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Tragedy in Colorado: 12 killed and 59 wounded at a showing of Dark Knight



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    GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    edited July 2012
    Matt said:

    Were there details released about HOW he got that firepower into the theatre? The handguns could've been concealable, the bulletproof vest, a little more difficult, but okay concealable. What about the gas mask, gas grenades, rifle?


    He came in through one of those emergency exits that people sneak into. He must have propped the door open at some point or maybe he used a crowbar.

    According to one of the witnesses interviewed by NBC, he was already in the theater, was seen answering his cell and instead of exiting towrds the front of the theater, he went through the emergency exit to take the call and kept the door propped open with his foot. He then re-entered through the same door about twenty minutes into the film and set off the first gas canister.
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    Fade2BlackFade2Black Posts: 1,457

    . . .and for a parents who took their young children to ANY midnight show is showing behavior I DO NOT AGREE with... sheesh..

    That's kind of a moot point. So it's a midnight showing; It's also summer vacation for a lot of kids. What time someone else's parents decide to engage in family activities has no bearing on the perpetrator's actions.
    One of my fondest memories is attending a midnight 3-D (anaglyph) showing of The Creature from The Black Lagoon with my father. I was probably a bit young for the movie, but going out late with my dad for the purpose of having a good time with dad was the indelible memory that I retained.
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    Fade2BlackFade2Black Posts: 1,457
    Obama (or his speech writers) did a pretty good job of summing up my feelings on this tragic situation.

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    MattMatt Posts: 4,457

    Obama (or his speech writers) did a pretty good job of summing up my feelings on this tragic situation.

    I'm not an Obama guy, but the problem I had was the "yes men" cheering as he was trying to give a somber speech on this incident. People were clapping & cheering as Obama was trying to talk. It was annoying. I wish they would've told the people there that he was going to be commenting on the shooting. I watched the live broadcast cursing out the jackaloons who were cheering Obama verses listening to his speech.

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    MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    NOT to make light of this, but I wish if this incident was destined to happen, it would've occurred during a midnight showing of Magic Mike. I think the unnecessary repercussions to a movie & media would not be collateral damage it's bound to be.

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    . . .and for a parents who took their young children to ANY midnight show is showing behavior I DO NOT AGREE with... sheesh..

    That's kind of a moot point. So it's a midnight showing; It's also summer vacation for a lot of kids. What time someone else's parents decide to engage in family activities has no bearing on the perpetrator's actions.
    One of my fondest memories is attending a midnight 3-D (anaglyph) showing of The Creature from The Black Lagoon with my father. I was probably a bit young for the movie, but going out late with my dad for the purpose of having a good time with dad was the indelible memory that I retained.
    I am not going to speak ill of any treasured memory of one's parents. That is sacrosanct. And viewed through the eyes of a child. How can one refute that?

    Speaking as the adult and as a parent of two young children, such action not I can condone. I hope to create many such memories that are treasured such as yours with my own children, just in different ways and at a different time. In one such situation, I took my daughter to see Tangled one evening (it was just us in the theater, a slow day) and I KNOW that had a lasting impression upon her since I now can quote that movie by heart, having watched it with her WAY too many times.
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    WebheadWebhead Posts: 458
    I did not want to comment on this subject until I heard back from my friend. She lives in Aurora CO with her two sons and I could easily see her taking them or them going by themselves to see Batman. I called her earlier today after I heard about the shooting but she never answered her phone. Needless to say I have been upset and thought the worse. It was not until an hour or so ago did she finally call me back, the good news her and her family are safe. The scary part was her two sons were going to be there but at the last minute they realized they did not have enough money so they stayed home.

    I've had enough time to calm down and collect my thoughts I first want to add my thoughts and prayers to the families of this tragedy, this should of never happened.

    Like David D. has said the media will probably jump all over this and blame comic book movies and comic books. Never looking past comics to try to find out what was wrong with this person. Truth be told if it was not comics it would of been something else, hell a low flying plane might have set this guy off, but since it happened at a screening of Batman the media and politicians will point the finger at comic books. Just like in the 80's and how the media blamed vigilante justice on the subways on movies like Dirty Harry and Death Wish.

