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Random Bits Not Worthy of their Own Thread...



  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    @RedRight88 this forum may help you out, but you might be better off selling it on eBay and just replacing it that way.

    Glad you had a great Christmas @mwhitt80

    Speaking of buying big ticket items for hobbies, I'm in the same boat. Last year it was a hunting crossbow (and all of the 'necessary' add-ons that required). This year's hobby was a DJI Phantom drone. Do you have any idea all of the 'needed' accessories one of those things has?
  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,634

    ). This year's hobby was a DJI Phantom drone. Do you have any idea all of the 'needed' accessories one of those things has?

    Cha-ching. I'm not allowed to start another hobby.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    edited December 2016
    On a down note, rest in peace Carrie Fisher. You'll always be a princess to me.

  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    If fans of the Amazing Spider-Man series from 1973 could see the way Gwen Stacy was being used today at Marvel, I bet more than a few would be appalled.

  • RedRight88RedRight88 Posts: 2,207
    Got doubles on a gift. So, I took it to Best Buy and exchanged it for store credit. As a result, I picked this up for just under $16...image
  • If fans of the Amazing Spider-Man series from 1973 could see the way Gwen Stacy was being used today at Marvel, I bet more than a few would be appalled.

    Well, even for those of us who only learned about Gwen from Peter's thought balloons and expository recaps, this is silly. It's like current writers and editors don't know what context is.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967

    If fans of the Amazing Spider-Man series from 1973 could see the way Gwen Stacy was being used today at Marvel, I bet more than a few would be appalled.

    Well, even for those of us who only learned about Gwen from Peter's thought balloons and expository recaps, this is silly. It's like current writers and editors don't know what context is.
    Great point. Marvel seems clueless in this regard.
  • DARDAR Posts: 1,128
    Jesus now Debbie Reynolds has died. Seriously 2016 F----
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    edited December 2016
    I feel a tremendous sense of sadness for their family members. Todd & Joely Fisher (Carrie's half-brother and half-sister) and of course Billie Lourd (Carrie's daughter). How profoundly devastating this week has surely been for them all.

  • DARDAR Posts: 1,128
    I was looking at what movies I'm looking forward to this year and honestly not a lot that is comic related. I'll still see them. But I'd see Episode 8, Dunkirk, Blade Runner, Alien Covenant, War for Planet of Apes, Kong Skull Island, Beauty and the Beast, and Coco before.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    DAR said:

    I was looking at what movies I'm looking forward to this year and honestly not a lot that is comic related. I'll still see them. But I'd see Episode 8, Dunkirk, Blade Runner, Alien Covenant, War for Planet of Apes, Kong Skull Island, Beauty and the Beast, and Coco before.

    Of the primary comic-book related movies coming out in 2017, my interest in them is (in order of magnitude) as follows: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Logan, Thor: Ragnarok, Justice League, and The LEGO Batman Movie.
  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,634
    Listening to Rob Liefelds interview on Word Ballon (boy is that combo that can bring down lightening from the CGS gawds) and they were talking about Extreme Universe getting a huge film option last week.

    I guess I should be happy I finished loading up on those comics a few years ago. Now if anyone wants to purchase some Extreme Studios comics I'll be your man; he says as he pulls out a 1995 Wizard.
  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,634
    edited January 2017
    @nweathington have you very read Alan Moore's Bojefferies Saga?

    Also @Torchsong any new manga you might recommend?
  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    Currently in the reading stack as far as manga goes:

    Nichijou - this one's bizarre and probably isn't for everyone. Bunch of short bits about a very strange city where very strange but funny things happen. Example, there a girl who's a robot, but doesn't want the rest of the town to know she's a robot. The big wingnut windup gear sticking out of her back kind of clues everyone in, but they humor her and pretend not to see it. That kinda weird.

    Holy Corpse Rising - fair warning, haven't started this one yet (just showed up in my dcbs box). It has sexy witches and is drawn by a mangaka I like. I'll probably enjoy it ( put a sexy witch in your book, I'll at least look at it :) ).

    Master Keaton - the latest re-release of Naoki Urasawa material...probably the driest, least fantastical thing he's done. It's about an insurance investigator who wants to be an archaeologist and the misadventures he has along the way. I dig it, and maybe older readers will as well, but it's probably the least "manga" of the manga I read. If that even makes sense.

  • nweathingtonnweathington Posts: 6,746
    mwhitt80 said:

    @nweathington have you very read Alan Moore's Bojefferies Saga?

    I've read a couple of episodes here and there as it moved from publication to publication, but not the entire series. It's basically a very British take on The Addams Family. Not Moore’s best work, but enjoyable enough. Parkhouse is an excellent artist and storyteller, sort of a cross between Dave Sim and Leo Baxendale ( who was sort of the John Stanley of Britain). I keep meaning to read the collection one of these days, just haven't gotten around to it yet.
  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,634
    edited January 2017

    mwhitt80 said:

    @nweathington have you very read Alan Moore's Bojefferies Saga?

    I've read a couple of episodes here and there as it moved from publication to publication, but not the entire series. It's basically a very British take on The Addams Family. Not Moore’s best work, but enjoyable enough. Parkhouse is an excellent artist and storyteller, sort of a cross between Dave Sim and Leo Baxendale ( who was sort of the John Stanley of Britain). I keep meaning to read the collection one of these days, just haven't gotten around to it yet.
    I picked it up half off on comixology, and am about halfway through. It's been entertaining so far; there has been some actually fun social commentary in it.

