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  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    David_D said:

    Sorry to share that it is being reported that Roddy Piper has died.

    Yeah, that sucks.
  • shroud68shroud68 Posts: 457
    Absolutely no contest my favorite Wrestler of all time. RIP Rowdy Roddy Piper.
  • RedRight88RedRight88 Posts: 2,207
    My Recap & Review of Summerslam 2015 (Spoilers).Also, I get really loud during it for some reason.
  • Did anyone else in the Reading area catch the Chikara show after the Fightin' Phils game on Friday? Chikara is family friendly, and the wrestlers are really talented workers.

    I've known about Chikara for years, but I never got around to a show. My son absolutely loved the characters (particulary Dasher Hatfield and the Ice Creams), and we're going to see them on November 7 in Reading. If Chikara comes around you, I would definitely recommend going.
  • CaptShazamCaptShazam Posts: 1,178

    Did anyone else in the Reading area catch the Chikara show after the Fightin' Phils game on Friday? Chikara is family friendly, and the wrestlers are really talented workers.

    I've known about Chikara for years, but I never got around to a show. My son absolutely loved the characters (particulary Dasher Hatfield and the Ice Creams), and we're going to see them on November 7 in Reading. If Chikara comes around you, I would definitely recommend going.

    I never have seen Chikara in person due to living a couple thousand miles away. I did follow them for a long time thru dvd. The shows were always fun. My favorite character was Ultra Mantis Black. I have not seen anything though for a couple of years.
  • Did anyone else in the Reading area catch the Chikara show after the Fightin' Phils game on Friday? Chikara is family friendly, and the wrestlers are really talented workers.

    I've known about Chikara for years, but I never got around to a show. My son absolutely loved the characters (particulary Dasher Hatfield and the Ice Creams), and we're going to see them on November 7 in Reading. If Chikara comes around you, I would definitely recommend going.

    I never have seen Chikara in person due to living a couple thousand miles away. I did follow them for a long time thru dvd. The shows were always fun. My favorite character was Ultra Mantis Black. I have not seen anything though for a couple of years.
    According to their current roster on the website, it looks like your favorite is still there. I'm not 100% sure, but I think they may have stopped producing DVDs on a regular basis. They don't have any DVDs on for sale on their site, but they do now offer a streaming service similar to the WWE Network. Chikara's is only $7.99 a month, though.
  • CaptShazamCaptShazam Posts: 1,178

    Did anyone else in the Reading area catch the Chikara show after the Fightin' Phils game on Friday? Chikara is family friendly, and the wrestlers are really talented workers.

    I've known about Chikara for years, but I never got around to a show. My son absolutely loved the characters (particulary Dasher Hatfield and the Ice Creams), and we're going to see them on November 7 in Reading. If Chikara comes around you, I would definitely recommend going.

    I never have seen Chikara in person due to living a couple thousand miles away. I did follow them for a long time thru dvd. The shows were always fun. My favorite character was Ultra Mantis Black. I have not seen anything though for a couple of years.
    According to their current roster on the website, it looks like your favorite is still there. I'm not 100% sure, but I think they may have stopped producing DVDs on a regular basis. They don't have any DVDs on for sale on their site, but they do now offer a streaming service similar to the WWE Network. Chikara's is only $7.99 a month, though.
    The sell their dvds thru a website called They have current stuff there. They produce the dvds super fast. The dvd cover art work is almost always awesome and usually is comic book style in nature.
  • CaptShazamCaptShazam Posts: 1,178
    Also, if you google Chikara Wrestling Reviews or Chikara Special - you will see a website by a guy named Kevin Ford. He reviews pretty much every show. A good way to see if it is worth a purchase or not.
  • Did anyone else in the Reading area catch the Chikara show after the Fightin' Phils game on Friday? Chikara is family friendly, and the wrestlers are really talented workers.

    I've known about Chikara for years, but I never got around to a show. My son absolutely loved the characters (particulary Dasher Hatfield and the Ice Creams), and we're going to see them on November 7 in Reading. If Chikara comes around you, I would definitely recommend going.