    Little Witch I am with you, I want to know if the comic book community does get a fund together because I want to donate not just because I want people to know that the comic community is not like this guy but because it is the right thing to do.
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    Fade2BlackFade2Black Posts: 1,457
    edited July 2012
    Chris, I'm glad your friends are safe.

    Hmmm. . . . a fund raiser or perhaps a benefit book. Benefit books aren't without precedent. As I recall several were produced to raise funds for families of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack victims, and the comic book professional community banded together to create a Stardust portfolio the proceeds of which were used to help out Charles Vess's wife after she was critically injured in an auto accident. Those are just the first two examples that came to mind; there are plenty of other benefit books I could cite.
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    KyleMoyerKyleMoyer Posts: 727

    . . .and for a parents who took their young children to ANY midnight show is showing behavior I DO NOT AGREE with... sheesh..

    That's kind of a moot point. So it's a midnight showing; It's also summer vacation for a lot of kids. What time someone else's parents decide to engage in family activities has no bearing on the perpetrator's actions.
    One of my fondest memories is attending a midnight 3-D (anaglyph) showing of The Creature from The Black Lagoon with my father. I was probably a bit young for the movie, but going out late with my dad for the purpose of having a good time with dad was the indelible memory that I retained.
    I'd agree with you regarding the 9-year old that was mentioned in this thread. But a 4-month old was shot. There is no justification for bringing a 4-year old to anything other than a kid's movie and even that is unnecessary since the baby isn't going to enjoy it. The only reason to do so is to piss off the people around you. You didn't say how old you were during your memory with your dad, but I'm guessing you weren't 4 months old or you wouldn't have remembered it.
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    edited July 2012

    Will they pull the movie? I just would not feel right watching it now. I was going to go this weekend but I think it's just too depressing. Another thought was the guy mimicking the villian? Will there be a backlash against comics because of this?

    I doubt the studio would pull the movie.
    I think a more likely scenario would be the studio donating a portion of the movie's proceeds to the victims' families.

    As for a backlash, details will need to unfold before that happens.
    Was he imitating the villain? Another scenario could be that the shooter was a right-wing extremest who took Rush Limbaugh's comments about Bane as reason to go off the deep-end. My point is we don't know why the shooter did what he did. Once we know more about his personal "rational" for his, by all accounts, irrational act, we might be in a better position to predict where people might place blame.
    Before I saw anything every victim and there families have my condolences and sympathy. No one deserves that to happen to them when they went out for a bit of fun.

    I think what will be revealed is that the culprit wanted to hit as many people as possible. Many other places have security where cinemas don't & where else can you think of where people gather in a low security place where they aren't paying attention yo their immediate physical surroundings, especially when there eyrsight is limited in darkness. This guy wanted a high body count & probably would have gone to any big movie opening night to do it. He could have done it at something like Harry potter, twilight, the hobbit, avengers or so on. Probably wanted the recognition from the act more than anything else.

    Hope it isn't a 'guy wanted to be a villian' thing because that will backlash and hurt people who had nothing to do with it.

    I wonder if this will impact on the gun ownership debate or will it just disappear like all the other nasty gun related massacres have.
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    edited July 2012
    KyleMoyer said:

    . . .and for a parents who took their young children to ANY midnight show is showing behavior I DO NOT AGREE with... sheesh..

    That's kind of a moot point. So it's a midnight showing; It's also summer vacation for a lot of kids. What time someone else's parents decide to engage in family activities has no bearing on the perpetrator's actions.
    One of my fondest memories is attending a midnight 3-D (anaglyph) showing of The Creature from The Black Lagoon with my father. I was probably a bit young for the movie, but going out late with my dad for the purpose of having a good time with dad was the indelible memory that I retained.
    I'd agree with you regarding the 9-year old that was mentioned in this thread. But a 4-month old was shot. There is no justification for bringing a 4-year old to anything other than a kid's movie and even that is unnecessary since the baby isn't going to enjoy it. The only reason to do so is to piss off the people around you. You didn't say how old you were during your memory with your dad, but I'm guessing you weren't 4 months old or you wouldn't have remembered it.
    Isn't that really a moot point. I really support the idea that children should see age appropriate material & nothing above (for example, letting you 10-15 year old watch south park) but that isn't the issue here. The issue is that anyone should be able to go to the movies or any public place with getting shot. Period. So let's not go into the area of who should & shouldn't be there because that isn't the issue. If you want to have a discussion about age appropriateness then we should start another thread to discuss that issue instead of mixing the issues & getting messages crossed, because I'd be willing to discuss that issue at length.
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    Fade2BlackFade2Black Posts: 1,457
    edited July 2012
    KyleMoyer said:

    . . .and for a parents who took their young children to ANY midnight show is showing behavior I DO NOT AGREE with... sheesh..