    Thanks TS
  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,634
    So I have a lot of functioning old gaming systems. I've been slowly building up my games for the NES and Sega since 2000.

    The coolest thing I have "found" in the last year or so has been repro games. These are games that have, for lack of a better term, been ported over to the NES or Sega by fans. I've bought some rather unique games this way.

    Mother 25th Anniversary (NES) - this is a version of the RPG Earthbound translated into English with some updates.

    Final Fantasy 7 (NES) - there are two versions of this game one really buggy version by a Chinese devolved, and one overhauled version by US programmers get the US version.

    Fire Emblem - the original game that was only released in Japan, but translated into English.

    The sequel to River City Ransom - this is another translated game that never made it over here and is fun as heck.

    Lastly I ordered two interesting repros one for the NES and one for the Sega.

    Pokemon 8-in-1 which basically takes all those old Gameboy versions (red, blue, yellow, crystal etc.) And ports them to the NES.
    Pokemon stadium for the Sega.
  • RedRight88RedRight88 Posts: 2,207
    It's that time of year again.....

    F**k You It's January!
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200

    Well, Bismarck is supposed to get hit with another snow storm on Friday followed by temperatures dropping to nearly -50F.

    Suffice to say; I'm probably not going to see Rogue One this weekend.

    Northern Minne
    mwhitt80 said:

    So I have a lot of functioning old gaming systems. I've been slowly building up my games for the NES and Sega since 2000.

    The coolest thing I have "found" in the last year or so has been repro games. These are games that have, for lack of a better term, been ported over to the NES or Sega by fans. I've bought some rather unique games this way.

    Mother 25th Anniversary (NES) - this is a version of the RPG Earthbound translated into English with some updates.

    Final Fantasy 7 (NES) - there are two versions of this game one really buggy version by a Chinese devolved, and one overhauled version by US programmers get the US version.

    Fire Emblem - the original game that was only released in Japan, but translated into English.

    The sequel to River City Ransom - this is another translated game that never made it over here and is fun as heck.

    Lastly I ordered two interesting repros one for the NES and one for the Sega.

    Pokemon 8-in-1 which basically takes all those old Gameboy versions (red, blue, yellow, crystal etc.) And ports them to the NES.
    Pokemon stadium for the Sega.

    It's crazy how much money NES games are going for nowadays.
  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,634
    Mr_Cosmic said:

    Well, Bismarck is supposed to get hit with another snow storm on Friday followed by temperatures dropping to nearly -50F.

    Suffice to say; I'm probably not going to see Rogue One this weekend.

    Northern Minne
    mwhitt80 said:

    So I have a lot of functioning old gaming systems. I've been slowly building up my games for the NES and Sega since 2000.

    The coolest thing I have "found" in the last year or so has been repro games. These are games that have, for lack of a better term, been ported over to the NES or Sega by fans. I've bought some rather unique games this way.

    Mother 25th Anniversary (NES) - this is a version of the RPG Earthbound translated into English with some updates.

    Final Fantasy 7 (NES) - there are two versions of this game one really buggy version by a Chinese devolved, and one overhauled version by US programmers get the US version.

    Fire Emblem - the original game that was only released in Japan, but translated into English.

    The sequel to River City Ransom - this is another translated game that never made it over here and is fun as heck.

    Lastly I ordered two interesting repros one for the NES and one for the Sega.

    Pokemon 8-in-1 which basically takes all those old Gameboy versions (red, blue, yellow, crystal etc.) And ports them to the NES.
    Pokemon stadium for the Sega.

    It's crazy how much money NES games are going for nowadays.
    It truly is. I can get most Sega Genesis games for half of what I get NES games. It's a little like Comics in that you have to be patient and willing to pass on games you really want. The NES prices have come down, but you still have to do searching.

    Now on the repros you are paying basically what you would pay for a new NES game. Sega repros are about 75% cheaper than NES repros.

    Btw I forgot to mention what got me into repros Tecmo Superbowl 2017.
  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,634
    Trying to plug your comic Collection into collectorz sucks
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    This image has been around for a while but it's fun to look over from time to time:


    Extreme comic geekiness....
  • fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    Due to the twitter kerfuffle by POTUS-Elect over Rep. John Lewis' choice not to attend the inauguration and questioning the legitimacy of Trump's presidency, Lewis' three volume slipcase edition of March is currently sold out on Amazon, after sales increased 106,700%, moving the item to #1 on the site (up from #237).

  • mwhitt80mwhitt80 Posts: 4,634
    The Falcons got to Rise Up this weekend.

    Matt Ryan was nasty against the Seahawks
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    mwhitt80 said:

    The Falcons got to Rise Up this weekend.

    Matt Ryan was nasty against the Seahawks

    I'm a Vikings fan, I hate the Packers, and I'll be cheering for the Falcons. That said, this guy is one bad S.O.B.


    Should be a good game.
  • aquatroyaquatroy Posts: 552
    Brady, Roethlisberger, Rodgers, Ryan.
    I know this is an old take, but it still amazes me how important the quarterback is to the success of an NFL team.
  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    It pains me to say this, but I'll be rooting for Ryan and the Dirty Birds next weekend. And the Bowl if they make it.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    Torchsong said:

    It pains me to say this, but I'll be rooting for Ryan and the Dirty Birds next weekend. And the Bowl if they make it.

    As will I.
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