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Movie News: Fantastic Four Reboot. (And Marvel vs. Fox)



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    bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    I guess we'll see what happens after the movie's August release. Speaking of the Fantastic Four reboot / Chronicle 2 movie, I wonder where the trailer is or why haven't we seen any footage yet? At least X-Men First Class director Matthew Vaughan says he's seen the movie and gives it a thumbs up. That should put comic book fans worries at ease...
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    mrfusionmrfusion Posts: 186
    I have no hope for this film....
    'Fantastic Four' Asks For Re-Shoots of Certain Scenes Found Similar to 'Chronicle'

    ( It has been reported that a few scenes from the much-awaited movie of the year, Fantastic Four reboot, needs to be re-shot since the Fox production house is unhappy with the film. Reportedly, they have described the film as a mess and strikingly similar to Chronicles, a sci-fi movie. The director of the film, Josh Trank directed the movie Chronicles in 2012.

    The Fantastic Four Reboot

    It has been reported that a few scenes from the much-awaited movie of the year, Fantastic Four reboot, needs to be re-shot since the Fox production house is unhappy with the film. Reportedly, they have described the film as a mess and strikingly similar to the sci-fi movie Chronicles. The director of the film, Josh Trank directed the movie Chronicles in 2012.

    Fantastic Four was originally released in 2005 starring Ioan Gruffudd, Michael Chiklis, Chris Evans and more.

    It has been reported that the sets are being built again at the original location where the entire film was shot in Louisiana. Reportedly, Trank was asked by Fox productions to re-shoot a few scenes to add a couple of stunts and sprinkle it with action. It is believed that it will take around a one month's time to re-shoot the identified scenes and photographs to finalize the film.

    If sources are to be believed, the entire crew of the film was not happy with Trank's behavior on the movie sets. It has been alleged that Trank used to damage the sets and terribly misbehave with the counterparts, often being so high and not being able to speak properly. Though not officially announced and confirmed, Fox production's CEO and chairman regretfully apologized to the crew member's for Trank's unacceptable behavior.

    Fantastic Four is scheduled to be released on August 7, 2015. Even though the shooting for the movie was wrapped up six months ago, the official trailer is yet to be released. It is speculated that the official trailer will be released along with Fox production's thriller Kingsman: The Secret Service, which is scheduled to hit theaters in February.

    The movie stars Jamie Bell, Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan, Miles Teller, and Toby Kebbell. The film is a story of four people that are sent to a different universe from where they derive their powers for survival.

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    WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    mrfusion said:

    I have no hope for this film....

    Wow. That smells bad, doesn't it?

    (Hi Tom!)
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    mrfusionmrfusion Posts: 186
    " add a couple of stunts and sprinkle it with action."

    Yeah, because that's the right way to make a movie. Why don't they throw a few fart jokes and pop culture references in there as well?

    " the entire crew of the film was not happy with Trank's behavior on the movie sets. ... often being so high and not being able to speak properly"

    Well, this seems the be the problem....

    (Hi WetRats! )
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    WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    mrfusion said:

    " the entire crew of the film was not happy with Trank's behavior on the movie sets. ... often being so high and not being able to speak properly"

    Well, this seems the be the problem....

    Just a bit of one...

    Granted, this one seemed cursed from the get-go, but how does a studio allow a production to get this far out of hand?
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
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    chriswchrisw Posts: 792
    I live in Baton Rouge, and one of the local online forums has had a running thread of horror stories from people who worked or knew people who worked on the production. Who knows how true it is, but it sounds like a nightmare of a film to work on.

    Although, there were stories about Bryan Singer showing up late to the set of X-Men 2 high as a kite and literally spilling pills from his coat pockets, and that still turned out fine.

    My hopes are not as high for this film, however.
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    AxelBrassAxelBrass Posts: 245
    Two words: Train Wreck.
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    MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    mrfusion said:

    I have no hope for this film....
    'Fantastic Four' Asks For Re-Shoots of Certain Scenes Found Similar to 'Chronicle'

    ( It has been reported that a few scenes from the much-awaited movie of the year, Fantastic Four reboot, needs to be re-shot since the Fox production house is unhappy with the film. Reportedly, they have described the film as a mess and strikingly similar to Chronicles, a sci-fi movie. The director of the film, Josh Trank directed the movie Chronicles in 2012.

