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i didnt want to muddy the Fox Hellfire Club and Legion thread...

so starting a new one


"Exclusive: we've heard that Marvel's struck a deal that will see Fantastic Four folded back into the MCU, with the first film due in 2020...
Given that Fox's Fantastic Four reboot sputtered so dramatically over the summer, it's little surprise that the studio's redoubling its attention on a property with a proven history at the box office: X-Men."

WHAT A GREAT TRADE FOR MARVEL!!!! FF in exchange for shitty X-men tv shows?!??!?



  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited October 2015
    We'll see.

    The hardest part for me to buy is the idea of a Marvel Studios, or multi-studio-but-set-in-the-MCU film as soon as 2020. I think the idea of giving the FF brand yet another time at bat after a mediocre volume, followed by a disaster, is already surprising. But to be rebooting within 5 years of the 2015 bomb would be, at least to me, a surprising use of that slot in a slate for 2020 that could potentially have things like a third Guardians or second Dr. Strange movie. Or, if in a slot for the new, something that hasn't already failed.

    But, could be. They have certainly surprised me before. I was wrong about the rumors of a deal to share Spider-Man and get him in the MCU. I didn't think that the MCU actually needed him. But, Spider-Man is Spider-Man. While I get fans of the FF wanting to see them (or, if not them, then Dr. Doom and Galactus) in the MCU, I just can't imagine making an actual FF movie anything in the next 10 years as a smart business move for Marvel. It just feels like they are some (poorly) used goods at this point.
  • matchkitJOHNmatchkitJOHN Posts: 1,030
    I'm going to wait with a heart filled with hope.
  • Too bad the FF are poisoned now. Can even Marvel save a 4 time loser? It won't be like Guardians or Ant-Man, those were unknowns that they could define for themselves. FF comes with a lot of baggage. If they are serious, they'll have to pull a Hulk and have the FF appear in some other part of the MCU and win people over again. Which I think is even harder with a team of characters. What area of the MCU could possibly take on the task of rehabilitating the FF and not suffer for it storywise?
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    bamfbamf said:

    i didnt want to muddy the Fox Hellfire Club and Legion thread...

    But the entire rumor is based on that deal.

    More here
  • bamfbamfbamfbamf Posts: 718
    i just figured people would rather talk about those 2 shows in that thread instead of nerding out about the FF back in the MCU
  • bamfbamf said:

    i just figured people would rather talk about those 2 shows in that thread instead of nerding out about the FF back in the MCU

    Thanks, BAMF. Those two shows didn't interest me, so I appreciate the new thread. Otherwise I would have completely missed this.
  • CaptShazamCaptShazam Posts: 1,178
    I really do not see how this deal makes any sense for Marvel.

    Fox has to make another FF movie within a certain timeframe or the rights go back automatically.

    So either they make a sequal to a failed reboot, they reboot again, or they lump what is basically a dead franchise with the money making X Men franchise. All seem to be highly risky.

    If the next FF movie were to bomb like the last one, Fox would probably have to give FF away for pennies on the dollar and Marvel could just cut a small check or wait for the rights to revert back.

    Every Marvel movie makes money. While having the FF back would be nice, they do not need them back. They have movies slated years in advance which does not even count possible future sequels.

    Disney also owns a major tv network and could use the tv rights to make money off the X Men and undercut Fox.

    Even if Disney thinks the X Men tv rights are useless, it makes no since to give up anything when you are in complete control and the only thing you really have to do is wait for a company who has already failed repeatedly to fail again.
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884

    I really do not see how this deal makes any sense for Marvel.

    Fox has to make another FF movie within a certain timeframe or the rights go back automatically.

    So either they make a sequal to a failed reboot, they reboot again, or they lump what is basically a dead franchise with the money making X Men franchise. All seem to be highly risky.

    If the next FF movie were to bomb like the last one, Fox would probably have to give FF away for pennies on the dollar and Marvel could just cut a small check or wait for the rights to revert back.

    Every Marvel movie makes money. While having the FF back would be nice, they do not need them back. They have movies slated years in advance which does not even count possible future sequels.

    Disney also owns a major tv network and could use the tv rights to make money off the X Men and undercut Fox.

    Even if Disney thinks the X Men tv rights are useless, it makes no since to give up anything when you are in complete control and the only thing you really have to do is wait for a company who has already failed repeatedly to fail again.

