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What's The Best Comic You Never Hear Anyone Talking About?

For me it's Terry Moore's Rachel Rising.

Like all of his books, it's beautiful, but the story is incredible!

I don't want to go into many details because it's a journey of discovery, but if you like mysteries or horror, or just really-well-told stories, give it a look.


  • KyleMoyerKyleMoyer Posts: 727
    Answer ✓
    I have the first TPB of that on order from DCBS. I'm probably going to start getting single issues after that.
  • WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    I have the first TPB of that on order from DCBS. I'm probably going to start getting single issues after that.
    The issue-to-issue pacing is really nice.

  • John_SteedJohn_Steed Posts: 2,087
    Living in Europe I could write up a list of comic gems nobody (yet) knows or talks about amongst the general CGS audience.

    But there is one awesome US comic I wished I'd have folks around to share it with. Hopefully it will also be released througout Europe soon. More people should have the chance to read this.

    I'm talking about Witch Doctor

    The only time I heard someone gush..about it, was listening to VinceB on 11OCC. (if it was mentioned in a CGS appologies...)

    Highly recommended to anybody loving the obscure, funny, dark, twisted, mental things. Great writing and artwork. Read the first collection on my tab.

    I LOVE IT!

  • BadDeaconBadDeacon Posts: 120

    It's like a better Twin Peaks. I never hear folks talk about this. Granted, an issue comes out every several years, but it's pretty darn good.

  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794

    Female fans griping there aren't enough female artists getting mainstream play - buy this book.
    Male fans griping that they know what to expect from a female creator - buy this book.
    Mangaphobics griping that it's manga so it's just panty shots and robots - buy this book.

    Not only does talented female artist Q Hayashida draw this book, she writes it. So you're thinking "Ah, female manga-ka...must be one of those flowery high-school romance stories with sparkles everywhere and big-eyed romantic triangles, right?" Wrong.
  • TrevTrev Posts: 310
    DMZ ;) -- yeah, i went there.

    Seriously, Books that are really great from the recent past that people rarely talk about any more for me are probably Queen and Country and Rex Mundi.

    Chew seems to be popular with the people who like it, but I don't read a ton of people talking about how good it is. I love it.
  • LibraryBoyLibraryBoy Posts: 1,803
    Snarked! by Roger Langridge is the one I love that never seems to get enough press. I worry that people are put off by the idea of an all ages humor book steeped in the writings of Lewis Carroll, but it's clever, it's funny as hell, the art is outstanding, and you really don't have to know a lot of Carroll to get the story at all. It would make an awesome animated series or film.

    Supergirl is another great book I never hear many people talk about. I think it gets lost in the shuffle of a lot of the higher profile New 52 books, but there's a really great adventure unfolding in this book, and this version of Kara has the potential for a lot of depth that has been missing since her 00's revival. The pacing could be better (though you can say that about a lot of the DCnU), but there's a good story going on here.
  • jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    For me it's Atomic Robo. I barely hear anyone talk about it although I might not be listening to the right places.

    Also, there is this other book that I see every now and again but not sure I want to check it out because I don't hear anyone talking about. I think it's called Batman and it's written by some dude name Scott Snyder. Is he related to that dude from Twisted Sister? :P
  • tazmaniaktazmaniak Posts: 733
    I don't know if I'd call it "the best comic", but I really enjoyed Marvel's recent Six Guns.It was a fun and action-packed modern western with some good character interactions.I wouldn't mind seeing these characters again.
  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,642
    Mangaphobics griping that it's manga so it's just panty shots and robots - buy this book.
    You forgot ==Speed-Lines
    Hmmm the best book no one is talking about?
    Knights of the Dinner Table, but I'm not sure that counts. even if it is my favorite indy title being created. However it is more magazine than comic.
    Snarked! is a really good comic.
  • jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    I don't know if I'd call it "the best comic", but I really enjoyed Marvel's recent Six Guns.It was a fun and action-packed modern western with some good character interactions.I wouldn't mind seeing these characters again.
    I have a friend who has raved about Six Guns. I had no idea it was from Marvel. I might research that and see what it's about and check it out when I go to Wild Pig.
  • CalibanCaliban Posts: 1,358
    The Ballad of Halo Jones

    I've sent so many copies to the US I must be the main exporter by now.
  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    Looking through what I have been getting and reading digitally (when I have the spare change), I can throw a few things out there, none of it may be hella-mega-supa-awesome but it is to me and that would be some good ole' action/adventure fantasy . Skullkickers, Conan, Red Sonja, D & D and many others.

