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Top 5 Comic Podcasts

I put together my total top 5 comic book podcasts on my blog:
Vertigology: Top Five Comic Book Podcasts

What are your "Top 5?" Are they ranked?


  • CageNarleighCageNarleigh Posts: 729
    edited January 2015
    5) Super Future Friends - it pod fadded LONG ago but it's still, for my money the funniest and most entertaining comic podcast out there. ESPECIALLY even if you're re-listening to it. It's all about the Legion of Superheroes silver age appearances. know, it doesn't hurt that the last episode they did was because I asked them to for my birthday once.. :D

    4) FlashBack podcast - All about the Flash and professionally done. Get on that.

    3) The LanternCast - All about Green Lantern. Yeah yeah, I know, it's my podcast but still. I was a fan for YEARS before I became a co-host.

    2) Fire & Water Podcast - Done by the guys responsible for the Firestorm Fan blog and the Aquaman Shrine blog. All about Firestorm and Aquaman. I LOVE it. Best fan community outside of CGS.

    1) Comic Geek Speak - Duh.
  • dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    There isn't 5 comic related podcasts I listen too.

    so here is my top 3

    3.CGS-Enjoy the show,but with me not reading many current comics lately it isn't a must listen like it use to be.

    2.The Geek Savants-Been almost a year since their last episode. So no idea if it is coming back. But it was always funny and entertaining.

    1.Indie Spinner Rack-Pretty sure this one is done. Got into it very late with the Steve Bissette interview.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    edited January 2015
    1. Comic Geek Speak This one is set to auto-download, 'nuff said

    2. Comic Book Page with John Mayo - consistent and lots of good data and analysis. I often contribute to the monthly Previews episodes

    3. Collected Comics Library with Chris Marshall - I like collections and tpb's and this is the focus

    4. Kray-Z Comics & Stories / Solitaire Rose Radio with Joe RIder and Corey Strode (aka @SolitaireRose‌) funny and irreverent, Corey's Jack Kirby and EC monologues are spot-on

    5. Comic Timing with Ian Levenstein (aka @i_am_scifi‌) and Brent Kossina - infrequent, but always solid and very close to my POV

    6. The Infinite Longbox Charlie, Jess, Jordan & Steven - light-hearted, sexist, foolish, guilty pleasure

    I used to listen to iFanboy but I just lost interest. Can't exactly explain why without sounding rude.
  • popestupopestu Posts: 782
    I've tried a few and most don't hold me. This page has given me a few new options.
    I currently listen to:


    IFanboy (not quite the same that it's a duo)
  • I love talking comics podcast,
    DCR podcast focuses on DC comics,
    Modern Myth Media podcast touches on all geek life pop culture with a separate podcast called making mine marvel that is solely marvel focussed.
  • luke52luke52 Posts: 1,392
    1. CGS - obviously
    2. House to Astonish - good show, episode every few weeks.
    3. DCR - an occasional listen when I'm all out of any thing else to listen to.

    Non comics...
    I enjoy The Complete Guide to Everything. Funny stuff.
  • NickNick Posts: 284
    In no particular order:

    2.11 O'Clock Comics
    3.Fatman on Batman
    4.Tom vs. The Flash (and Justice League and Aquaman)
  • DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    In no real order:

    CGS - I'm on these forums, aren't I?

    Lantern Cast

    Uncanny x-cast

    modern Myth Media (family)

    HHWLOD (family)
  • compsolutcompsolut Posts: 150
    Currently subscribed to:
    Serial (can we get season 2 already?)
    Infinite Long Box
    Two True Freaks Presents: Back to the Bins

    CGS was the first podcast I got in to, and as such has tainted many that I try to listen to. I have an aversion to bad audio and dull personalities. Sadly it seems that with an overwhelming majority, if it isn't one, it's the other.
  • CageNarleighCageNarleigh Posts: 729


    Thanks for listening! -Chad

  • DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    One podcast gets a special mention - Kanzenshuu. It's not exactly comics, but covers the Dragonball franchise. It's the only anime/manga podcast I listen to, and the most informative one for the goings-n in Japan and abroad.
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    edited May 2015
    Comic Geek Speak
    Murd's Time Bubble
    The Crisis Tapes
    Comics With or Without Pulp
    World of Toys

    Seriously though, I don't listen to a ton. The other comic podcasts that I do listen to are:

    Fight for Comics - These guys are hilarious and never fail to make me laugh.

