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Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (Spoilers)



  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884

    David_D said:

    random73 said:

    Matt said:

    random73 said:

    sometimes movies ask us to suspend our disbelief and generally as long as they are internally consistent and follow their own film logic we accept that. DKR kicks me out of the movie and makes me aware of the problems. sometimes that happens because of weird things. I was watching Shoot Em Uo with my girl recently and i believe there was a scene where a character shot more bullets than the gun would hold. That pulled her out of the movie. I'm like, "Really? All the ridiculous stuff going on in this movie and THATS what you have trouble with?". IT is different for different people. DKR pushed my ability to believe too far.

    I can see that. TDK took me out for a few moments when Bruce & Harvey were pining for the same woman that the Joker comment on her beauty; Maggie Gyllenhal.

    Spider-man pulled me out for a few moments when Mary Jane seemed shocked she was told she needed acting lessons.

    Chris Reeve's Superman movies pulled me out multiple times; starting with everyone immediately accepting him after saving Lois.

    I know, right! Maggie Gyllenhal? really? lol! oh! thats priceless!
    To each their own. But I say, Your loss. I find her more beautiful (and, more important to the story, more compelling, smarter, and more watchable) then whats-her-name from the first one.

    Also, I actually can believe that Gyllenhal passed the bar.
    Well, Gyllenhaal went to Harvard-Westlake and Columbia University. Not saying she’d necessarily pass the bar, but she’s certainly no dummy.

    And while I don’t think she’s not beautiful in the beauty pageant sense of the word, I do think she is incredibly attractive. Physical beauty and sexual appeal do not have to be mutually inclusive. One does not always equal the other.
    I think we are on the same page.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    random73 said:
    Aye, and it's still supposed to be called a Man of Steel sequel? Even Stark didn't have this many superheroes in his sequel.

  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    Matt said:

    random73 said:
    Aye, and it's still supposed to be called a Man of Steel sequel? Even Stark didn't have this many superheroes in his sequel.

    yeah. at this point (assuming this is a true-ish article) this is a straight up JLA movie. Which I'm down for but there is really to point in calling it a Man of Steel sequel.
  • I might try to argue that it's a MOS sequel as long as it has Superman in it, he's played by the same actor, and directed by the same director, among other things, but those are the chief among them.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457

    I might try to argue that it's a MOS sequel as long as it has Superman in it, he's played by the same actor, and directed by the same director, among other things, but those are the chief among them.

    Wouldn't that mean Marvel's The Avengers is actually an Iron Man sequel?

  • Yep. And it also especially feels like a Thor sequel. Also Captain America and Incredible Hulk.
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    edited December 2013

    Yep. And it also especially feels like a Thor sequel. Also Captain America and Incredible Hulk.

    There is some definite truth to that. Cap and Thor both serve almost no purpose other than setting up Avengers, esp. Thor. Still The Avengers is called Avengers not Iron Man 3 Thor 2 Captain America 2 or Hulk 2.5. Man of Steel 2 or Superman Vs. Batman with a Supes, Bats WW, GL and a Flash needs to be the JLA.
  • batlawbatlaw Posts: 879
    Carmen Electra is hot or at least was but virtually talentless.
    Katie Holmes is cute and an adequate actress but nothing more.
    Maggie gyllenhaal is a decent actress but average looking. Not ugly. Not pretty.
    Sarah m geller is average talent average looks. Actually ugly impo. Never ever understood what anyone saw in her. Same with the Veronica mars girl. Taste is a funny thing.
  • random73 said:

    Yep. And it also especially feels like a Thor sequel. Also Captain America and Incredible Hulk.

    There is some definite truth to that. Cap and Thor both serve almost no purpose other than setting up Avengers, esp. Thor. Still The Avengers is called Avengers not Iron Man 3 Thor 2 Captain America 2 or Hulk 2.5. Man of Steel 2 or Superman Vs. Batman with a Supes, Bats WW, GL and a Flash needs to be the JLA.
    So you're taking issue with the title? I get that. But there is no title yet, that we know of. What should the title be?
    Justice League of America
    Justice League
    World's Finest
    Superfriends ;)
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    edited December 2013

    random73 said:

    Yep. And it also especially feels like a Thor sequel. Also Captain America and Incredible Hulk.

