this level of nitpicking is not one I'm accustomed to on CGS. Got about 30 min. left, let's see where this goes....
    I'd have to agree with all of that about 100%

    Those faceless goons are essential, especially when we have half a dozen+ heroes to introduce and give screen time to and relate to.

  • Who boy, where to start...

    Bryan you're asking for a movie where the Avengers are immediately best buddies and just go out an fight? You do realize that you then lose a sense of pathos with the audience now that there's no character arc for the lead roles? A story has to have a sense of change and you're characters must learn and grow. Without it, you basically have a music video (or a Michael Bay production). As pointed out, the dust up between the fellow heroes is Marvel Comics 101.

    If you're going to complain about mindless canon fodder, then you have to take an issue with all the franchises:
    Thor: Frost Giants
    Cap: Hydra foot soldiers completely covered from head to toe
    Iron Man 2: Hammer's Iron suit robots
    By removing the humanity from the foot soldiers, they're allowed to show Hawkeye stabbing them in the face and Cap cutting off their arms while maintaining a PG-13 rating and not traumatizing young children.

    They can't even legally USE the skrulls! They are owned by Sony with the Fantastic Four package. and while a "Secret Invasion" Avengers movie is interesting, that's not the story they chose to tell and you can't fault a story for not being your vision.

    Matt can tell us everything that will happen in TDKR? That'd be quite a feat. I believe Nolan and a handfull of cast and crew know how the movie ends so.

    I'm sorry to be testy, but this level of nitpicking is not one I'm accustomed to on CGS. Got about 30 min. left, let's see where this goes....
    Dead on. Agree totally... I thought I could count on the Geeks to gush with me. WHY get caught up in the inconsequential details that NO ONE cares about?

    Scrulls or faceless army?
    Why show Thor drop his hammer?
    Why was Pepper wearing shorts?

    Are you kidding me?


    And Bryan: Diverse heroes being brought together to save humanity, but frist having to overcome their differences to unite when it really matters is EVERY GOOD MARVEL TEAM COMIC EVER MADE.
  • spidspid Posts: 203
    Marvel's teams fight with each other so it only makes sense they fight in the movie. What they did not say out loud, but they did imply Loki's scepter was causing them to fight with each other.

    About the aliens you can't have named Aliens (Kree, Skrulls) etc when they reveal the big bad is Thanos. Thanos only uses no-name aliens as apart of his army so you can't have Kree.
  • Marvel's teams fight with each other so it only makes sense they fight in the movie. What they did not say out loud, but they did imply Loki's scepter was causing them to fight with each other.
    Right... and Loki's reveal to Black Widow was that he was going to manipulate the Hulk somehow... which he started doing with Banner in the scene where he unknowingly picked up the scepter...

    Which was another curve ball\homage by Whedon... if you remember, the first issue of the Avengers was Loki manipulating the Hulk and that's what brings them all together.

  • matchkitJOHNmatchkitJOHN Posts: 1,030
    The Pimp Hand was strong at the 4:25 mark!
  • WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    Marvel's teams fight with each other so it only makes sense they fight in the movie. What they did not say out loud, but they did imply Loki's scepter was causing them to fight with each other.
    God of Mischief!
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    edited May 2012

    Matt can tell us everything that will happen in TDKR? That'd be quite a feat. I believe Nolan and a handfull of cast and crew know how the movie ends so.

    I believe the words I used were "I mostly know exactly what happens" as opposed to "I know everything that happens." You might be taking the statement a little too literally. I obviously do not know front what door Alfred will enter during his first scene.

    I'm familiar enough with the source material to see what's being used with the scenes we've seen thus far in trailers. The specific ending is still something I can only guess at, but seeing how the promos are that this is the end of the Dark Knight Legend and with there being a cover up at the end of TDK, I can take a fairly decent stab at what all this means.

    I'm planning on outlining what I see for the movie before I actually see it. I'll give it to one of the other guys so I cannot tamper with it and let's see how close I can get. I'm betting at this point, I can 80-85% of the major plot points and storyline accurate.


  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    If it seemed as though we came off too nit-picky, it's only because the group couldn't do a gushing love-fest. We did that the whole weekend. There wasn't one out of about 15 of us who saw it on Friday night who thought it was anything less than a kickass movie.