    The Fantastic Four Reboot

    It has been reported that a few scenes from the much-awaited movie of the year, Fantastic Four reboot, needs to be re-shot since the Fox production house is unhappy with the film. Reportedly, they have described the film as a mess and strikingly similar to the sci-fi movie Chronicles. The director of the film, Josh Trank directed the movie Chronicles in 2012.

    Fantastic Four was originally released in 2005 starring Ioan Gruffudd, Michael Chiklis, Chris Evans and more.

    It has been reported that the sets are being built again at the original location where the entire film was shot in Louisiana. Reportedly, Trank was asked by Fox productions to re-shoot a few scenes to add a couple of stunts and sprinkle it with action. It is believed that it will take around a one month's time to re-shoot the identified scenes and photographs to finalize the film.

    If sources are to be believed, the entire crew of the film was not happy with Trank's behavior on the movie sets. It has been alleged that Trank used to damage the sets and terribly misbehave with the counterparts, often being so high and not being able to speak properly. Though not officially announced and confirmed, Fox production's CEO and chairman regretfully apologized to the crew member's for Trank's unacceptable behavior.

    Fantastic Four is scheduled to be released on August 7, 2015. Even though the shooting for the movie was wrapped up six months ago, the official trailer is yet to be released. It is speculated that the official trailer will be released along with Fox production's thriller Kingsman: The Secret Service, which is scheduled to hit theaters in February.

    The movie stars Jamie Bell, Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan, Miles Teller, and Toby Kebbell. The film is a story of four people that are sent to a different universe from where they derive their powers for survival.


    I know you normally give us great info, but I question the validity of this report. "Much-awaited movie of the year"? By whom?

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    WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    chrisw said:

    Although, there were stories about Bryan Singer showing up late to the set of X-Men 2 high as a kite and literally spilling pills from his coat pockets, and that still turned out fine.

    Not for Cyclops...
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    WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    Matt said:

    I know you normally give us great info, but I question the validity of this report. "Much-awaited movie of the year"? By whom?

    FOX stockholders?
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    Not only was this film never on my must-see list to begin with, but now I want to go and have my brain scrubbed of all memory of its ever having been mentioned at all, even in passing.
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    MattMatt Posts: 4,457

    Not only was this film never on my must-see list to begin with, but now I want to go and have my brain scrubbed of all memory of its ever having been mentioned at all, even in passing.

    I heard there's a gal who wears a top hat & fishnets who can handle that.

    ...I think?

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    WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    "Eivom ruof citsatnaf egrup!"
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    AxelBrassAxelBrass Posts: 245
    Purge those memories to the fifth dimension for 90 days!
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    bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    edited January 2015
    Movie News Guide reported that in this reboot Sue Storm and Johnny Storm are now adopted siblings. Doctor Doom will be the adversary, but he is now to be addressed as Victor Domashev, not Victor Von Doom. The newly-named villain is portrayed as an "anti-social programmer" and not the leader of the Latveria
    No matter what you think of the previous two theatrical releases, I believe one of the positives was Julian McMahon’s Doctor Doom. The reported re-imagining of Victor Von Doom as an evil blogger puts my enthusiasm at an all-time low. And while I'll give FOX props for taking risks with this reboot (young cast, new origin, race-bending, etc), the one risk I've been concerned about most is screenwriter Jeremy Slater. He hasn't written ANYTHING that's been released before, just a few spec-scripts in the "geek" domain. Nothing more.

    If that's not enough, his Twitter handle (@boner_mountain) has denied script leak rumor after reshoot rumors about this script. So many, it appears, he deleted his account. Not to mention that director Josh Trank's Twitter account has actually been suspended since tweeting "FINE. You'll get your damn trailer in front of 'Kingsman: The Secret Service.' Happy now?" on January 16.

    With the film's marketing being non-existent - not one official promo photo, trailer or piece of concept art to give fans. I'm wondering if any director of "found footage" movies has gone on to further success... I guess we'll know a lot more in 5 days when the trailer drops in the UK for the premiere of "Kingsman: The Secret Service" Jan. 29. and we'll get a chance to make somewhat more informed snap judgments. While there’s no guarantee that the trailer will do anything more than fuel more speculation, at least it will provide more fun when we all revisit this thread after the trailer shows up on Youtube.