    Exactly. It is not like Marvel needs them to fill a slot in their slate. They've got plenty of other things to try, as well as sequels and brand extensions for what has already succeeded. FF has never been a big licensing hit. It has been a long time since it has even been a consistent comic hit. And, outside of those that know and love the FF from their comics (which, while passionate, might not be a very big mass of potential ticket-buyers), I just don't think there are many Marvel movie fans who are wondering when they'll finally see Reed Richards and Tony Stark together on screen, you know what I mean?

    If this deal is real, then I wonder if the partnership was as much of a sort of negotiated surrender on Fox's part (sort of a, 'may as well get a little something before rights revert') then Marvel actually going shopping for IPs they actually feel any pressure to need in their movies right now?
  • MihawkMihawk Posts: 433
    Marvel getting back FF is not important because there getting back FF themselves it's about getting Doctor Doom, Galactus,.

    We can now have a Marvel Universe where there are the Kree and Skrulls and the Skrulls have never been done so Marvel will get first crack at them.

    And I think a lot of people are underestimating the Marvel Studios brand. People went and watched Ant-Man not for Ant-Man but because it was a Marvel Studios movie. If Marvel continues to be good with Doctor Strange , Black Panther, Captain Marvel then FF can do good.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    I hear where you guys are coming from, but imagine if the same situation were taking place at DC and Paramount owned the rights to Superman and Universal owned the rights to Batman and Green Lantern. I can see a company feel it is in their best interest, especially when they have the capital, to get arguably their most well-known properties back in the fold (i.e. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four).

    The TV rights to the X-franchise has been a point of strange ambiguity for quite some time and FOX even sued Marvel back in 2001 for breach of their licensing agreement. Fox said it had exclusive rights from Marvel to develop the X-Men property, and anything similar was an infringement and claimed that Mutant X was too similar to X-Men, and Mutant X was being advertised as an "X-Men replacement." But, Marvel counter-sued Fox, saying that the two were dissimilar and asking the courts to allow Mutant X production to go forward. Production was allowed, as long no X-Men material was not used in the promotion of Mutant X. Apparently, the title Mutant X itself was deemed too close to X-Men to be effectively leveraged. In 2003, Fox and Marvel resolved their differences in a confidential settlement of their suits.
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited October 2015
    Mihawk said:

    Marvel getting back FF is not important because there getting back FF themselves it's about getting Doctor Doom, Galactus,.

    We can now have a Marvel Universe where there are the Kree and Skrulls and the Skrulls have never been done so Marvel will get first crack at them.

    And I think a lot of people are underestimating the Marvel Studios brand. People went and watched Ant-Man not for Ant-Man but because it was a Marvel Studios movie. If Marvel continues to be good with Doctor Strange , Black Panther, Captain Marvel then FF can do good.

    Agreed. And I think Marvel Studios can make great use of Galactus and Dr. Doom. I just don't think the idea of doing it in a movie called Fantastic Four, five years from now, makes a lot of sense.

    And I do think it is easier to use the cache of the Marvel Studios brand to introduce audiences to an Ant-Man or a Captain Marvel, as opposed to having to use it to basically explain that the thing they heard of or maybe saw before in stinkers will be different THIS time.
  • CaptShazamCaptShazam Posts: 1,178
    edited October 2015

    I am not saying they should not get the FF back. I am saying they could get it back without giving up anything (except maybe some cash) if they just wait. Fox is backed into a corner.

    Now if Marvel just does not care about the X men tv rights, it is a good deal for them. If the rumor is true, perhaps characters like Doom could pop up in Marvel movies before the 2020 date.
  • luke52luke52 Posts: 1,392
    I hear Fox have already shot this rumour down. Would've been good though.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    edited October 2015
    Yeah. I remember when Sony was debunking/ denying the Spider-Man rumors, too.
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884

    I hear where you guys are coming from, but imagine if the same situation were taking place at DC and Paramount owned the rights to Superman and Universal owned the rights to Batman and Green Lantern. I can see a company feel it is in their best interest, especially when they have the capital, to get arguably their most well-known properties back in the fold (i.e. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four).

    For Spider-Man? Absolutely.