    I never have seen Chikara in person due to living a couple thousand miles away. I did follow them for a long time thru dvd. The shows were always fun. My favorite character was Ultra Mantis Black. I have not seen anything though for a couple of years.
    According to their current roster on the website, it looks like your favorite is still there. I'm not 100% sure, but I think they may have stopped producing DVDs on a regular basis. They don't have any DVDs on for sale on their site, but they do now offer a streaming service similar to the WWE Network. Chikara's is only $7.99 a month, though.
    The sell their dvds thru a website called They have current stuff there. They produce the dvds super fast. The dvd cover art work is almost always awesome and usually is comic book style in nature.

    Also, if you google Chikara Wrestling Reviews or Chikara Special - you will see a website by a guy named Kevin Ford. He reviews pretty much every show. A good way to see if it is worth a purchase or not.
    Thanks, Captain. I'll check these out. :smile:
  • Since we were talking Chikara, I'd thought I'd post this link to an online game that is in the works (video included):
  • I went to my first Ring of Honor show last Friday in Dearborn MI and this is after only watch the show for the last two months since it debuted on Destination America. I saw the Briscoes, Dalton Castele, Redragon, Moose, ACH vs. Matt Sydal, a four way match between Jay Lethal, Dalton, Cedric Alexander and Jay Briscoe. It was a great crowd and pretty much sold out. They were putting out more general admission seats to pack the place. I got a decent seat for $20.

    I was able to really catch on because ROH could tell me the stories of most wrestlers in hour a week not the five it takes WWE between its two shows. Even though I can DVR and fast forward through their shows it just isnt worth it for me. Great show and great technical wrestling work (and I can hear the word "wrestling". It was awesome. They are coming back in October to Kalamazoo, MI which is two hours away. I am thinking about it.
  • RedRight88RedRight88 Posts: 2,207
    I'm currently uploading my Night of Champions Review right now...But, I have to ask:
    Did anyone else see the one guy seated in the front row who was wearing an ICOPRO shirt?
  • RedRight88RedRight88 Posts: 2,207
    Here's the Night of Champions Recap and Review.

    About 5 minutes in there's an explanation as to what ICOPRO was.
  • I got a good laugh out of the ICOPRO shirt. I had to explain to my younger brother what it was. When I first got into wrestling in 1994, it was maybe on its way out. However, I've recently starting watching Raw from episode #1 on the network, and I could not believe how heavily that product was marketed!
  • dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    Labor Day weekend got to living a wrestling fan dream.

    Late last year myself and 2 other local fans started doing video and commentary work for 2 local indy feds. Around Sept 1st I got a call "Hey VIP wrestling in Arlington wants us to come out film the show and do commentary. We will be leaving early Friday morning." Since I had no plans for that weekend,my lady had to work all weekend,I said I would go. Few hours later he calls back "And now a group that is running the casino in Lula MS wants us to come up and film and do commentary for their show the day after the VIP show."

    Well it turned into 5 of us packed in a van. 2 guys from New Orleans,one is a photographer the other is a NOLA Radio DJ and also works as a manager in the indy scene.Myself and another guy from my town,plus the head of Bodyslam Media Productions.

    Left my house at 5am. At 9am we left Brandon MS and made the almost 10 hour drive to Arlington.Got to the place around 3pm. Show started at 8pm. Go in. Set our stuff down. And spent 3 hours just hanging out and talking to everyone. Now while there wasn't any big names on this show,it did have guys like ACH,AR Fox,Ray Rowe,Masada and Joey Ryan. I already knew 3 of the guys on the show from them working shows in my town. What kind of surprised me is as each guy came in he would do the normal go around introduce yourself to everyone and shake hands. Kind of neat seeing what guys introduced themselves by their real names and which ones used their ring names.

    By intermission I was thirsty. And JP,the photographer guy,was very thirsty. He was set up in what was a big broom closet taking promo pics of all the wrestlers. He popped his head above the locker room wall and asked me to go grab him some water.

    I go into the bar get some waters and when I turn around I see Big Ramp,NOLA DJ,talking to Teddy Hart. I walked by on my way to bring JP the water,and Ramp tells Teddy "You gotta meet Newt." So I get introduced to Teddy Hart. Who wasn't on the show. He lives in that area and showed up to watch the show. And brought his trained cat Mr Money with him. Ramp must have mentioned to Teddy that I live way out in the woods. Cause after I brought JP his water,Teddy walked over to our table and started asking me if I had ever seen a Bigfoot."Yeah I swear there is one that lives in the woods I jog thru each day."