    There is some definite truth to that. Cap and Thor both serve almost no purpose other than setting up Avengers, esp. Thor. Still The Avengers is called Avengers not Iron Man 3 Thor 2 Captain America 2 or Hulk 2.5. Man of Steel 2 or Superman Vs. Batman with a Supes, Bats WW, GL and a Flash needs to be the JLA.
    So you're taking issue with the title? I get that. But there is no title yet, that we know of. What should the title be?
    Justice League of America
    Justice League
    World's Finest
    Superfriends ;)
    Sure...if this is supposed to be the 1st in a trilogy of a Justice League series of movies. Since this is being marketed as a Man of Steel sequel, the title should be related to Superman & focus mostly on HIS story that was started in MoS...including HIS supporting cast. The more characters introduced of equal caliber, the more its becoming anything but a MoS sequel.

    It's why Gordon-Levitt's character was named Blake instead of 1 of the 3 other possible names (& rightfully so.) If you knew who he was supposed to be early in the movie, then the focus becomes more about when he's suiting up instead of Bruce's journey.

    If there was a press release indicating the MoS sequel will be shelved until after this Justice League movie, then I'd be fine with all of this. Much like with Agents of SHIELD, don't market this as one thing when its really something different.

  • Marketed poorly by the non-marketing people, yes. Zack Snyder went on stage and gave a brief bit of insight as to what he/they are planning, essentially Batman vs. Superman, or vice versa, but that's not even the title. Again, we don't know the title. I don't think a marketing team has done any promotion yet. All we've gotten are that and a couple press releases about casting and again the general idea of the movie. Can we decide whether or not it's a sequel after we've seen it? Or maybe, at the earliest, after we've seen a trailer and know the title for sure?
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    edited December 2013

    Marketed poorly by the non-marketing people, yes. Zack Snyder went on stage and gave a brief bit of insight as to what he/they are planning, essentially Batman vs. Superman, or vice versa, but that's not even the title. Again, we don't know the title. I don't think a marketing team has done any promotion yet. All we've gotten are that and a couple press releases about casting and again the general idea of the movie. Can we decide whether or not it's a sequel after we've seen it? Or maybe, at the earliest, after we've seen a trailer and know the title for sure?

    You're right, even though WB/DC has had press releases about having Batman & Wonder Woman, both also having already been cast, in the Man of Steel sequel, Zack Snyder has only confirmed there will be a MoS sequel, he's directing it, & Batman is in the movie (just not stating who's casted yet). Until Snyder (the director) says Batman is Affleck & Wonder Woman are in the movie, I should only plan on seeing a purely Superman centric movie. Got you. Zack Snyder, the director, & not the company has the weight with the press releases.

    So if Joss Whedon did the same about the Avengers, and said "this is an Iron Man sequel. Essentially, I'm directing Iron Man 3. He's the central character in this movie, which is his sequel. We might call it Avengers instead of Iron Man 3, but it's definitely his sequel despite the other key characters." You'd have no problem with seeing the movie as part of the Iron Man trilogy & not its own trilogy?

    It sounds like you're one of the handful who doesn't care. That's cool. I'm not storming the gates or boycotting the movie. If either Batman or Wonder Woman have anything more then a quick scene or two, I know the first thing I'll say as the credits role is "why didn't they just call this a Justice League movie". That's how I roll.

    If you're selling me something as being blue & the product arrives rainbow colored, I'm going to be irritated. Sure 'blue' is in the rainbow, buts its one of the colors, not the only color.

  • As far as the Avengers, and Iron Man and others go (not X-Men and Spidey), they are all part of the same universe and that's one great thing that I like about those movies. What's in them, not what they're titled. I go to the theater to watch all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, regardless of any of the choices of titles. Now, from a non-fan point of view, the titles probably do matter in getting butts in the seats.

    As far as press releases and what Snyder says on stage at Comic Con(s) or in interviews, please let me know if this isn't what you know, but the press releases, that I can find either in full or snippets of, don't say sequel. Snyder reportedly said it's essentially a sequel. To me that could mean he, or someone in charge maybe wants it to be a sequel, or wants some in the possible future audience to think it's a sequel. Other ideas/reasons?

    So, percentage-wise, if you say, "Why didn't they call this Justice League?", If you think or say that after seeing it, or before even, how much do you think will that decrease your enjoyment?

    This movie is now 18+ months from being released. Maybe the marketing, and most probably the title, will evolve, and then it might be possible that that won't happen for you. Do you want to try to influence that to happen? Is it worthwhile? Do you think there are a lot of others that think this way?
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    batlaw said:

    Carmen Electra is hot or at least was but virtually talentless.
    Katie Holmes is cute and an adequate actress but nothing more.
    Maggie gyllenhaal is a decent actress but average looking. Not ugly. Not pretty.
    Sarah m geller is average talent average looks. Actually ugly impo. Never ever understood what anyone saw in her. Same with the Veronica mars girl. Taste is a funny thing.