  • I'm listening to it now on my iPhone and had to log on here to make sure that someone set these guys straight, especially involving the alien army. But it looks like you guys did, especially abuddah.

    On the issue of the alien army as cannon fodder: you need that. It happens in the comics, too. While there have been enemies that require several heroes to take down, Loki is not that villain. Not for a 200 million dollar movie, anyway. He needed an army and the heroes all needed to people to fight. I love how one of you complains about cannon fodder, but then complains that the heroes weren't fighting bad guys as a lovey-dovey team for 2 1/2 hours. As someone said above, that is a Michael Bay movie and there are plenty of those.

    The Skrulls would have required way too much exposition and would have taken away from the real story, that of this team of heroes coming together, and would have been extremely confusing for most audiences who have no idea who they are. To simply show some of them shape-shifting to establish them as Skrulls is absurd. So Pepper Potts wearing cutoffs and barefoot requires explanation, but the alien army shape-shifting doesn't?? Also the idea to have a teaser at the end where a cab driver's true Skrull identity flashes across his face--like that hasn't been done before?

    This episode was hard to listen to, to be honest. Not because of differing opinions but because of the lack of reason behind the opinions. And the astonishing lack of correct information! This is what you guys do!

    I love this show, though.
  • matchkitJOHNmatchkitJOHN Posts: 1,030
    If it seemed as though we came off too nit-picky, it's only because the group couldn't do a gushing love-fest. We did that the whole weekend. There wasn't one out of about 15 of us who saw it on Friday night who thought it was anything less than a kickass movie.


    That's what I picked up just listening to the show. You guys have been gushing over it this weekend (like all of us) but you want to have some sort of critical analysis of the movie but there's not much there to criticize. It happens.

    Matt - Are you going to see Amazing Spider-man? My seeing it depends on someone else's review of the movie that's more of a hardcore Spidey fan.
  • spidspid Posts: 203
    If it seemed as though we came off too nit-picky, it's only because the group couldn't do a gushing love-fest. We did that the whole weekend. There wasn't one out of about 15 of us who saw it on Friday night who thought it was anything less than a kickass movie.

    Maybe for the next movie some one could take a handheld and record the right out of the theater reactions. Then after you guys play that you can go into the regular episode.

  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    My questioning about Pepper's attire was more of an observation based on what we've seen in 2 prior movies. She was always seen dressed professionally. Now granted, she is dating Tony, but it just seemed different than what I expected a casually dressed Pepper to wear.

    I can't believe if we saw Steve ride off wearing a Hugo Boss suit at the end I'd be the only one questioning it.

  • mbatzmbatz Posts: 63
    i just kind of thought that the alien army was Annihilus and the annihilation wave.
  • KyleMoyerKyleMoyer Posts: 727
    The specific ending is still something I can only guess at, but seeing how the promos are that this is the end of the Dark Knight Legend and with there being a cover up at the end of TDK, I can take a fairly decent stab at what all this means.
    Batman's gonna die. I'm calling that now.
  • KyleMoyerKyleMoyer Posts: 727
    Anyone else find Mike irritating this episode? "No one asked about my favorite scene..."

    Quit whining! Maybe its just the tone of his voice that I find whiny? I dunno....

    Just my opinion, don't haze me!
    Good job, Mike! Somebody realized it was you and not Matt or Shane!
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    edited May 2012
    If it seemed as though we came off too nit-picky, it's only because the group couldn't do a gushing love-fest. We did that the whole weekend. There wasn't one out of about 15 of us who saw it on Friday night who thought it was anything less than a kickass movie.


    That's what I picked up just listening to the show. You guys have been gushing over it this weekend (like all of us) but you want to have some sort of critical analysis of the movie but there's not much there to criticize. It happens.

    Matt - Are you going to see Amazing Spider-man? My seeing it depends on someone else's review of the movie that's more of a hardcore Spidey fan.
    No, I have zero interest in this movie. Too soon for a reboot, I'm not a fan of the Ultimates line, & it's too Twilight for my taste. They should've added Man-Wolf to round out the monster theme!

  • the level of nit-picking was hard to get through, but I can totally add that up to how AWESOME the movie was.

    It just came down to what each Geek would have done if they made the movie. Remember, the Geeks gave it 5 Frekin' Sweers, even Mike. :)

    The Pimp Hand is strong yet again!
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