    By the time the show was over,we packed up all our equipment and got on the road it was 1am. Now the original plan was to stop somewhere in Arkansas and get a hotel room. But the promoter doing the show at the casino in Lula had said he might be able to get us a free room. So we all agreed to drive all night.Get to Lula around 9am. And try to get the free room.

    By 3am everyone but the driver was asleep. Now the driver is 18 and a great guy. But not the smartest. We are in TX and heading to MS. Which means we go east. Somehow while everyone was napping he got turned around and for 2 hours we were going west. I wake up to hear JP yelling "HOly hell do they not teach yall anything at that fancy private school you goto. We should be going east not west." We got heading the right way. And it was 1pm by the time we got to Lula.

    We go and find the promoter. "Sorry guys with it being a holiday weekend they limited how many free rooms I could get. But I got yall on the list for free food and drinks. So unless it was beer or a mixed drink all our drinks were free.

    Now unlike the VIP show,this show was mostly a Memphis legends show. With guys like Jerry Lawler,Superstar Bill Dundee and Boogie Woogie Jimmy Valiant on the card. Over the next few hours we got to meet all of them as they arrived. Spent most our time watching wrestling on my laptop. With lots of the younger wrestlers joining us.

    Every show I goto I will take a wrestling dvd from my collection and make copies for all the wrestlers. Normally picking something that not only isn't out on DVD but usually stuff that is kind of hard to find. This show I had a 3 hour dvd of La Parka in Mexico. One of the indy guys I know that works my area had called and said he was there. So I was going out to meet up with him and give him a dvd. I am walking past Boogie Woogie's table,stack of dvds in sleeves in my hand. "Hey sir what ya got there?" Mr Valiant asked me. I told him what it was. "Oh wow I love that chair swinging guy. How much you want for it?" "For you sir it is free." But he refused to get it for free. He ended up trading me a 8x10 signed and a picture with him for it.

    The show was great. During the main event the crowd got to me. So I had backed up against the curtain that was hiding the door into the locker room. When from out of the curtain came what was obviously a man in drag. He walks over to a dark corner stood there for a bit then went back thru the curtain. Few minutes later he comes back out but now has added a purse to his outfit.

    Main event match was Jerry Lawler/Bill Dundee vs two modern Memphis guys. Lawler and Dundee win. Man in drag runs to the ring. Pulls a bottle out of his purse and busts it over Dundee's head. Then rips off the wig. IT'S TRACY SMOTHERS!!!

    Tracy and the heel tag team make their way to the stage. Where Tracy cut a great promo. Once Lawler and Dundee got to the back the casino workers started rushing the fans out.

    I went thru the curtain and JP is back there taking a promo pic of Lawler. I hear Mr Lawler asking him if he had any tapes or dvds of when the Memphis wrestling aired on a channel out of Jackson MS. Seems the Jackson airings had promos and sometimes even matches that never aired anyplace else. JP tells him "No sir I don't,but go talk to Newt.He is our local rare footage guy." Jerry walks over. Asks me if I have it. I tell him I don't but I know people that might. He hands me a business card with his cell number and what I assume is a business address for him. He notices I am wearing my Punisher hat "So Newt you read any of the new Superman stuff?" I told him that I have never been a Superman fan."You should check it out. It is really good." By this time his lady had come back,so he excused himself and went off to eat.

    Well we were all tired and ready to get home. We are walking out when I see Tracy Smothers at the front desk. I wait until he is through. Introduced myself and asked for a quick pic with him. We pile up in the van and I get home around 5am Sunday morning

    TLDR-Over the course of 2 days I got to goto ,for free, two shows. Meet not only some modern indy guys I like.But got to meet some legends.
  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,635
    I've got to ask, what are your thoughts on Corporate/Demon Kane
  • RedRight88RedRight88 Posts: 2,207
    mwhitt80 said:

    I've got to ask, what are your thoughts on Corporate/Demon Kane

    I actually like Corporate Kane, it's allowed Glenn Jacobs' natural sense of humor to be displayed...Demon Kane is okay as a storyline, but he really shouldn't be main eventing a WWE Network special event.
  • RedRight88RedRight88 Posts: 2,207
    My TLC Recap & Review (Spoilers).

    It took me three times to get this video to render properly. Hence the lateness.
  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,635
    AJ Styles has signed with the WWE. Maybe the NXT crowd will get treated to AJ vs Joe matchup. Those guys can go.
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