A little TV talk (Supergirl, Jessica Jones), a little comic talk (Paper Girls, Secret Wars), a couple glasses of wine: what better way to put a cap on the long Thanksgiving weekend? Gobble-Gobble, Ge… (View Post)
Three years into the legendary 1980s run of The New Teen Titans, creators Marv Wolfman and George Perez brought forth upon the DC Universe a story arc that forever altered the unwritten rules and exp… (View Post)
Count your blessings and read your Previews! We go through the November catalog for items shipping starting in January. (1:21:17) Listen here. (View Post)
Annuals are a time-honored comics tradition, providing a kind of king-size fun and excitement that can come but once a year (if that often!). In this Top 5 episode, we wax nostalgic about some of our… (View Post)
Celebrate Halloween (and Back to the Future Day!) aboard the Time Bubble, as Murd tells tantalizing tales of comics past: Brian Azzarello on the Hulk! Greg Rucka on-or-around Spider-Man! And seasonal… (View Post)