    Knights of the Dinner Table is awesome. Since our local hobby shop closed down years ago I have regretably not kept up on it.
  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    The Ballad of Halo Jones

    I've sent so many copies to the US I must be the main exporter by now.
    Hell, if I'd known you were just sending them over I wouldn't have BOUGHT it! :)

    And yes, an excellent book that more people should have read...

  • KrescanKrescan Posts: 623
    Don't think I've heard many people talking about Journey Into Mystery recently, I'm really liking this book it's very funny, it feels Gaiman-ish (I only know Neil Gaiman through books, not comics. This could be entirely different) Plus I think my new favorite character is Thori the hell puppy.

    And I am not very much of a Thor/Loki fan but I'm thinking I should be as much as I enjoy this.
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    This will get a few eye rolls but I think Fear Itself: The Fearless is a great series that I never hear anybody mention.
  • LibraryBoyLibraryBoy Posts: 1,803
    I need to get around to reading The Ballad of Halo Jones one of these days. I think my LCS even has a copy on the shelf.
  • Thugs. Cuz Thugs are da the bomb... B-)

    what... Torchy said to make it look natural...
  • WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    Thugs. Cuz Thugs are da the bomb... B-)
    Bravo! Well-played!
  • warpangelwarpangel Posts: 62
    I think the book that I WANT most people to read and talk about at the moment is Image comics 'Morning Glories'. It's a great series written by Nick Spencer. No capes are involved at all, it's about 6 very different teenagers who get sent to a private acadamy which is to say the least rather 'sinister'.
    It's a mix of Buffy style teenage angst crossed with the weird mysteries of Lost. Every issue gives you someething new to ponder and definately keeps you guessing. it's a lot of fun! :D
  • BrianBaerBrianBaer Posts: 80
    Near Death and The Sixth Gun get some love on the 'net, but on around here too much. Highly recommended. Mad props, y'all.
    ...yes, I've been drinking. I'll shut up now.

  • ...yes, I've been drinking. I'll shut up now.
    never, thats when the people start getting real... and a bit naughty. :D
  • SolitaireRoseSolitaireRose Posts: 1,445
    I LOVED the recent "Luthor Strode" mini-series. Very violent, but a different take on super-heroics and not afraid to get into the consequences of violence.
  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    Thugs. Cuz Thugs are da the bomb... B-)
    Your check is in the mail...
  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    Thugs is a mighty fine book. The mock ads are priceless.

    And that is a completely uncoerced plug.
  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    Those ads come to the book courtesy of a guy named Rich McAuliffe, who used to be on the old old forums under the name BlueMeanie. He and Flint run a podcast that I'm on occasionally called "Everything Comes Back to 2000AD" (they're both from across the pond...I play the role of the clueless ugly American who doesn't know Strontium Dog from a hot dog!).

    Richard has done a number of great indie books and continues to submit work for books I guess we can't get here. One that's really cool is Baby Boomers that he wrote and Chad Cicconi (sp?) who is also on here, drew. It's hilarious...two homicidal babies doing the spy vs. spy thing.
  • FeedbackFeedback Posts: 31
    edited March 2012
    For myself there are a couple books that I think are great but don't get mentioned much.

    Justice League Dark


    Avengers Academy
    Journey Into Mystery


    Green Wake
    Blue Harvest
    Orc Stain


    The Sixth Gun
    Executive Assistant
    Atomic Robo
  • DryBonesDryBones Posts: 26
    I'm going with Journey Into Mystery. It's the only keeping me getting The Mighty Thor. If it came out more often I might of said Lady Mechanica.
  • I'm going with Journey Into Mystery. It's the only keeping me getting The Mighty Thor. If it came out more often I might of said Lady Mechanica.
    oh! Lady Mechanika.... I told Mr. Benitiz (sp?) at last year's C2E2 that I will wait, he is worth it. Nice call>
  • ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    Lady Mechanika & nonplayer (both suffer from release schedule but beyond worth it). Valen the Outcast. The Strain. Dong Xoai. I haven't heard or seen Ichiro mentioned anywhere either.
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