    That's kind of a moot point. So it's a midnight showing; It's also summer vacation for a lot of kids. What time someone else's parents decide to engage in family activities has no bearing on the perpetrator's actions.
    One of my fondest memories is attending a midnight 3-D (anaglyph) showing of The Creature from The Black Lagoon with my father. I was probably a bit young for the movie, but going out late with my dad for the purpose of having a good time with dad was the indelible memory that I retained.
    I'd agree with you regarding the 9-year old that was mentioned in this thread. But a 4-month old was shot. There is no justification for bringing a 4-year old to anything other than a kid's movie and even that is unnecessary since the baby isn't going to enjoy it. The only reason to do so is to piss off the people around you. You didn't say how old you were during your memory with your dad, but I'm guessing you weren't 4 months old or you wouldn't have remembered it.
    I don't have kids of my own, however, I have a good friend whom I frequently attend movies with. He has three boys, including a very young one. He and his wife bring their young one to the movies because their youngest kid typically sleeps through the films. In fact, they often plan their movie visits around his sleep pattern. The family always sits at the end of an aisle so that in rare instances when the baby does wake up, one of them can make a quick exit. They certainly don't bring the little one to intentionally annoy their fellow moviegoers. Getting a babysitter for a kid that age isn't always practical. Their boy doesn't take up a seat as he sits in his mom or dad's lap. My point being here is there are perfectly legitimate reasons for someone to bring a 4-month-old to a movie, even if you personally frown upon the practice. There's no justification for the atrocious act the shooter committed.
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    little_witchlittle_witch Posts: 185
    I think WB did the right thing cancelling the premier in Paris. I like the idea of a benefit book I think that's something that could go far.
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    CageNarleighCageNarleigh Posts: 729
    I've read a few of ya'lls comments here on this topic but I wanted to get my own in before I allow myself to be influenced by or retort against anyone's specific opinion.

    First and foremost my deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones or were injured (physically OR mentally) in this absolutely senseless act in Colorado. Sitting down with your family to enjoy a movie you just couldn't WAIT to see only to have your life suddenly changed forever 15 minutes in must be a horrifying experience and I cannot fathom what they went through. But my prayers are with them regardless.

    Secondly, the backlash already starting to head the way of the comic fans. It's idiotic, it's uninformed and it's plain WRONG. But make no mistake we're just going to have to sit here and TRY to remain calm fellow comic fans. The worst thing we can do is lose our cool at the attack heading our way. Keep a cool head ya'll and don't get angry. Focus on countering the points calmly and effectively and never lose your empathy for those who were effected by this act. Because this country is nuts. After Pearl Harbor the United States set up camps for those of Asian American descent. After 9/11 the country seemed to get nervous around every person of middle eastern descent. Nearly every robbery, murder or theft I see reported I seem to hear someone think it was a black man. When it comes to senseless acts that shock us into believing we need to act, the country we live in seems to believe that the actions of one person merits shining the light on EVERYONE. Extreme examples to be sure but the point remains. And that point is that someone somewhere will blame the comics, and that argument will pick up steam by those looking to put their anger SOMEWHERE...anywhere. We have to understand their frustration and not retort with our own anger, pure and simple.