    Panel Discussion - Two guys who cover a wide range of topics. Very in depth and they live tweet during recordings. They'll read your comments during the recording which makes you feel a part of every recording.

    Kray-Z Comics and Stories @SolitaireRose and his long time buddy Joe do a great podcast where they cover all sorts of topics. Joe owned a comic shop and Cory has sold them in the past so they have great discussions from the retail side of things. Not to mention their thoughts on current comics. @SolitaireRose (Cory) also does his own podcast where he covers Kirby, EC Comics, or interviews creators he's interested in. It's a great listen.

    Resurrections- An Adam Warlock and Thanos Podcast
    - If you're a fan of Adam Warlock and Thanos this is the podcast for you. The podcast starts with Warlock's (uh, Him's) first appearance and works it's way forward bringing in Thanos, Captain Marvel, etc. Perfect for Marvel Cosmic fans.

    There are more but these are the ones I'm sure to listen to, along with CGS, every time a new show drops.
  • I have tried a few others CGS was my first so they are my go to.
    1.CGS (Listen to regularly)
    2.Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-men(Listen to regularly)
    3.Talking Comics
    4.Comic Book Savant

    I dont much care for 4 or 5 and 3 is good but not great... I think Im gonna check out Collected Comics Library, Uncanny X-Cast, Infinite Longbox, and Fight for Comics so this top 5 could be changing ASAP.
  • popestupopestu Posts: 782
    Ifanboy is one of my favorites.
    When Ron left and Paul came, they continued to do great work. They had interns and stuff at one point. Now it just the Josh and Connor. They are great together but its not quite what it was. I hope they work out a new dynamic or something soon. I'd hate to see them disappear.
    There was a time that I couldn't choose which to listen to first, CGS or iFanboy.

    Oh, Comics! Is also pretty good. I was listening to their interview with Declan Shaley today.
  • compsolutcompsolut Posts: 150
    For anyone that loved Serial, and is wanting more about Adnan Syed, check out the independent follow up Undisclosed: The State Vs. Adnan Syed. It is done by a friend of Adnan's, who is now an attorney, as well as two others. They dissect the evidence, prove certain testimony as factual, some an false, and go deeper into the whole story. You also will hear about appeals, and a recent development that could prove to be a good thing for Adnan. I won't spoil it - it comes out every Tuesday, and there are only 10 or so episodes for you to catch up on. Enjoy!
  • First podcast I ever listened to was Legion of Substitute Podcasters, then Only the Valiant, CGS and finally Raging Bullets. I've drifted away from LoSP and OTV (which recently ended). I still love CGS, but not as much as I used to obviously with the changes over the years and less frequency of episodes, things just aren't the same. I still have TONS of episodes to listen to though and whenever I dont have an episode of something I currently listen to available I will go back and que up an old episode of CGS. I started at the very beginning and I am up to 175 or so. I also do my own podcast and if anyone wants to check it out I'd appreciate it! We just did our big Best of 2015 episode.

    Anyway here is my top 4
    1) CGS
    2)Raging Bullets
    3)The Daily Rios
    4)Comic Timing
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    edited January 2016
    Thanks @JaceTheComicSource - I will give you guys a listen this week by checking out episode 49. Looks like you've gotten away from the description that iTunes displays for your podcast as a comprehensive analysis of the Top Cow Universe...

    My last post in this thread was a year ago. And for 2016, my tastes have changed a bit in this regard. Here are the current top 5 (comic culture related) podcasts

    1. Comic Geek Speak - still set to auto-download, 'nuff said

    2. Comic Book Page with John Mayo - very consistent and lots of good sales data & analysis along with weekly reviews. Puts out 2-3 episodes per week.

    3. Geek League of America LeagueCast - these guys are consistent, timely, and very funny. This is a well-produced podcast that comes out weekly.

    4. Comics for Fun and Profit - Kyle and Drew put out 2-3 episodes per week covering new comics, Previews, and weekly comic reviews with a little speculation talk too.