    You have insulted the honor of my one true love, Sarah M sir, and you shall pay.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457

    As far as the Avengers, and Iron Man and others go (not X-Men and Spidey), they are all part of the same universe and that's one great thing that I like about those movies. What's in them, not what they're titled. I go to the theater to watch all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, regardless of any of the choices of titles. Now, from a non-fan point of view, the titles probably do matter in getting butts in the seats.

    As far as press releases and what Snyder says on stage at Comic Con(s) or in interviews, please let me know if this isn't what you know, but the press releases, that I can find either in full or snippets of, don't say sequel. Snyder reportedly said it's essentially a sequel. To me that could mean he, or someone in charge maybe wants it to be a sequel, or wants some in the possible future audience to think it's a sequel. Other ideas/reasons?

    So, percentage-wise, if you say, "Why didn't they call this Justice League?", If you think or say that after seeing it, or before even, how much do you think will that decrease your enjoyment?

    This movie is now 18+ months from being released. Maybe the marketing, and most probably the title, will evolve, and then it might be possible that that won't happen for you. Do you want to try to influence that to happen? Is it worthwhile? Do you think there are a lot of others that think this way?

    There's still plenty of time for the movie to evolve into a team movie. None of the reference I found have producers, actors, writers, or the director saying 'this is definitely a Man of Steel sequel.' I have also been unable to find anything saying 'the direction of this next movie is the Justice League.' This second view of the movie is something that would be highly publicized if its going to be so. Since Superman is really the only character we've been exposed to in this universe, jumping to JLA would need to explain way too many characters in a 2-3hr film.

    I don't plan on influencing anything; I'm barely a footnote. I will see the movie regardless. Everything thus far has been a JLA movie with a MoS wrapper. Again, I can't imagine no one associated with the movie would not admit its a JLA movie if the plan is to make it so. With all the talk of Avengers 2, why not try to capitalize on it?

    At this junction, I'd much rather see more Superman character development before a team movie. With every CONFIRMED hero added to the film, its less film time to develop Kent.

  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    Planeis said:

    batlaw said:

    Carmen Electra is hot or at least was but virtually talentless.
    Katie Holmes is cute and an adequate actress but nothing more.
    Maggie gyllenhaal is a decent actress but average looking. Not ugly. Not pretty.
    Sarah m geller is average talent average looks. Actually ugly impo. Never ever understood what anyone saw in her. Same with the Veronica mars girl. Taste is a funny thing.

    You have insulted the honor of my one true love, Sarah M sir, and you shall pay.
    My wife despises SMG so much I think I could get a pass for having a one-nighter with Carmen Electra before getting a pass for having lunch with Sarah.

  • SerienSerien Posts: 5
    Hey! Sorry to bump this up again but I am curious as to how people feel about these rumors (if you have seen them floating around)

    I for one really don't like the idea of a 'powered down' Wonder Woman. I have less issues with the Kryptonian angle, but even so I really wish they would treat it more like Thor and keep the mythology element. It's one of the things that I love about the character and I will be extremely upset if they get rid of it altogether!
    I'm kinda hoping they are just rumors... but I guess we will see soon enough

    I have seen other articles though talking about ideas that I absolutely love, so I am not losing hope just yet! (this one in particular)
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    I want Wonder Woman to be a head taller than superman and every bit as strong.
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    Serien said:

    Hey! Sorry to bump this up again but I am curious as to how people feel about these rumors (if you have seen them floating around)

    I for one really don't like the idea of a 'powered down' Wonder Woman. I have less issues with the Kryptonian angle, but even so I really wish they would treat it more like Thor and keep the mythology element. It's one of the things that I love about the character and I will be extremely upset if they get rid of it altogether!
    I'm kinda hoping they are just rumors... but I guess we will see soon enough

    I have seen other articles though talking about ideas that I absolutely love, so I am not losing hope just yet! (this one in particular)

    I think its all rumors at this point because I don't think anyone has a read a script. But, I fully expect WW role, like they said, to be a cameo or a glorified cameo. I expect, and I have nothing to base this on other than my feelings, that we will see a couple of minutes of Diana and that's it.

    As for this "Amazon's are Kryptonions" thing.... uh... no. I expect that to be false. And if it ends up being true I think that would be bad.
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    random73 said:

    I want Wonder Woman to be a head taller than superman and every bit as strong.

    You want Wonder Woman to be 6'5 (Henry C. is 6'1)? Has Wonder Woman ever been portrayed as being taller than Superman?