    Lastly, by the use of "Ya'll" I'm sure you can tell I'm from Texas. In Texas, most people seem to believe everyone and their mother owns a gun. Some people seem to believe that even the old ladies sitting in the pew on Sunday morning have a little pistol in their purses. While I cannot refute the gun ownership stats widely available I can speak from my own experience. I own a shotgun. I got it when I was sixteen with the express purpose of learning how to clean it, store it, shoot it and most importantly USE it SAFELY. Because my father wanted me to go along on a dove hunting trip with himself and my grandfather. Now we never got to go along on that trip because of various circumstances (none of which thankfully were the death of my grandfather) but I have yet to fire the one weapon I own. The point being, every single individual I know who owns a firearm not only has gone through proper training and licensing, but respects the power of responsibility that goes along with owning a gun. You buy it to go hunting, protect your family or protect yourself. No one I know owns a gun "just cause". If they want to hunt, they own a shotgun or a rifle appropriate to the task. Same with if they want to protect their family or themselves. All that to say this: the issue isn't getting rid of weapons all together. If someone wants to go nuts like this truly evil individual then they will find a way. If they want to kill someone, they'll do it. Pure and simple. That being said, I'm fully in favor of stricter gun CONTROL laws. Everyone should restrict WHO sells guns the requirements prior to purchasing a weapon should be strict as well. Will that stop all crazies from going nuts? Probably not. But if it comes down to the day when we're no longer allowed to own weapons PERIOD, then by that day I hope to have a family and I can already tell you that I will keep one in my house illegally and under SEVERE lock and key so I can protect my family. I hope that doesn't sound insensitive to the situation. I'm just expressing MY beliefs on the issue that will come up regarding gun control. Ok that's it. I'll keep to myself over here and try not to start anything else.
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    random73random73 Posts: 2,318
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    WebheadWebhead Posts: 458
    edited July 2012
    Just spoke with my sister who lives in Denver and she said that she was unaware of any charity that has set up any funds for the families of the shooting.

    I was not worried about her or her family because she has about as much interest in letting my niece and nephew see a midnight movie about superheroes as I do in watching a documentary about the history of lint. So when we talked about the shooting she mentioned that a friend's niece was one of the people shot and is in the hospital. Turns out this poor girl and her boyfriend went to the movie and she got shot and is suffering from smoke inhalation from the tear gas. The real tragedy is her boyfriend of 4 years, the guy who helped her through the death of her mother died at the movie theater. The doctors are keeping her sedated.

    My sister said if she hears about a charity fund that is set up she will let me know and I will pass it on.
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    matchkitJOHNmatchkitJOHN Posts: 1,030
    Well I hope there is a fundraiser because while I was watching this story developing they were showing on the bottom scroll how that lady who was teased on the bus has $680,000 in her fund. I don't know if she got it yet but I hope something is done here and we hear about it.
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    batlawbatlaw Posts: 879
    It would be a fantastic gesture if WB offered something. A Benefit / auction would be awesome. If and when any donation account is set up Ill hapily contribute. If anyone here is interested and more experienced or savy in setting something up I have thousands of comics id gladly put up. Toys too.
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    It is fairly easy to sneak in to a theatre when it is busy.
    Sneaking in a back door is easy to. Hell you can knock and sometimes someone will open the door.

    Also, people take infants and toddlers to midnight shows of saw and other horror movies. About a third of the parents taking their toddlers to films or dropping them off don't give a shit about their kids. It is not surprising at all that there were small children there. That is what the world is like now. That is normal.
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    batlawbatlaw Posts: 879
    I dont go anywhere without my gun. Not anymore and especially when I have my family with me. It occasionally bugs my wife and intimidates / annoys extended family and certain people here and there. Stricter gun laws or fine w/ me. But people need to be realistic and never forget Laws only apply to the lawful. I am not a gun nut or fanatic and have only a mild interest guns. Im a cop and Ive had people kick me out of their business or decline me entry because I was armed. What would such a person say to someone actually intent on doing them harm? How is a sign designating a particular area a "gun free zone" going to protect anyone!? How many of these situations would have a different outcome had there been an on/off duty cop or lawfully armed citizen been present? I know dozens of stories where such active shooter scenarios were prevented entirely or potential loss of life radically reduced thanks to such individuals. Sadly there are also plenty of examples of similar cases where someone such as a concealed weapons permit holder had to leave their gun at home or a cop leaving his gun in his car so not to "offend" anyone before the shooting started and watching loved ones die. I cant even imagine having to live with that.
    These maniacs have a singular motive and focus, to cause as much pain and suffering and death to as many people as possible. Laws, rules, fairplay and or decency dont apply. If there were no guns, there would be explosives, if no explosives there would be poisons, if no poisons some freak would use a samurai sword.
    Sorry for the chaotic rant but Im frustrated and pissed off.
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    Look at all the mass shootings in this country in the past 40 years--this is so tragic, we mourn, we move on, and it happens again. My question is (I really want to know what people think) why does this seem to happen so much more in the U.S. than elsewhere? Is it that this happens worldwide and we're to U.S. centric for news outlets to notice, or is it actually true that the majority of these mass shootings happen in America?

