I was thinking to myself, “Self, when’s the last time we had a good discussion thread on a freaking comic book?” And I said to myself, “Man, it's been a looooong time.” And I figured a lot of people on the forum are going to be reading
Mister Miracle, Tom King being a two-time winner of the CGS Breakout Talent of the Year Award and all, and I kinda want to talk about it without having to skate around spoilers. So here we are... what do you have to say about it?
Edit: my mistake. It was someone else I was thinking of.
I need to reread the second issue. Didn't get to it last night, but I'll do it this weekend. There are just a couple of things I need to reexamine a little more closely, one page in particular. Believe me, I wouldn't do that if I didn't think the story deserved the attention.
Someone help me with my memory. Wasn't escaping death part of Morrison's SSoV story line?
When did this come out? what issue is it up to by now? I didn't spot this on the rack at my LCS. I threw in the towel on DC a few years back and haven't missed it, but I very much enjoyed King's Vision series, and Mr. Miracle is one of my favourite DC characters.
I'll have to pick this up. Hope I haven't missed the boat.
Found issue #1 in my "to read" stack... looks like the dudes at my LCS are on the ball and slipped it into my box for me. God bless their hearts - they know what I like.
Off to a great start, looking forward to issue 2.
I was also looking skimming through Kirby’s “Young Scott Free” stories to see if there were any instances of Granny being “kind” to Scott, and sure enough, there is one instance where Granny lets Scott off “easy” by having him run through a gauntlet of other trainees with clubs instead of issuing the usual punishment for his “crime”.
Scott said Barda was perfect, but it was Granny who was perfect in this issue.
Orion, er ... I mean"Highfather" was particularly impressive, I thought.I have also been surprised by how much Mister Miracle feels like a Vertigo book. And has what was at times that Vertigo feeling of doing a sophisticated, mature spin on an older superhero concept. I also noticed that Vertigo editor Jamie S. Rich, who edited Sheriff, is also editing Mister Miracle.
Dr. Bedlam doesn’t show up in this issue, but Scott does take a pill in the story, a callback to the Paranoid Pill Bedlam drops down the ventilation shaft in issue #3 of Kirby’s run. The fourth Kirby issue is part two of the “Paranoid Pill” story (though it’s not identified as such), and starts with Scott trapped in a box that has been dropped from the top of a 50-floor stairwell (a carry-over from the cliffhanger ending of issue #3)—which is very similar to the stunt he performs towards the end of this issue. Kirby’s issue #4 is also the introduction of Barda, so perhaps we'll see her play a more vital role in the next issue.
It's kind of odd how when Scot is dreaming, or unconscious, that his memories appear "glitchy," almost as if they're being broadcast.
Oh, one more thing, I think he and I have the same Batman tee shirt.
The undefeatable, oncoming threat.
The paranoia of a power which forever corrupts, and may be corrupting our existence right now, without us realizing it.
In other words... death.
And an opposite of death? Is a Miracle.