    5. Dorkness to Light - Father and daughter discuss topics of faith, religion, and theology that arise in comic books and other pop culture media. New episodes monthly. Blog posts weekly.

    Honorable Mention: Damn Dirty Geeks

    For the ones that dropped out of my Top 5, they either stopped producing new episodes with any regularity and therefore couldn't be considered in the top 5, or they just got far away from comics to commenting on themselves or their interests in such a manner that it fell out of my top 5.

    For instance, Infinite Longbox hasn't put out a new episode since September, Comic Timing has only put out a handful of episodes since last July, and Fight for Comics and Collected Comics Library both put out their last episodes in October.

  • No order

    - House to Astonish- smart guys, british spin, always ready to call out comics that have crossed from fantasy to ridiculous
    - Word Balloon- if you want in-depth interviews with pop-culture-makers, this is great.
    -Comic Book Club-because comics are about entertainment
    -CGS & iFanboy nice mostly middle of the road shows
    -Jock and Nerd, because not everyone spends their time in their mom's basement cultivating their neck beard.

  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    I think CGS and 11 O'Clock are the only two I still listen to.
  • CageNarleighCageNarleigh Posts: 729
    edited April 2016

    5. Dorkness to Light - Father and daughter discuss topics of faith, religion, and theology that arise in comic books and other pop culture media. New episodes monthly. Blog posts weekly.

    I agree wholeheartedly. Alan and Emily talk religion in geek pop culture but its ACADEMIC and not preachy. Alan actually with be a guest on a podcast I'm starting pretty soon all about Action Comics Weekly...he's damn good people.

  • deadpooldeadpool Posts: 56
    I love all comics podcasts to much to rank any of them but I do think people are missing out on a Gem because we haven't gotten new episodes in awhile but old stuff is gold to this day. I'm sure some oldschool forumites will remember it when I say it

    If any of you haven't checked out " Quiet Paneloligists at work " please do so . their "at home with Alan Moore " skit is one of the funniest things period.

    To be honest the actual knowledge learnt here isn't much from listening but its two very entertaining guys talking comics. well worth a listen if you haven't
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200

    2. Comic Book Page with John Mayo - very consistent and lots of good sales data & analysis along with weekly reviews. Puts out 2-3 episodes per week.

    ...and it's where @bralinator calls in with his Previews picks. :)

  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,641
    edited May 2016
    I love the Crankcase. From week 551:

    Ryan Browne - So what you are saying is Crank is about quantity and Mike is about quality?
    Crank - I don't mind quality, but quantity is job one.

    For those who may not listen to the Crankcast the hosts are Chris Crank (now a freelance letterer) and Mike Norton. With regular guest appearances by Tim Seeley, Ryan Browne, Sean Dove, Josh Emmons, and Chris Burnam

    Past regular guest John Suntris, Scotty Young, and Marshall Dillon.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    Mr_Cosmic said:

    2. Comic Book Page with John Mayo - very consistent and lots of good sales data & analysis along with weekly reviews. Puts out 2-3 episodes per week.

    ...and it's where @bralinator calls in with his Previews picks. :)

    Yep. I first mentioned that back in Sept '14. I was a fan long before I started sending in clips though. Do you subscribe to John Mayo's podcasts @Mr_Cosmic ? I highly recommend it.
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200

    Mr_Cosmic said:

    2. Comic Book Page with John Mayo - very consistent and lots of good sales data & analysis along with weekly reviews. Puts out 2-3 episodes per week.

    ...and it's where @bralinator calls in with his Previews picks. :)

    Yep. I first mentioned that back in Sept '14. I was a fan long before I started sending in clips though. Do you subscribe to John Mayo's podcasts @Mr_Cosmic ? I highly recommend it.
    Yeah, I recently started listening. I'd known about it but with so many out there I just got around to it. I listened to a Previews episode and heard some guy refer to himself as "bralinator" which I thought was pretty cool :) I enjoy most of what he puts out..I could do without the subscription box episodes but it's no big deal as I just don't listen.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    Mr_Cosmic said:

    Mr_Cosmic said:

    2. Comic Book Page with John Mayo - very consistent and lots of good sales data & analysis along with weekly reviews. Puts out 2-3 episodes per week.