    FYI, Gal Gadot (who has been cast as WW according to everyone at this point) is 5'9. Pretty tall compared to most women (according to wikipedia, the average height for a woman in America is 5'4). For those interested that means that at least according to a couple places I've looked she is more than one standard deviation above average, which basically means she's in the top 10% in terms of height in America (among all races).
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    edited January 2014
    Have we really gotten so arrogant as fans we need the actors to BE the characters? At what point should we forego live-action movies & stick with CGI movies?

    So, when Hugh Jackman hangs up the claws for the last time, we should be hoping for another Danny DeVito to play the part? I don't recall Linda Carter ever being known as 'a towering woman.' Chris Reeve or Adam West being ripped with muscles.

    So, what we're considering here (for Wonder Woman specifically) with the cast calling:

    "Must be 6'5", have black hair, muscular build, tight ass, flat stomach, big tits, exotic look, gorgeous face, speech English, AND can actually act."

    Good fucking luck. The casting pool just pummeled to almost Jackie & shit...and Jackie left town.

    I'm not saying Gadot will nail this role. I'm not saying she's perfect for the role either; I still would've preferred Jaimie Alexander. I am saying expecting an exact, literal interpretation of how the characters look is foolish & setting yourself up for constant disappointment. Especially since these movies really aren't being made for the niche audience who actually read the comics.

    Most people who see Wonder Woman either saw the Carter version or didn't (as opposed to actually reading the comic books). It's going to be their point of reference. Man of Steel was profitable because comic book fans enjoyed the movie (the 2 threads prove that), but because the audience who aren't shackling themselves to the source material enjoyed it.

    Phil Jimenez & I went back & forth on twitter about this. To some extent, non-comic fans need to accept things like spider powers, human-looking aliens, & power jewelry, just like comic fans have to accept some variations to the look of characters & costumes to make appealing to the 'civilians.'

    Plus, doesn't Wonder Woman wear like 5" heels anyway?!

  • Planeis said:

    Has Wonder Woman ever been portrayed as being taller than Superman?

    Only once to my knowledge: in the New Frontier mini-series and animated feature.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    Then pardon my above post. Here I thought she was a head above Superman all over different stories. Plus, I'm not a Darwin fan, so I've never read that story. It would be interesting, though, to pick one specific mini-series to design the the look of a character to be apart of a fledgling universe.

  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200

    I wonder if Wonder Woman will be given fake boobs...
    DailyMail: To realistically portray the late Anna Nicole Smith, actress Agnes Bruckner was faced with a challenge. She had to go from a B bra cup size to a DD to play the star in the Lifetime biopic The Anna Nicole Story, but she wasn’t willing to go under the surgeon’s knife to achieve the look. So the filmmakers turned to Oscar-winning special effects makeup artist Greg Cannom, who designed state-of-the art prosthetic breasts that were applied during four-hour-long fitting sessions to the 27-year-old each morning prior to shooting. ‘They couldn’t have been any more real looking,’ she said. I’d look at myself, and I kept thinking, “Oh, my God, could you imagine if they really were that big?”

  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    Mr_Cosmic said:

    I wonder if Wonder Woman will be given fake boobs...

    DailyMail: To realistically portray the late Anna Nicole Smith, actress Agnes Bruckner was faced with a challenge. She had to go from a B bra cup size to a DD to play the star in the Lifetime biopic The Anna Nicole Story, but she wasn’t willing to go under the surgeon’s knife to achieve the look. So the filmmakers turned to Oscar-winning special effects makeup artist Greg Cannom, who designed state-of-the art prosthetic breasts that were applied during four-hour-long fitting sessions to the 27-year-old each morning prior to shooting. ‘They couldn’t have been any more real looking,’ she said. I’d look at myself, and I kept thinking, “Oh, my God, could you imagine if they really were that big?”

    I'd be really surprised if they did that. Wouldn't that send the wrong message to females looking to WW as a role model?

    I think its different portraying an actual person's attributes to a fictional character. Doesn't that show how shallow we are?

  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    edited January 2014
    They put muscles in the men's suits so why not padding in her's? I'm not saying they should but I wouldn't put it past Hollywood. Nor do I think it's much different than what they do to the men's costumes.
  • batlawbatlaw Posts: 879
    Isnt that what they did with Angelina Jolie for Tomb Raider?
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    batlaw said:

    Isnt that what they did with Angelina Jolie for Tomb Raider?

    Jolie on Tomb Raider "Bust out"

    According to numerous places, including this interview, yes. They estimated the game character was a 36DD. they decided to make their movie character a 36D. Jolie says here she is a 36C. She basically says that in some cases they gave her some help
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