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  • I used to LOVE X-Play, but then they got rid of the sketch comedy, started adding "news" and generally took away all of the fun of the show. I'd check in every so often, and while I still loved Adam Sessler, the rest of the show had become bland and dull. I did like their ComicCon coverage (hosted by John Barrowman this year!!), but the rest of the time, they were reruns of dramas no other cable channel would take and reality shows I would never watch.

    Anyone know what they are rebranding it as?
  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    tazmaniak said:
    No more Bustice? No more presidential debates between Voldemort, Bane, Cobra Commander and Darth Vader? This will not do at all.
  • RedRight88RedRight88 Posts: 2,207

    I used to LOVE X-Play, but then they got rid of the sketch comedy, started adding "news" and generally took away all of the fun of the show. I'd check in every so often, and while I still loved Adam Sessler, the rest of the show had become bland and dull. I did like their ComicCon coverage (hosted by John Barrowman this year!!), but the rest of the time, they were reruns of dramas no other cable channel would take and reality shows I would never watch.

    Anyone know what they are rebranding it as?

    Reportedly, like GQ Magazine, if it were a Third rate cbale TV Channel.
  • tazmaniaktazmaniak Posts: 733
    NBC unveils it's midseason schedule.


    It's great that Community is getting it's old timeslot, but isn't returning until February 7.

    But what the hell are they doing to Revolution? Putting the show on hiatus from November 26-March 25? Why? You can't take a serialized network show off the air for 4 months unless it's between seasons. You're going to lose all momentum, as well as a lot of viewer interest.
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    I remember when G4 was TechTV was ZDTV. X-Play(though I think it had a different name then) was one of my favorite shows along with Call for Help and The Screensavers. Sad to see the last remnant of that era gone.
  • RedRight88RedRight88 Posts: 2,207
    Mr_Cosmic said:

    I remember when G4 was TechTV was ZDTV. X-Play(though I think it had a different name then) was one of my favorite shows along with Call for Help and The Screensavers. Sad to see the last remnant of that era gone.

    At first X-Play was called GameStop TV and then Extended Play.
  • What was the verdict on Mockingbird Lane then? I thought it fell flat to be honest. I wanted to like it but it seemed it couldn't make its mind up what kind of show it was.
  • Chuck_MelvilleChuck_Melville Posts: 3,003
    edited October 2012

    What was the verdict on Mockingbird Lane then? I thought it fell flat to be honest. I wanted to like it but it seemed it couldn't make its mind up what kind of show it was.

    I didn't bother. I saw the previews, and when I saw that they had done away with the classic monster trope get-ups, I gave up on it then and there and flipped over to PBS. What's the point? They stripped away one of the coolest things about the original show: the iconic monster makeups. They all looked too normal; the funnies thing about the Munsters were that they were monsters who thought they were normal.

    Given that, the premise looked weak. It's like remaking Beauty And The Beast, only this time the Beast won't look like a beast.

    Oh, wait...
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    Anyone watching the second season of American Horror Story?

    What. The. Heck.

    I really enjoyed last season. The idea was there was a house haunted with the ghosts of the people who died there over the years. The house had a way of terrorizing and killing the people who lived in it. Simple, fun, and at times scary.

    This season, in the asylum, is all over the place. No ghosts, yet, but just about ever other horror cliche can be found in these first few episodes. Aliens, zombies, demon possession, and even a Jason Voorhees like slasher.

    The story is a complete and utter jumbled mess. It doesn't feel like anything is connected. Aliens can be scary...demon possession can be scary..but in the same show? Ugh.
  • dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    Mr_Cosmic said:

    Anyone watching the second season of American Horror Story?

    What. The. Heck.

    I really enjoyed last season. The idea was there was a house haunted with the ghosts of the people who died there over the years. The house had a way of terrorizing and killing the people who lived in it. Simple, fun, and at times scary.

    This season, in the asylum, is all over the place. No ghosts, yet, but just about ever other horror cliche can be found in these first few episodes. Aliens, zombies, demon possession, and even a Jason Voorhees like slasher.

    The story is a complete and utter jumbled mess. It doesn't feel like anything is connected. Aliens can be scary...demon possession can be scary..but in the same show? Ugh.

    I still need to see the episode that aired on Halloween Night,but I have enjoyed this season so far. Lots is happening but hopefully we will get a explanation by the end.
  • DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586

    G4 is an "end up" channel. I don't ever plan to watch anything there, but every once in a blue moon, when there is absolutely nothing on TV and I've caught up with everything On Demand, I'll "end up" on G4.

    It is sorta like going to Denny's. Does anyone ever plan to go to Denny's, or is it just that it is open 24 hours a day and you can go in and get some crummy food/cup of coffee with your friends at 3 a.m.?

    G4 is the Denny's of television.

    I won't miss AOTS, and I never got into X-Play. Hopefully this whole "rebranding" thing comes to something, rather than just allowing them to show more episodes of Cheaters, Cops, and Campus PD now that the video game stuff is out.

    I haven't watched the channel proper in a long time. Every time I flipped it on, Cops was on.

    But I caught up on stuff thanks to On-Demand.
  • Elementary lands the coveted post-Super Bowl slot.

  • First trailer for Da Vinci's Demons.

    "Da Vinci's Demons follows the 25-year-old artist, inventor, swordsman, lover, dreamer and idealist. As a free thinker, with intellect and talents that are almost superhuman, he struggles to live within the confines of his own reality and time. He begins to not only see the future, but invent it."
  • Starz! will develop Ronald Moore's adaptation of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander novels.