    I plan on seeing the movie right away after summer finals with my wife, and something like this unfortunately can happen anywhere at anytime (previously in a cafeteria, many places of work, universities), so if I worry about it, I would never leave my house.

    I know this is another theory upon theories, but the gunman was right in the range and gender when many schizophrenics begin to show symptoms (males in their early 20s), and these symptoms can be exascerbated by a sudden change (I read, and this was the latest info this afternoon) that he recently withdrew from school, a life-changing stressful event.

    I don't know,I try to rationalize or explain it and I can't.
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    mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    edited July 2012
    It is a deeply sad event that occurred at the Batman movie (or could have been fill in the blank that would set him off) the guy was simply nuts and wanted to take as many lives as he possibly could & change their lives forever. I would hope that WB would setup a fund for the people affected by the tragedy. Let us spend time to pray & remember the lives lost & affected by this event. As for the nut that did this, if he isn't declared insane by the state/feds kill him, hang him or gas him & liquidate all his assets & give them to the people affected.

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    Fade2BlackFade2Black Posts: 1,457
    edited July 2012

    . . . .My question is (I really want to know what people think) why does this seem to happen so much more in the U.S. than elsewhere? Is it that this happens worldwide and we're to U.S. centric for news outlets to notice, or is it actually true that the majority of these mass shootings happen in America?

    "Mass shootings" is a somewhat vague term, so if you want actual statistics you'll need to refine what constitutes, "mass". I was able to find figures for intentional homicides which isn't limited to shooting deaths nor does it place restrictions on the number of victims. Though not necessarily the specific statistics you seek, I suspect some general inferences can be made that also apply to the question you've posed.

    Data current through 2010.

    As one might predict, countries in the midst of political turmoil are the ones with the highest intentional homicide rate. As to whether or not news coverage of such occurrences is too U.S. centric, I suppose in some instances that's partially to blame. Conversely, when a mass murder occurs in a country that has a relatively low rate of such occurrences, the deed tends to make headlines. Last year's rampage in Norway is a prime example.
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    little_witchlittle_witch Posts: 185
    Living in England where guns are not the norm, carrying a gun round to me feels like it might start compounding the problem. I know in London there was a problem with knife crime and then when some thugs saw that other people were carrying knives they bought hand guns.
    There's a quote from Jim Gordon in Batman Begins that sticks in my head about the subject of arming up
    We start carrying semi automatics, they buy automatics, we start wearing Kevlar, they buy armor piercing rounds
    Also studies over here have shown that you are more likely to be stabbed if you carry a knife as it changes when you believe a situation is too dangerous. I know guns and knives are very different but having tight gun laws over here means I can only look at what I know.
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    MattMatt Posts: 4,457

    Living in England where guns are not the norm, carrying a gun round to me feels like it might start compounding the problem. I know in London there was a problem with knife crime and then when some thugs saw that other people were carrying knives they bought hand guns.
    There's a quote from Jim Gordon in Batman Begins that sticks in my head about the subject of arming up

    We start carrying semi automatics, they buy automatics, we start wearing Kevlar, they buy armor piercing rounds
    Also studies over here have shown that you are more likely to be stabbed if you carry a knife as it changes when you believe a situation is too dangerous. I know guns and knives are very different but having tight gun laws over here means I can only look at what I know.

    Ah, yes, I recall taking a PoliSci class in college and having to discuss gun control. The UK was one country we looked at. We looked at countries where crime was low AND gun control laws were nil.