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    matchkitJOHNmatchkitJOHN Posts: 1,030
    I hope it's at least "good bad" and not "bad bad". I would pay $1.50 to see it.
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    BrackBrack Posts: 868
    edited January 2015
    First teaser trailer is out

    Looks like it has much more of a horror/sci-fi tone than a superhero one. Which may be a smart move in a market with too many superhero movies.
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    bamfbamfbamfbamf Posts: 718
    as bland as it gets... but im hoping its good
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    chriswchrisw Posts: 792
    It at least looks more visually interesting than the previous films. Looks like they may be traveling to an alternate universe (Negative Zone?) rather than space travel. And the costumes don't look that drastically different to me - I kept hearing they wore bulky containment suits, and that was coming from the actors themselves.

    Still have no idea if it'll be any good, but if I had just seen that trailer without hearing any of the negative press, I'd probably be a little more optimistic.
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    Hey, didn't look terrible in my book, so that's a start. And yes, @chrisw‌, I think you're right. I had read reports that the film would involve them traveling to the Negative Zone.
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    TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    Jury is still out, but the trailer looks pretty good to me. More like a dark sci-fi flick than a comic movie. And I have no problem with that.
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    SteevenSteeven Posts: 215
    Based on everything I've read about this movie, I was not going into things with positive feelings. The teaser trailer has me a bit more optimistic. I think the look of it, simply based on this one minute and fifty-six seconds, it superior to the other two FF movies.
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    rebisrebis Posts: 1,820
    I think the problem with this movie, is going to be "expectations". If this is a movie about a group of wunderkind pushing the limits of science just a bit too far and how they are transformed/affected, that's one thing. Giving it the title of "Fantastic Four" opens up a whole different can of worms.

    It's like the Depp, Lone Ranger movie. If they hadn't used the William Tell Overture and slapped the mask on Hammer, it would have been an enjoyable popcorn movie.
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    bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    Looks well produced. Still not enough data to make an informed snap-judgement. I expect this is a good approach to marketing this particular film. FOX has 6 months left to get it right.
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    Hmm...been waiting for this trailer for awhile (yes, the FF are my overall favorite comic book characters). I'm not sure...on the one hand, I understand the direction they seem to be going in. On the other hand, I'm not sure I'm on board with it, or moved to actually go and see this in the theaters. I like the concept of making the FF into a "hard-core" science fiction film, but then I hear that (one of) Trank's inspirations for this is David Cronenberg's films like the Fly. I'm hoping that's not the same take they plan on doing for the FF's powers. I know, for instance, that their uniforms are basically containment suits, which is a departure I don't care for at this point. Can we assume the narrator of this trailer was the blogger that will become Doom? I also noticed they cut away just before showing how the Reed character's stretching power actually looks like, which makes me wonder why they chose to show all the other heroes' powers and not his. Also not sure what's up with that rock cocoon that the proto-Thing breaks out of.

    I'll wait to hear more I guess before making a final decision on this one.
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    mrfusionmrfusion Posts: 186
    The Thing ain't got no pants?!?

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    bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    edited January 2015
    I think it's safe to say that these latest revelations are probably not going to do much to quench the thirst of FF fans hoping for a live action Incredibles remake, or even anything resembling Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's original vision of Marvel's first family. However, what intrigues me is director Josh Trank's admitting that David Cronenberg was one of the biggest influences on his vision for this movie:

    I’m a huge David Cronenberg fan, and I always viewed Fantastic Four and the kind of weirdness that happens to these characters and how they’re transformed to really fall in line more with a Cronenberg-ian science fiction tale of something horrible happening to your body and [it] transforming out of control. And the potential for a hard sci-fi take on that material makes me really excited.


    Trank went on to say that "the biggest influence for me in terms of an overall view and communicating tool to the various department was Scanners or The Fly."

    So, while this may still turn out to be a train-wreck, I can appreciate that they're taking a risk and that the creators have a vision for this film that veers from what we've come to expect. We'll see how it shakes out. I expect a lot more promos and teasers over the next six months. You know everyone at Marvel Studios and publishing offices has seen this same material today...

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    BrackBrack Posts: 868
    edited January 2015
    From the trailer this looks like it could be a pretty good Ultimate Fantastic Four adaptation. Presumably with bits of the opening Bendis/Millar arc and Ellis' Doom arc, setting us for an Annihilus themed sequel.

    Now, that may not be what FF fans were hoping for, but seems like something that's a lot easier to get tonally right. The biggest problems with original FF origin story are that it's so Space Racey and the classic tone of the comic just isn't there until years later. Oh and Reed Richards is a bit of a cradle snatcher.
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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    I could have used a bit more "fun" in the trailer. But genres still more to come in the coming days, so I'll be patient.
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