  • ABC is not ordering any more episodes of Last Resort and 666 Park Avenue beyond the current 13. This essentially cancels both shows.

  • DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    tazmaniak said:

    ABC is not ordering any more episodes of Last Resort and 666 Park Avenue beyond the current 13. This essentially cancels both shows.


    Aaaand that means I don't have to bother catching up. I find that disappointing, as far as 666 is concerned.
  • I'll pick up the DVDs on Netflix.
  • hauberkhauberk Posts: 1,511
    tazmaniak said:

    ABC is not ordering any more episodes of Last Resort and 666 Park Avenue beyond the current 13. This essentially cancels both shows.


    Utterly disappointing as far as Last Resort goes. Andre Braugher's particular brand of bat$hit crazy intensity is truly enjoyable, particularly when the ensemble cast includes 24 ICBMs and a stealth mode equipped nuclear submarine.
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    tazmaniak said:

    ABC is not ordering any more episodes of Last Resort and 666 Park Avenue beyond the current 13. This essentially cancels both shows.


    That's a bummer about Last Resort. I didn't love everything about it, but I liked a lot, and Braugher is brilliant.

    The big three networks seem to take every chance to remind us how uncool they are. Oh well. Basic and pay cable for the win.
  • dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    tazmaniak said:

    ABC is not ordering any more episodes of Last Resort and 666 Park Avenue beyond the current 13. This essentially cancels both shows.


    I had a feeling this would happen to Last Resort which is the main reason I watched 2 episodes and will wait on the DVD set to see the rest of the season.

  • kgforcekgforce Posts: 326
    Watched part of Last Resort, but didn't want to commit to it for this very reason. The wife has watched a few eps of 666 Park Avenue and she told me a week ago that it wouldn't last.

    I didn't think Revolution would make it, either, but I was proved wrong there. There's something about Revolution that makes it look 'fake' to me... I can't see it going past two seasons.
  • S.O.B ABC! Last Resort was an out of this world drama. It's my favorite new show. I'm starting to feel rage like I did when they canned FLASH FORWARD.

    I know they are different networks but how in the hell does Beauty & The Beast get picked up and Last Resort doesn't? I'm losing faith in humanity.

    As for Partners,I'm shocked it lasted this long.
  • dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200

    S.O.B ABC! Last Resort was an out of this world drama. It's my favorite new show. I'm starting to feel rage like I did when they canned FLASH FORWARD.

    I know they are different networks but how in the hell does Beauty & The Beast get picked up and Last Resort doesn't? I'm losing faith in humanity.

    As for Partners,I'm shocked it lasted this long.

    It seems with the big 4 networks crappy dramas last forever. But good ones rarely get more than one season.

  • RedRight88RedRight88 Posts: 2,207

    I know they are different networks but how in the hell does Beauty & The Beast get picked up and Last Resort doesn't? I'm losing faith in humanity.

    Are you looking for a reason other than "It gets good ratings and thus the network makes money"?!
  • hauberkhauberk Posts: 1,511
    It seems to me that the common comment repeated throughout this thread is a big part of the problem. DVR ratings get counted at some reduced capacity, but those that talk about waiting to see if it gets picked up before watching or waiting for the DVDs are a demographic that was probably being targeted but that aren't getting counted in the numbers. Heard the same comment with regard to Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E from Deemer on the latest Previews episode... lamenting the cancellation of a book that he spent time lauding the creative team(s).

    Want series/books like these to survive? Support them when they offer them.
  • dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    hauberk said:

    It seems to me that the common comment repeated throughout this thread is a big part of the problem. DVR ratings get counted at some reduced capacity, but those that talk about waiting to see if it gets picked up before watching or waiting for the DVDs are a demographic that was probably being targeted but that aren't getting counted in the numbers. Heard the same comment with regard to Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E from Deemer on the latest Previews episode... lamenting the cancellation of a book that he spent time lauding the creative team(s).

    Want series/books like these to survive? Support them when they offer them.

    See I use to record to vhs and now dvd-r the shows I like and watch them later on. Never had a DVR and don't plan on getting one. Mainly cause I watch 4 or 5 shows tops. But with the broadcast networks lately they have been bad about giving a show one season,letting it end on a cliffhanger then cancelling it. That is why now with most shows I wait till it has been on a year before getting into it. Last year my household was a Neilson family for 3 months. We got a log book for every TV in the house. But I was the only person filling them out. So I basically went through each day and just wrote down the shows I liked. Not that I watched most of them. Another of my issues with broadcast tv dramas is they have 22 or 24 episode long seasons. Which normally means you will get 12 or so good to great episodes and the rest is filler. With the cable dramas usually you get 12 episodes and no filler. I have too many books,comics,dvds and other stuff to watch/read to bother with a show that is half filler. I also realize I am very different from most the television audience.
  • I haven't watched either of these series because they're both opposite other shows that I've already been following and prefer to keep following. I don't have a VHS or DVR, and have no plans for getting either in the near future. So I haven't even been able to sample either show, though both looked interesting. If they had hung on for a full season, I likely would have started watching them when my regular shows slipped into reruns. Since they're getting cancelled, I'll just now resort to renting the DVDs to see what, if anything, I was missing.
  • tazmaniaktazmaniak Posts: 733
    edited November 2012
    Chevy Chase has left Community. Most of this season's episodes have been filmed, so he will appear in all but 1 or 2. No word if his departure will be written into the show.

    The Hollywood Reporter

    Update: TV Guide has confirmed the season was shot out of order and he will appear in the season finale, which has already been filmed. Those 2 final episodes fall somewhere before the finale, so his absence really won't impact the season.
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