    I have a small array of weapons. They're hidden in various areas of my house (mostly). It includes a couple guns. Now if someone would break into my house, my initial weapon of choice is a blunt object. I can do more damage with a baseball bat with less collateral damage or "friendly fire" than a gun.

    In the event intruders have guns or have more in mind than stealing, I have no issues resorting to a gun.

    At work, we're not permitted to carry. It's probably for the best. Guns have generally been Plan G. It's too easy for people to jump from non-violent & minimal violence to extreme violence when carrying a gun.

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    dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    edited July 2012
    In my house currently there is 7 rifles and 2 pistols. All of them owned by my father. The rifles are for hunting. He is a deer hunter. But at a very very early age he taught me to respect and how to handle a gun. I knew as a kid I wasn't allowed to touch his guns and would have never messed with them. Personally I don't own any. Mainly cause I don't hunt. As far as protecting myself in my own home. I have two baseball bats and a golf club. Less chance of me accidentally killing a family member with them than the guns.

    I don't want guns to be banned at all. But would love stricter gun control laws. Some of my neighbors are legit crazy,but I also know they own a crap-pile of guns. We have one neighbor that walks around most of the day wearing nothing but some cut off jeans with his pistol on his hip. This is the same guy I see at least once a week taking a bath in the lake.
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    MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    After much thinking about this whole thing, I've decided it time to start flash-mob type incidents with crying. I'm looking to start a movement. Join me!

    It's simple, at random places just start sobbing uncontrolable. Make it embarassing. Than, when the arrest occurs, just say "I'm Stuart Smalley."

    We'll blame the overly PC movement in the country. We can blame the sappy books, movies, the Kardashians are still considered celebrities, the current state of Comics Now! If the media is going to blame OTHER media, let's change the genre away from the stereotypical violent one.

    Let's me the Anti-Violent Incidents!!


    Actually, I wish we would stop blaming other people & things and take responsibility. TDK inspired me to take accountability. "The buck stops here!" As we think about the victims in this shooting, how about we think about where we as a society went wrong making Holmes do something like this. It's always easier to point the finger at everyone but ourselves.
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    dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    Matt said:

    After much thinking about this whole thing, I've decided it time to start flash-mob type incidents with crying. I'm looking to start a movement. Join me!

    It's simple, at random places just start sobbing uncontrolable. Make it embarassing. Than, when the arrest occurs, just say "I'm Stuart Smalley."

    We'll blame the overly PC movement in the country. We can blame the sappy books, movies, the Kardashians are still considered celebrities, the current state of Comics Now! If the media is going to blame OTHER media, let's change the genre away from the stereotypical violent one.

    Let's me the Anti-Violent Incidents!!


    Actually, I wish we would stop blaming other people & things and take responsibility. TDK inspired me to take accountability. "The buck stops here!" As we think about the victims in this shooting, how about we think about where we as a society went wrong making Holmes do something like this. It's always easier to point the finger at everyone but ourselves.

    Sadly it seems anytime something goes wrong people want to blame everything but the root cause of the problem. Like back in the 80s when you had various groups blaming Judas Priest music for causing their kids to commit suicide. Saying that Priest put messages in their albums that caused the fans to kill themselves. What band would want their fans to kill themselves? Or the people that blame violence in film and TV and say it is the reason people are violent. Well I grew up watching very violent films. First film I ever saw,and I was 3 at the time,was the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. And anyone that knows me will tell you I am the least violent person they know. I have only been in 3 fights in my entire life. All three of them I didn't start. In each fight I all I did was defend myself. Which usually meant I would knock the other person to the ground then sit on top of them till they calmed down. What really scares me is I live in a state that from October till the end of January you will see people driving around with loaded rifles in the back window of their trucks. I am sure doing that is against the law,but the police seem to turn a blind eye to it.
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    random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    Interesting connection that has been floating around in my head. This shooting took place about 20 miles from Columbine. Columbine High School had a peer mediation program in effect that was deemed "unnessicary" because there was no strife within their student body and cancelled the year before the massacre. That always blew my mind. The idea that perhaps that program was doin it's job in keeping student body conflict under control never occurred to anybody. We as Americans run from crisis to crisis but rarely pause to think about effectively averting the crisis to begin with. This drives me nuts.
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