    But I don'nt know that FF are one of their best known or most valuable properties anymore. Especially given some of the baggage it now has. In DC terms, I wouldn't even consider FF part of Marvel's Big Seven.

  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    I didn't say valuable, but I think it's still a well known property and I think the Fantastic Four is perhaps the most underrated franchise in comics. With a rich history, an awesome rogues gallery, and the family dynamic. But, for some reason it's relegated to the second tier of the Marvel Universe. I think the Human Torch and the Thing are very well-known, but maybe people don't get excited by characters that stretch or turn invisible. Still, I think the possibilities are endless.

    And let me also reiterate, while FOX / Marvel deny that any deal was made over these X-shows for the FF, let me remind you that Sony / Marvel were denying the same kinds of rumors about Spider-Man back in January of this year.

    Love me some speculatin'
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited October 2015
    Well, to mainstream audiences, unfortunately the FF are best known for being in bad movies.

    And I take your point on the Sony denials, but I think they were also reeling from the leaks at the time. So they were likely trying to distance themselves from anything that came out from the leaks.

    We'll see. Could be. But I still would be surprised for Marvel want to make an actual FF anytime soon (or even in 5 years). Marvel wanting to use Spider-Man is a lot easier to believe.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    I get your point, too. I'd just like to see Galactus or the Sentinel of the Spaceways used right for a change.
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited October 2015

    I get your point, too. I'd just like to see Galactus or the Sentinel of the Spaceways used right for a change.

    That'd be cool.

    As well as Dr. Doom, who I think is the coolest capital-S Supervillain in comics.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    And that goes without saying :)
  • Finally saw the new FF and didn't have negative reaction of most people. I thought it was way better than the silver surfer one. I like these Storms and Thing the best. Doom was not great. At least the origin made sense. The original comic origin is stupid and shows a complete lack of anything about space or radiation. The origin went on too long and the setting should have been less in space. Super people in ordinary settings is one of the early Marvel keys.
  • playdohsrepublicplaydohsrepublic Posts: 1,377
    So I just watched this garbage heap on HBO. This movie was so inexplicably boring, tone-deaf to the spirit of FF and just plain mean, cynical and ugly. And as bad as the last fox attempt at Doom was, this one was pointless and incidental. It was like after an hour of going nowhere they decided to abandon the movie they were making and show us the third act from a completely different movie. So yeah, I hope Fox and Marvel do come to some kind of agreement, or at least Fox lets the rights expire. The first family deserved better than this.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    Kinberg still thinks there will be another FF movie with the same cast:

    Apparently he really likes the characters. Though I haven't seen the movie (it seems I'm in the majority) I have been advised its a surprise Kinberg really likes them.

    Plus, I read somewhere Mara isn't interested in returning.

  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200

    So I just watched this garbage heap on HBO. This movie was so inexplicably boring, tone-deaf to the spirit of FF and just plain mean, cynical and ugly. And as bad as the last fox attempt at Doom was, this one was pointless and incidental. It was like after an hour of going nowhere they decided to abandon the movie they were making and show us the third act from a completely different movie. So yeah, I hope Fox and Marvel do come to some kind of agreement, or at least Fox lets the rights expire. The first family deserved better than this.

    Ah, the "gift" that keeps on giving. I'm sorry that people will still be discovering this "film" for years to come.

  • WebheadWebhead Posts: 458
    In my opinon the studio went wrong with trying to use the Ultimate version of the FF instead of the classic version. Many of the complaints people have with the movie are the same I had with the Ultimate FF book. Sure there were more problems with the movie then the book but I feel they started in a hole and just kept digging themselves deeper. Hopefully Marvel will get back the rightist the FF, of all the properties Marvel studios have sold off I think the FF need to be brought back and get a movie that represents what the fans have come to love and enjoy in the comics.

    On a positive note I did like the way the Thing looked, much better then the previous version.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    edited May 2016
    Matt said:

    Kinberg still thinks there will be another FF movie with the same cast

    This man also believes a Space Jam sequel with Kobe Bryant Lebron James was worth the studio's time. So there's that.
  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,642

    Matt said:

    Kinberg still thinks there will be another FF movie with the same cast

    This man also believes a Space Jam sequel with Kobe Bryant was worth the studio's time. So there's that.
    The Lebron James Space Jam is what I'm waiting on.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    Spud Webb is free.
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