I just read about the "Secret Empire" crossover coming out sometime this year. I anyone else EXTREMELY tired of the large crossover stories? Civil War 2 pretty much killed the huge event thing for me. I have been reading the Steve Rogers title form the beginning and have enjoyed it. Will I be missing out if I skip Secret Empire? Wait for the trade?
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I say just wait for the trade though. Marvel events of recent have had late issues, extra issues, and the universe moving on to new things even before the event is finished. Just wait and see if this is worth your money first.
And mwhitt80 I very much doubt Marvel will have the current commander in chief as Number One, especially if Perlmutter ends up on his Cabinet team !!
I got the dehydrated and extra issue part right. Now I am waiting for the late issue announcement. From what I hear though, this series is far better than I imagined it would be. Still waiting for the trade though.