    ...and it's where @bralinator calls in with his Previews picks. :)

    Yep. I first mentioned that back in Sept '14. I was a fan long before I started sending in clips though. Do you subscribe to John Mayo's podcasts @Mr_Cosmic ? I highly recommend it.
    Yeah, I recently started listening. I'd known about it but with so many out there I just got around to it. I listened to a Previews episode and heard some guy refer to himself as "bralinator" which I thought was pretty cool :) I enjoy most of what he puts out..I could do without the subscription box episodes but it's no big deal as I just don't listen.
    Same here. I like his weekly reviews with Drew who hosts the 'Comics Fun Profit' podcast with his brother. I sometimes dive into the monthly sales episodes, but sometimes it puts me to sleep. I like John a lot though and I normally finalize my Previews order (DCBS) after listening to both CGS's the the Comic Book Page's podcasts.
  • bats00bats00 Posts: 275
    Mr_Cosmic said:

    Comic Geek Speak

    Seriously though, I don't listen to a ton. The other comic podcasts that I do listen to are:

    Kray-Z Comics and Stories @SolitaireRose and his long time buddy Joe do a great podcast where they cover all sorts of topics. Joe owned a comic shop and Cory has sold them in the past so they have great discussions from the retail side of things. Not to mention their thoughts on current comics. @SolitaireRose (Cory) also does his own podcast where he covers Kirby, EC Comics, or interviews creators he's interested in. It's a great listen.

    Resurrections- An Adam Warlock and Thanos Podcast
    - If you're a fan of Adam Warlock and Thanos this is the podcast for you. The podcast starts with Warlock's (uh, Him's) first appearance and works it's way forward bringing in Thanos, Captain Marvel, etc. Perfect for Marvel Cosmic fans.

    There are more but these are the ones I'm sure to listen to, along with CGS, every time a new show drops.

    Thanks for the Adam/Thanos love! Much appreciated.

    Also, agree with you completely on Kray-Z Comics and Stories. His EC and Kirby spotlights are amazing.
  • DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    I just started Tales of the Justice Society of America! It's addicting as hell, and I love that the hosts respons to all feedback, even if it's ciritcism over their many rants.

    And thank goodness for their Hostess ad re-enactments.

    I see that it's been nearly a year since they've posted a new episode, and they're in the middle of covering crisis. Hopefully, they'll pick up again by the time I catch up.
  • SolitaireRoseSolitaireRose Posts: 1,445
    bats00 said:

    Mr_Cosmic said:

    Comic Geek Speak

    Seriously though, I don't listen to a ton. The other comic podcasts that I do listen to are:

    Kray-Z Comics and Stories @SolitaireRose and his long time buddy Joe do a great podcast where they cover all sorts of topics. Joe owned a comic shop and Cory has sold them in the past so they have great discussions from the retail side of things. Not to mention their thoughts on current comics. @SolitaireRose (Cory) also does his own podcast where he covers Kirby, EC Comics, or interviews creators he's interested in. It's a great listen.

    Resurrections- An Adam Warlock and Thanos Podcast
    - If you're a fan of Adam Warlock and Thanos this is the podcast for you. The podcast starts with Warlock's (uh, Him's) first appearance and works it's way forward bringing in Thanos, Captain Marvel, etc. Perfect for Marvel Cosmic fans.

    There are more but these are the ones I'm sure to listen to, along with CGS, every time a new show drops.

    Thanks for the Adam/Thanos love! Much appreciated.

    Also, agree with you completely on Kray-Z Comics and Stories. His EC and Kirby spotlights are amazing.
    Thanks for the kind words. We are trying to do all kinds of stuff with the shows, and I keep getting sidetracked on my history shows by having very cool comics creators want to be interviewed.

  • popestupopestu Posts: 782
    popestu said:

    I've tried a few and most don't hold me. This page has given me a few new options.
    I currently listen to:


    IFanboy (not quite the same that it's a duo)

    I've stated and stopped many of the comics/pop culture casts. CGS and iFanboy still come out on top. CGS is no longer on auto download as of last week. I find I usually listen to the Spotlights...Shazam has been great...and things like previews feel like extended DCBS commercials. I tried removing it from my podcast list but I added back almost immediately.

    IFanboy is delightful with the original trio but I do miss Paul's input. Not even a cameo anything...
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